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ni'k 08.18.2009 07:37 PM

Caroliner in the Wire this month
I know many of you don't hate music enough to read the wire the whole way through, but there is a 1 page article on caroliner this month.

"If you have stared at the sun all to often without food, there is something much like a pioneer's life right there in front of your troubled brain."

"Caroliner has cheated the toil of mixing your inner thought with the physical hardship in lieu. We give you pioneer life in the high starved colour without the ten day recovery. The roar of sound might be a Sugar Ax Smith tearing you apart in the switchgrass, or it's just Caroliner up to olde tricks, mysteriously handing you a pair of legs back at the end of the concert when we wink with basket eyes and say 'You can leave for home quickly, and thank you for coming'."

I don't have a scanner unfortunately.

atsonicpark 08.18.2009 07:59 PM

fuck yes.

Glice 08.19.2009 11:41 AM

It's possibly the dullest article in this month's not-very-interesting issue. What do you lot see in them? Are you, perhaps, shit?

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 11:42 AM

Caroliner are one of the best bands of all time.

Up there with U2.

Glice 08.19.2009 11:53 AM

They are definitely one of the bands of all time, I'll give you that.

infinitemusic 08.19.2009 11:58 AM

X( .

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:48 PM

What are your impressions of the recently popular term 'the new weird America' as a descriptive for a musical movement?


On behalf of the band, that is only partially here in full cognezent thought at a very early time of the day, I am hoping that you have the complete answers that you need, given the time limit, in questions you are asking. A one day deadline? We are a premier wire spool band, no less, interviewing for a wire spool hobby magazine....

Some of these questions might give us reasons to write four page letters of of our strong manifesto and intent on the populace of the deluded moderne era. Leading us to the first question. The words "recently" "new" and "popular" are terms that are opposing to the extended Caroliner view on this dismal age of redundant idiocy and clap-trap muck about musical movements. Innovation seemed to go out the window as soon as the passive pipe of dunce jacks decided there is an appellation of moronity for every person with a wallet must be appealed to at a mean level of paste within the outer region of the brainpan. Some or most of these people are successful in every way, but one, that being "the eyes and scrutiny of Caroliner".

Allogro Stickatto:

Obviously these words say very little about music. I preferred when musical movements were described such as "allegro". And it's not desirable to applaud between movements. If we wish to decide whether something is beautiful or not, we do not use understanding to refer the presentation to the object so as to give rise to cognition; rather we use imagination to refer the presentation to the subject and his feeling of pleasure or displeasure. I mistrust all systematizers, and avoid them. As a writer is there a reason you would be pulled to them? Do they dangle carrots on long grained sticks of overseas importance?

Does this apply to Caroliner, and how? And if not... why not?

B. E. Waxwheel:

Caroliner is neither "weird" or "new". It's a group of people commemorating the Singing Bull of the 1800s which is named Caroliner.

The Buttonup Skeleton:
Turn around and face west where ever you are. Use the sun if you are outdoors as you should be, or inside in a pinch you can use your god damned electrical input. If you can see anything but ocean, obviously that is where your new America is. If you're in the situation we are in, we are obviously as far as you go. You try to take your caravan and family west with you, you are in for a nasty wet surprise. The only new America for us is a wagon with smoky snakes under the ocean clinging to it and a skull with two fish heads looking out of it. If these pumplars you refer to, claim to have found any United State's of America not already covered you can guess that they are death merchants in the oceans' employ. Obviously this is a troubled issue with our friends on other continents. This question may have to be adjusted for them by someone in your map-making department at your wirespool recording hobbyist's magazine.

Allogro Stickatto:

We all think of ourselves as folk musicians, but we have found we get paid more to entertain in melodeons and variety halls, where we need to play louder. Caroliner is very definitely American, but of course Caroliner is not at all new. Weird is pejorative.


This question is for an idiot of the moderne. It might be best to redirect it towards them all at once instead of us!

Furthermore, would you define yourselves (as some do) as 'outsider musicians' or do you find this term problematic and/or reductive?


What you're asking is for us to look and label ourselves with some words. What kind of a job do you have exactly? We are Pumple Music first and foremost with a sub category dustbin catch-it-all called country and western music.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:48 PM

Allogro Stickatto:

Most of the time is spent in the cabin. An occasional trip to the woodshed is not enough to make any one of us an outsider. Even in the summertime, our sonorities blend most fully in an enclosed space. How can a prisoner reach outside, except through his bars?

