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Just black and white...
This is a black-and-white type of thread about black and white. Please answer the following q's:
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...? 2. Do you dream in black and white or color? 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?
depends on the topic.? 2. Do you dream in black and white or color? colour! 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? I find b/w more interesting personally. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? whether the film is bw/colour really to me is less meaningful than how good or bad the film content is. 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? personally I actually prefer monochromatic works or very limited colour. I find otherwise it can just get too.. complicated and messy. Colour in artwork is more and more difficult the more you contemplate it. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? black mostly. 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? how ridiculous no. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? Jesus was a mythological dude made up from a collection of stories from various cultures. So really Jesus was probably a bunch of different colours. |
1. yes.
2. color 3. it depends what i'm shooting but i can go either way 4. color 5. color 6. black and white 7. no. 8. jesus? |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?
Logic is, to my mind, predicated not on definitive conclusions but on valid inference; the former suggests the 'black and white' metaphor; the latter is primarily affirmative-negative. As such, the latter aspires more to what can be shown rather than what is and is, to my mind, opposed to the notion of a bifurcation of 'black and white'. Further, 'black and white' as a metaphor always appeals to a dialectical dynamic which threatens to eternally transgress its own apparent determinateness by admitting of two possible positions. So my answer isn't a 'yes or no', it's a 'neither/ nor' (or Mu, for those familiar with Pirsig). 2. Do you dream in black and white or color? Honestly, I tend not to dream. 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? I like good pictures. I dislike bad ones. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? I'd rather not watch either. 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? I prefer sculpture and installation to form and colour. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? This last year, much more colour, but pretty monochrome in general. 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? I do believe they have those associations, yes. Further, those associations have been quite explicitly stated time and time agian, particularly in the last 100 years or so. Stating empirical facts with a question mark isn't really an ideal way to extrapolate information from people. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? The fact you said 'is' makes me think you believe in Jesus in the present tense; I was always raised that it's impolite to give an opinion that might impinge upon a person's particular belief system. [/prick] |
5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color?
I like the pictures in the CIS booklet: they're litterally black and white, no shades of grey, that's unusual. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? He was born in Palestine: probably brown. |
1 Yes
2 Color 3 No 4 Color 5 b + w 6 Most of my clothes and everything in my house is black. 7 No way 8 Most Jesuses I've met are closer to brown in complexion. |
1. Generally yes
2. Colour 3. I prefer black and white but only in old photographs. I think I prefer colour with modern photos. Modern black and white photos don't have the character that old black and white photos do. 4. Don't mind 5. I'm no artist but I do have preference for just black and white. I got black paint banned in my preschool because I would use it a lot in everything I painted. 6. I dress pretty plainly and I'm usually wearing some black. I think I really feel better when I'm wearing only black. 7. I suppose I do but not when deciding what to wear. Black has other associations as well such as with artists dressing entirely in black or that suits, a symbol of sophistication and affluence, are often black. 8. Jesus was turquoise. everyone was back then. |
You impinge on my belief system. |
Jesus was brown.
I will FUCK UP your belief system. |
Oh yeah! You and whose unicorn?! EDIT - oh wait, that contradicts my previous post. |
I shit hard on your unicorn.
Whatever minger
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...? - no. almost nothing in the world is actually divisible into such didactic arrangements. Logic is not black/white, or yes/no. It is yes/no/maybe. Most things are "maybe"
2. Do you dream in black and white or color? - I rarely remember my dreams and cannot say whether they are in color or black and white. 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? - I prefer black and white to look at, but I am a color junkie. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? - I like black and white, because it avoids the visual confusion of saturated colors. Too many filmmakers use saturated colors but do not truly understand how these colors affect their work. 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? - I like both. I paint in color but I draw in B+W 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? - hmm, I focus on neither. I just wear what is comfortable, and what my girlfriend tells me does not look objectionable to her. ha~! 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? - I believe nothing. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? - Jews are not black, although there are black jews, and jews are not considered white by cracka-ass "aryan" assholes. so what of this? |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...? Nope
2. Do you dream in black and white or color? I honestly don't know? 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? I really like black and white photography, but I pretty much always shoot in colour. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? Depends on the movie? 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? Other than photography, I like my art in colour. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? I wear a lot of black, but never white. As for colours, I wear brown, purple, green, and grey. So thrilling. 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? No, what a crock of shit. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? Jesus wasn't anything, as he wasn't real. |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?
Generally, yes. Things can nearly always be pinned down as right or wrong, although they can be subject to many variables and the same act in two different situations might fall into each of the categories. If one has any sense of morals, then one shouldn't find it hard to say if something is right or wrong, good or bad &c. Stealing, for example, is nearly always wrong, but can be right. The pussy idea that there's a lot of gray in the world is a load of leftie excuse-mongering nonsense. 2. Do you dream in black and white or color? Colour. 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? Both. I always shoot in colour, and process into B&W if I think the image in question merits it. Sometimes I present an image in boh forms, but not often. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? I don't come down especially heavily on either side, but I will say B&W 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? Colour. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? Generally a blue base with another colour or colours. Might be black, might be yellow, might be whatever. 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? Not at all. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? He was born in the Middle East, so he wasn't white and probably not what I would call black. Definitely not white with blond hair and blue eyes though. The main window in our church portrays a darker-skinned Jesus. |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?: No. There is no black or white in life.
2. Do you dream in black and white or color? I don't remember. 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? Both/either. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? Both/either. 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? Both... either. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? Black and white dressing. 7. Do you believe that black is assoctiated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? No. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? Jesus is most likely a fictional character, so he's whatever people want him to be. If he did exist, he was probably white-ish. |
But isn't that in itself a black or white statement? You give the definite answer of "no" and therefore that the answer is in no way yes, that there is no grey, that the answer to this question is definitely black/white. Isn't this statement self contradictory? |
Haha. Good point.
Lemme rephrase: Not really. There is rarely black or white in life. I think there is DEFINITE wrong (child rape) and DEFINITE right (...can't think of any right now... anonymously donating to charity perhaps?) but it's pretty rare. I don't think anyone or anything is completely good or bad, and every action has some good or bad in it. |
1. Do you think in black and white terms, re: logic, where either it is or it isn't...?
Yeah, it's easier to look at things like that anyway. 2. Do you dream in black and white or color? Color. 3. Photography: do you work in, or prefer black and white photography over color? I use color more than b&w. but I still use b&w a fair amount of time. I prefer shooting film in b&w. 4. TV or movies: Would you rather watch it in black and white or color? color. 5. Visual art: do you like to work in, or prefer viewing black and white art over color? Probably white. Dunno why. 6. Clothing: Do you lean toward basic black and white or are you a splashy color dresser? I'm all over the place when it comes to clothing, but let it be known that a good 65% of everything I own is black. 7. Do you believe that black is associated with evil and white signifies all things good and pure? No. 8. And finally, is Jesus black or white...??? I don't give a flying fuck. |
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