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mil_pl 09.28.2009 05:45 AM

atlas sound thread
what are your thoughts of his music?

have heard the new album logos?

favourite ep's?

hope to see many replies,
take care,

Derek 09.28.2009 06:13 AM

He's okay, kind of boring.

atsonicpark 09.28.2009 06:20 AM

pretty shitty and bland. Nothing special in the least.

Also, really can't stand this guy aside from that, and Deerhunter is awful.

The Earl Of Slander 09.28.2009 08:44 AM

Love it. Let The Blind Lead... was absolutely one of the best albums of last year for me. So lush and intimate. Cryptograms was fantastic too. I'm big on the Bradford Cox right now.

My favourite Atlas track is probably It Rained, although Bite Marks is also amazing...

SYRFox 09.28.2009 12:07 PM

I loved the first album a lot, especially that track "Scraping Past" which is awesome. Haven't heard the new one yet.
I saw him opening for Animal Collective and I loved it, he was sitting on the floor the whole time.

I do prefer Deerhunter though (especially Cryptograms)

noisereductions 09.28.2009 12:52 PM

Love him. LET THE BLIND was one of my favorite LP's last year. Looking fwd to a new one.

Bollocks_to_Pop 09.28.2009 12:53 PM

Let the Blind... was okay for me. I can't seem to listen to the whole thing at once though. I haven't heard Logos except for two songs which I really love. The free eps he posts on the Deerhunter blog can be hit or miss, but I really like listening to Solo Or The Square and Time Warp. I also like listening to the mixes he posts. Overall good stuff.

automatic bzooty 09.28.2009 02:50 PM

i like the EPs - orange ohms glow especially. get pretty bored with the first album though, after a couple tracks. haven't heard logos, but i have listened to walkabout like ten zillion times.

deerhunter is better.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 09.28.2009 05:04 PM

Boring boring boring. I'm not even the biggest Animal Collective fan, but give me Feels over this crap anytime.

atsonicpark 09.28.2009 05:06 PM

Here, I'll do you all a favor, if you like this stuff but want to hear something 10000x better:

Fabio Orsi - The First Born (2008)

super_charger 09.28.2009 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Here, I'll do you all a favor, if you like this stuff but want to hear something 10000x better:

Fabio Orsi - The First Born (2008)

Thanks for the upload, I've enjoyed his collaborations with Valerio Cosi.

PAULYBEE2656 09.29.2009 02:15 PM

i was so looking forwars to hearing these after i read so much, heard people prattling on about them so much and when i heard them it was kind of a boo radleys wake up boo feeling i "is that it? what the fuck is the deal"

SonicBebs 04.30.2010 04:59 AM

only just got logos. relly like it especially the one with Laetitia from stereolab. amazing

Norma J 05.01.2010 02:16 AM

oh, so that's actually him on the cover of Logos?

Great music anyway.

less_cunning 05.01.2010 05:28 PM

i dug his earlier experimental & 4-track stuff but honestly i can't say i dig the Atlas Sound moniker & the acoustic guitar stuff. i LOVE the "I don't know why" shoegaze song (IDK Recent Bedroom ???) on "Let the Blind..." & he had a cool synth track on i think the 4AD EP that came w/ "Logos" i think. other than that i don't see how some ppl go apeshit over his stuff like they do. (the "Stereolab"-sounding song he did on Logos was good...)

he needs to go back to making more challenging, idea-based stuff instead of trying to appease hipsters.

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