The Buttonup Skeleton:

We spend most of the time outside, if that is what you are asking. Some time spent outside sitting and following the east-west rotation of the sun with the eyes for a couple revolutions might settle some of the delusions of your previous question. However, say there is a one-tenth fraction of the day of average member spent indoors, that is probably the time spent playing music. We have tried to bring the band outdoors resulting in some neighbors complaint and guilt time. There was also a mosquito swarm on a river raft that was unsuited to "band" worthiness, and showed disdain with ropes shrugging away their use. So no, to answer your question, we are fully an indoors band.


It may be easiest for your audience to appreciate us as "Country-Western" since that works on so many levels for the people of the moderne era. if you wish to label and price us at this point by all means, use the barb rope and the pegging pew.

What are your impressions of the US music underground since Caroliner started?

Allogro Stickatto:

Stories of secret underground passages are more often than not fables, and always a waste of time. The best underground sounds are when a piece of dynamite helps loosen up the rocks. It doesn't matter if it is played in a music hall or on a porch, most music is terrible. You BEG for an elaboration? Most music is terrible if somebody bothered to write a lot about it.


These musical ensembles run their course pulling their own weight with a sleight of hand, making some monetary finds amongst the unread, doing time on a stage, and ultimately (thankfully) leaving. Anything since 1908 has been almost entirely forgettable. You can ask us about the above ground and underground, both seem of the same cloth if they are presenting things that others have presented musically. Doesn't seem like a way to spend a life thinking about this sort of thing.


Not sure what Caroliner you refer to, the original singing bull or its commemerative act Caroliner Rainbow Forest from a Cur's Ear. Mayhaps this question is a trifle or sidestep?

How has the landscape changed over the decades? How has Caroliner's relationship with it changed?


I would go swimming, also, and now the changed landscape has less water on it. So there is a change in my relationship right there.


It's more a question of asking us how certain clubs that we've played more than once may have treated us. Did they treat us well? Perhaps. Most likely they have treated us twice.

The Buttonup Skeleton:

First of all, you have those stripe mines coming into the landscape. I think there is some kind of plot by the "new weird" folks to derange the mind. I see a stripe painted on every building, some areas about the height of a man. Aimed to fool you into seeing some kind of boundary between man and the upper parts of the world. Supposed to keep your eyes focused downward, on the flyspeck on the wallet.

Allogro Stickatto:

If you've served me once, you've served me for the last time. You've served me twice: the first time and the last time. We've eaten most of the trees with our terminus termite crucio ovo ante meridian sotto vocce plan.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:48 PM

Do you view the core values of Caroliner as having remained constant throughout its existence?

Allogro Stickatto:

Speaking of values with such a crowd of imbeciles and ne'er-do-wells is like churning butter. We each own about the value of a foot of plank, or a nail or two. One of us is constantly smoking a pipe of thoughtful or simple design, sometimes without the bother of the smoke. Once you carve something down to the core, it's not worth anything anymore. We throw those things away. Whenever we finish doing something, we do it again and call it something different.

The Buttonup Skeleton:
None of us can answer this question because none of us has any idea whether we have a value or any place to put it. You are assuming that I have a hollow core in which to store things over time as well as the frivolity and wherewithal to register their supposed changes. Every one of us keeps the gaze focused soundly and seriously on the periphery. We are too soundly focused on the unravelling of this twenty plus a dozen year beast to keep an eye on any core values, which are something for the bank or a calculator. I personally am more of an under-the-mattress type and a bad book-keeper. You fill up your core with values and you won't have any room to see out of.


You must know, as a well read journalist, which is how you are presenting yourself, that Caroliner set out to preserve Caroliner the Singing Bull of the 1800s lyrics with music. Nothing has changed in the last 27+ years.

How important is location to Caroliner? Is the Bay Area crucial to the creation of your music?

The Buttonup Skeleton:

Certainly location is important in our music. I can think at least of a half dozen of songs we have that feature locations. If you focus on a song like "Gut" or "Outhouse of the Pryeeeeeee." There is a song about the mental confusion of a location. A man starts to get confused in the winter and is overwhelmed by the architecture. It is a common scenario. You end up with some pain like in the songs mentioned or the legs nailed to furniture to try to make friends with them. The inside home is the worst location I know and every one I know is the same: a claim of ownership on your guts and a confusion with the house-skin-stomach successive ordering. I have myself attempted to reorder myself as skin-house-stomach and house-stomach-skin on separate occasions. Stick with the tried and true is all I have to report back.


As wonderful as the living situation isn't here, in this, an expensive part of the world, there are many a fine folk who stab at buckets made from wired glass and poketops. They often support us with equipment and food for our live fire brigade of 1800s ear passalong commemorative live shows n' such. These dear little sound mites of minor, yet commentable, stature often are rewarded with a half handed kindness by letting them cavort for the first few minutes before the curtain goes up for the Caroliner show. Some are really interesting, playing and utilizing the passaround or the applause for percussion. Names are hither and yon, so maybe come to a show and see what we have associated with!

Those with more availability walk about the cities with signage displaying our show days and locations, earning a great spot in the world before our actual stage diety veteran service to the Earth begins with a selected awed audience of several dozen divided in twain. It's a swell way of saying "hello friend" without having to talk to the work.

Allogro Stickatto:

The influence of climate on our metabolism, its retardation, its acceleration, goes so far that a mistaken choice of place and climate can not only estrange a man from his task but can actually keep it from him. Everything is somewhere, and we're always in the same room when we get together. If we're not, than that's the end of that. The people here are robust of body, with strong and passionate hearts and great virtues. The land itself is one of the wildest in the world. The usual disorder connected with the administration is everywhere in evidence, draft beasts are lacking, human labor is scarce, energy and enterprise are a crying need. There are a couple things I've been trying to locate for a while, and how like all creation they smell!

Caroliner is frequently associated with a particular era, the 1800s. Is there an extent to which you view the group and its music as existing outside of time? If not, how would you define Caroliner's relationship to time and history?

The Buttonup Skeleton:

You have to appreciate that in our role perched within the hollow eye of historical neutrality and accuracy we might fairly well exit history as you say. I'm not sure that this one is not just a repeat of your hollow core question. You or your readers may already be familiar with the fact that for some time we have recorded our music occasionally onto wire. Any kind of recording of sound is a historical record. You may just be sitting there in the bathroom playing with your passement; but with a recorder there in the room with you it attains historical significance. With this wire method, we, uh, there are more scratches in the recording medium... You try playing back from a wire spool and you will find your own recording or history of your memory parallel with a history made in scratches of the long horror that never happened. There is a terrible history looking back at you of the birds of prey and the worms that fought against them. Put me there, is what I say. Let me into the dirt history and I'll look from there into this one and see how much better I like both of them.


Being unrelated to time competitions that every godson's brothers pet rooster and its eggs have wander wobbled up onto a stage with the maximum of embarrasment-moderne in mind, we prefer the category of Historical on our own Time.

You could take a ball of yarn and start at the point where Caroliner causes one educated guess to become an educated answer, and then roll it a little further still. Right across the mountain of newer, newest (or now) into the lap of present day, one would drop it straight into the floor, then under the floorboard into the deep myriad tunneled gravestone of history then you would be close to guessed it...the Caroliner answer.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:48 PM

Allogro Stickatto:

In the summertime, we seek shade. In the wintertime, we seek warmth. There's no time for shuddering or whimpering. Even this wears off in time. We stretch back into the past, but we are here now, on the red hag of the 1800's whistling jail cell.

Do you view music as a continuum, an accumulation... or what?

The Buttonup Skeleton:

Whether our music is a continuum or, uh, contumely... Those are words that the music critics use to describe things. You must realize that with such words are you are dealing with an after-the-fact treatment of events. You are already lost. Even the most accurate of music critic description is still dealing with a history where the ghost has gone by. Now, uh, music is certainly a cumulous of notes... You accumulate a lot of notes after playing for a while. I am one of the less musical of the members but I can still say certainly that some of us have played more than two hundred notes. I only know twelve or thirteen notes, but that is still a hell of an accumulation. For me I feel like too much knowledge can haunt you and put you out of your mind... Music is accumulation versus reading, which sucks knowledge out of you and onto the page. Or maybe that is writing. I get confused when reading versus writing is concerned. Somebody ought to invent a continuum or vacuum mower that blows the knowledge right out of your head and into belly of a machine. I would like all human knowledge to disappear into a vacuum of thick ether. You can hear about this in our song Rise of the Common Woodpile... First insect music and then a long wintery silence. This can't come soon enough as far as many of us are concerned.

Allogro Stickatto:

We accumulate everything we can for long winters, tight times, long travels, repair of delicate machines. It's hard to find things when we need them, but we know they're all there, and usually we use them all. How does one accumulate a princely fortune? At the beginning.

Please elaborate on Caroliner's use of costume. What purpose does this serve?

B.E. Waxwheel:

Caroliner prefers perfect country western diety attire to costume. It's a misnomer to point and gaggle at the nugging dress of your elders when there is endless information being thrown your way. Old jaws from fish, why are they so much in abundance on the sporty end of the hankaneck? Is there one on each cuff? Why were clay plates doubling as buttons in our heritage? Would one wear a pickled crown of awful outside of the quatahouse? If you were avoiding a gulelamb in your home could a lowered wooden leg plank keep it at your convienent respite? The horse rider woven suit was good for what purpose? How is the stage presentation showing us proper uses?

A Caroliner coutorier is a welcome education tool as much as a stepped upon, worn lyric sheet.

Allogro Stickatto:

Every man is the builder of his own temple, called his body, to the god he worships, in a style purely his own. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones. Socks and a long shirt are all most of us need, but some of us need a little bit more. Clothing refreshed! Most people don't understand that out here, there are no tailors. You need to fend for yourself. Sometimes you just need to keep warm, and sometimes you need to look presentable. Sometimes you just need to look distracting so that people can be separated from their money.

The Buttonup Skeleton:

The costumes are supposed to repesent different periods and persons of history, so it is in part our historical effort. Also, you can't tell if there is anyone in them... So, for example, if I am performing in the band Caroliner and my partner in the band is standing there next to me, I can't really tell and I can forget that I am playing with anyone. The overall effect is fading into the inanimate. Set against the right backdrop it can just look like a lot of tables and shelves up on the stage. Just an automatic band doing its thing completely alien to human activity. This, maybe, is our aim, ultimately to stop playing music and just manufacture cursed places. Maybe a room that would jump down into the audience and take possession of the reins of world administration. A world administered from the vantage of the furniture store would be much more peaceful.

Caroliner's music is extremely colourful, in terms of both music and performance. Can you outline the importance of colour to Caroliner's aesthetic, sonically and visually?

The Buttonup Skeleton:
You will have to ask someone else about this because I haven't seen color since my barnyard incident. Stay away from sparks that can alter your vision.

Allogro Stickatto:

Is it an essential coloration? Is an essential whiteness no more than the visible absence of color? Nobody's thinking about these colors very much. It gets to be that you just can't see the forest through the trees. It's always the same colors, isn't it? Usually green or brown turning an orangish yellow when the season horns it's mantle.

B. E. Waxwheel:

I will have a go. If you have stared at the sun all too often without food there is something much like a pioneers life right there in front of your troubled brain. Caroliner has cheated the toile of mixing your inner thought with the physical hardship in lieu. We give you pioneer life in the high starved colour without the 10 day recovery. The roar of sound might be a Sugar Ax Smith taking you apart in the switchgrass OR it's just Caroliner up to olde tricks mysteriously handing you a pair of legs back at the end of the concert when we wink with basket eyes and say "you can leave for home quickly, and thank you for coming."

What does the group's ever-changing appellation say about the music, if anything?

The Buttonup Skeleton:
I make it a point to have an appellation on me at all times. I keep it pinned to the breast of my jacket. You have to, uh, change your appellation... It's not fashionable, the ladies won't appreciate it immemorial. You need to have different appellations. They are an ornamentation to your lifestyle. This is a modern trend. People change into different things to represent the changing lifestyle. You drink an elixir, and change into a desk or an animal... This is moderne, but in line with the antique horror I was telling you about. I approve of this particular modernist's activity.

Allogro Stickatto:

He is blessed who is assured that the animal is dying out in him day by day. Sometimes it says one thing, sometimes it says another. Whichever name is retained by the various dealers is none of our business as long as it doesn't hurt business.

Can you spare a few words on mainstream incarnations of psychedelia. What function do you think these manifestations serve in comparison to Caroliner's releases, tours, etc?

Allogro Stickatto:

Caroliner is a manifestation of something very old, and will continue to be so.

The Buttonup Skeleton:
Put any moderne appellation manifestation of the mainstream next to Caroliner and it should be an education for you. We don't traffic in any kind of manifestation; our currency is the cold dime of history. The production of a Caroliner album goes like this... We go into the book, looking for a particular... year. The album is a travel to a particular time in 1800's history, not like the live performances where we jump up like idiots sometimes knocking the history lyrics book to the ground. There is nothing psychic about it. This is a historical revue based soundly in the records left behind in the past. Many people think this is a fiction or poetry... Just an internal revue of the sight and sound world of the history dweller. People need the inside view of history. There's your hollow core or, uh, scratch yourself out a negative in the history books and get inside and stay there. I hope this answers your question.


Spare a few moments? Spare?? Are you mad? What time is this? We are under a deadline!

Caroliner releases tend to be packaged in unorthodox and intriguing ways. What is
the thinking behind this?

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:49 PM

B.E. Waxwheel:
Every Caroliner release since the first one has had the band's own savings going into it as the sole sore source, so of course there is a practical or penny-pinching aspect to the record's appearance. Notice that we by and large forego the printed cardboard sleeve... Our advice to the Caroliner fan or two who might be won anew by this interview is to go out and buy your great Caroliner record along with some worthless cardboard record of modern music by Lisa Melt or Linda Rooster. You will hear right away the difference in the sound. You can throw that other record away and save the cardboard part. You can slip our record into it. Just go ahead and make your own cover for yourself. Your record will last longer, and we would like to see one hundred records of modern garbage displaced and thrown away for every hundred Caroliner records out there... Also, our records are full of advice about activities or reënactments of history to perform in your mind for the viewer. To give the full flavor of history some of the original records contained garbage, but we halted this for the purpose of travelling... Some of those early records, with the heat of the sun in a closed travelling space begin to stink and we just wouldn't have any of it. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone or any other of the travelling we used to do. Moulded bread for the road or nothing.

Allogro Stickatto:

Do you know the price of common goods? We have to make do. Vegetables are a luxury that only the very rich can afford. A blanket of the commonest sort cannot be obtained for less than forty-five dollars. If you want warmth included it's one hundred!

To what extent does the group's live manifestation differ from its recorded one?

The Buttonup Skeleton:
Twice now you have asked about this manifestation which question just leads me by the nose into a great rolling vista of confusion. This is the land that Louie and Clark fell apart on... Some fella ought to write the book of how they tripped over themselves when they came across the goofy cartoon cosmic land and all alterations to the world map were halted. Western just a big blank spot... Let it stay dark and full of Indians. That would certainly be better than the wreck we are in now. But as for this manifestation... In our live appearance, it is first of all necessary for the band to be all in one place, which I understand is not similarly necessary with the modern recording techniques. I have developed the technique to let myself travel through space, allowing me to stay in my wintery home even while participating in the band... Drain from me a pint of blood and guide me gently to the prepared bed with coal and ice and goose shit. All sharp objects have been removed. A tremendous noise sprillows the weakened mind and, where a moment ago I was lying in my bed in my kitchen, now I am up there on the grand Hialtro hotel stage and I am appreciated by the world for my musical dancing ability. So you can see that now I don't need to leave my house for anybody. My bed is a total world. Throw out all the maps. Nobody needs a map of their bedspread.

Allogro Stickatto:

This reference designates nothing whatsoever in the object, but here the subject feels himself how he is affected by the presentation. Through certain external signs, by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, and forms expressed in words, hands on to others a general contagion. One clarity is exchanged for another. Our music is always live, but sometimes you can't hear it that way. Live coals in etching are not even scantly hot. Only history is recorded. It's about the same, but more dangerous. Things get confusing really fast once we've unloaded all of our tools and mess kits into a new place. We've supplied walls and fixtures in the throw tent of our own minds, half constructed from cerebral bark, and leaves of the forehead.

What did the members of Caroliner occupy themselves with during the four year hiatus following the Lower Intestinal Clocks And Gut printing incident?

Allogro Stickatto:

All of us learned new instruments, and now it's a new band. Some of us built sleds to make transportation easier. In addition, someone started writing poetry, but again there is no paper. One had occupied himself counting the contents of our tinder box, and this may have been the exact same poet! Incomprehesible and fruitless endeavors all.
"We can make liquor to sweeten our lips
Of pumpkins and parsnips and walnut-tree chips."

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:49 PM

B.E. Waxheel:
You will have to save this question for some one else because I don't remember any gap, just a sudden alteration in the year. I didn't think of it until you asked this question. I thought it was one of those leap year. Isn't that what they do in the government, four years every...? No, I am in the dark with this one and with time zones. I won't set foot into a time zone. Let every town have its own clock... I go by the clock above the drugstore, not any time the government sets. It is just a scheme to speed up time and get more taxes. I, uh, developed the scheme to farm on vertical plots, like on a cliff face, to make good usage of it as grazing land which they can't see on a map or from a tepicropper of the sky, and so can't tax. I invented the instrument to fix livestock horizontally on a steep piece of land. You can hear all about this on one of the next long play recordings.

You're often described as an example of American Gothic. Taking a slap in the dark with a wayward tentacle, is there a place for HP Lovecraft in the Caroliner pantheon?

The Buttonup Skeleton:

Please go back to the dark and take more wet slaps to the face because none of us know any explanation for this love craft question. By the looks of his name he is a loony dripping romance writer of the twentieth century, and you have once again strayed well outside our boundaries of knowledge. Ask about Charles Brown or Monk Lewis and you might meet with some comprehension and the nodding of heads whose freight of knowledge tends them against all struggle in a downward direction towards the lamplight tabletop. Many who have not made the proper acquaintance of a single book assume it is a fine thing to live a life of knowledge and aspiration towards the grand inkspot of history when it is unavoidable for those with shrunken lower bodies and heavy heads.

Allogro Stickatto:

A man needs land! The sea fills me with trepidation, and tentacles are no trivial factor. When I think about books, I think about things I never knew about, but not things that nobody knows about.


Have you heard of the book "How to Behave: A Pocket Manual of Republican Etiquette", "Border and Cattle Towns of Kansas", "The Red Gum Mountain Men", Tales of the Congaree", "Saloons of the Old West", "Old Railroad Cripple Stories", "Upstairs Women: Prostitution of the American West", "A Prarie Advantage, Chalkwell" or the well distributed "Wisconsin Death Trip".

All easily approachable for ye fickle readers of romantic (a useless disease) fantasy (an illusionary japetrick), here is U.S. slantasy of a horrific scale that comes with decrepit starved coffin-ready detail and no catfish faced chewer of womenless slidesteppers.

Does contemporary popular music filter into the Caroliner aesthetic in any way?


If you must know many a fine Indian tune has entered into our sound effectuants. This is in no way 'influencial' or 'important'.

Allogro Stickatto:
In every period of history, and in every human society, there exists an understanding of the meaning of life which represents the highest level to which men of that society have attained, an understanding defining the highest good at which that society aims.
Only on the basis of such verification shall we be able to rid ourselves of the pernicious results of true and good art and to avail ourselves of that beneficent action which is the purpose of true and good art and which is indispensable or the spiritual life of man and of humanity. But popular comprehension cannot even distinguish between a violoncello and a bass viol. It's not so often we get to hear the stuff. The other day in the outhouse I used a little scrap that said "Moonlight" and had some dark specks. Be they fly eggs or notation of acheivement? Only the runny lobscouse, and ash coating lain over it, judge such a thing from its new resting place under the privvy.

The Buttonup Skeleton:

No, except for the Barrel Gordon Trio. There are our contemporaries and the one non-Caroliner song we have performed. We have the only copy of the 78 that we know of, and no you can't borrow it, so ours might be the only version for history until the locate the original band members down by Johniface's creek prospecting for gems or whatever I imagine they must be doing now. They are the only other musicians I would shake the hands of. Those men must have beautiful hands. I think of other music besides Caroliner, I just see a pair of golden hands holding a handful of wet dirt and gems towards the viewer. You would not be able to navigate my mind away from that image.


Would it be so forward to say that Aida Jones, Rose Murphy, and Eileen Stanley provide a fine service for the wounded soul? Would it be of consequence if mankind left their tepid lifestyle in the gybe and pyse of today, and abandoned a heart to the 78 platter of roya-moiety? The answer to that question on the lips of a nation, and 'pike of the hoople' beast of no consequence, sits on a clatter of lighning in a shout of a cymbal crash! Yes it does! This is no chance folly these recordings are here on our fundament of dirt! Life has spoken!

Can you explain the importance of the ten-album cycle, what it represents to you and the point of releasing a summary of each cycle prior to its beginning?

The Buttonup Skeleton:
Keep in mind that all of these songs were recorded in the guts of a bull before we retrieved transcribed them, so the periodic issuance is just realistic. Cows have, uh, all the stomachs, and the intestine is segmented... Maybe the first one or two albums, there is your approach to the face and mouth of the bull. You can imagine yourself crawling in the eye... Then, darkness, and it has remained that these last twenty years or so. We expect the next one hundred albums in periods of ten all deal with the intestines and stomach. Then maybe the light at the end of the tunnel and barnyard fly existence. We have adapted our bodies and beings to living as intestinal parasites, and I can tell you it is still better than the life of the modern mall dweller. Basically you are choosing between a parasitic existence relative to a building or to another animal so, uh, I like to imagine that my kitchen and bedroom is a passenger in the snake belly and lie myself down on my belly and wriggle like a snake. The belly of the modernity dweller would snag on the flooring nails and cause an awful spill, so there is a difference right there between Caroliner and the moderne.

atsonicpark 08.19.2009 02:49 PM

How important is mystery to Caroliner? Please explain.

The Buttonup Skeleton:
You mean a mystery story, like Aggie Christian and the British fortune tellers. My answer is only if it has a murdering priest. I want a big book against the Catholics. Hoffman wrote the only mystery worth reading that I know of. I wanted to know about the end of that one. I want to see a man blindsided by fate and history. The only mystery I care about is one in history. That's the one where a man does not know who his grandfather is and he turns out to be a magician or a lycanthrope... A book should be big, like walking through a big painting and making handshakes with different peoples of the world. That is why most books aren't as good as paintings. With a painting you can see everything at once, unless it's one of those altarpieces. So no, then, mystery is not important at all.


I see mystery wearing the dressing of the sime that i am. Naked there is no mystery and possible disgust. A mystery like this? Does this suit your question? (Thalmus takes his pants off at this point).

Why do you believe Caroliner has lasted so long? Or, to put another slant on the question, why has it refused to disappear?

Allogro Stickatto:
It's like taking a long walk on an empty stomach. And when one most perilous and long voyage ends, only begins a second time around with the path ahead unrecognizable....same.

The Buttonup Skeleton:
It would probably disappear if we could manage it. You take a bull, that is a big animal. If you have ever had a bull die on you, you have your work cut out for you... There is a lot of stripping and carving and freezing to do. This whole band is just one long process of getting everything in the cellar for winter. It's a long-lived band because history's is going to be a very long winter. Also a big cellar for the animal parts. Maybe that is where we keep the values too, come to think of it. You pack them in the walls to keep them in harmony with the earth temperatures, but people move out of the houses and forget especially about the leftover parts of the animal. It is about this problem that we have our Cellar with the Intestines song. So at this point Caroliner is less about the packing for winter and has progressed more into the finger-in-the-dike problem of keeping the horse guts from collapsing in on you. Of course you can wrap your arms in them as a good way to keep warm, and you have a partial solution right there... A slippery guts case for the entire human body. Cover the family in blood. That would be a solution to world hunger!

Can you identify Caroliner's greatest enemy?

The Buttonup Skeleton:
Cold and fear. I can answer that right away as a winter dweller. That's why I live only in one room... You have a whole bunch of rooms to walk through and you start to get the fear. Living alone it's then hard to get rid of it. I have close them all off with headbaords. I bring all the furniture in the room to keep me company. The dog can stay outside... I don't like how a living animal changes during night time. Man's friend is a fanged and fingered beast during the night. So, to answer your question, fear and loneliness are our enemies that can only be vanquished through the friendship and loyalty of toothless tables and chairs.

Allogro Stickatto:
Robber barons, and vigilance committees. Only the defeated and deserters run away and enlist. According to our general maxim, an enemy is good to defray the current expenses.


Having a practice with people who are of little intelligence or "superior" intelligence with the Caroliner music. It's a forward tempo with the beat removed coupled with finger clamp joy. Not recommended to anyone who entertains with instruments!


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