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DanielCarlson 07.30.2009 12:41 PM

Why Karen Revisited is the best SY song ever
Murray Street has been one of my favorite SY albums even since I first got it, and the in my opinion best song of it has always been Lee's Karen Revisited (or Karenology, whatever you prefer). It's fantastic. The first half of it is Sonic Rock at it's most epic. The guitars and chord changes are orgasmic and not really like anything else they have done. It's beautiful and dark and at the same time quite brutal. The vocals are perfect. The lyrics are Lee at his best.

2.30 into the song (and a bit before that) I've always got goosebumps. It's such a great climax and when you don't think it can get any better they go into Sonic Feedback mode for a while. Nothing special for them - at first. After a couple of minutes it gets slower and slower and then, a bit after the six minute mark, the most beautiful dreamlike guitar you can imagine start to play. Then they go into feedback mode again, but this time it's not as harsch and really really beautiful. When it stops with a couple of minutes left and they begin with that slide guitar thing or whatever it is, you're exhausted - in a really great way. For me it's not just my favorite SY tune, sometimes I even think it's the greatest song evah. It should have been called Better Than Sex.

What I want to say with this? Don't know haha, maybe just see if someone agrees with me. I just listened to it another three times in a row and really needed to express how fantastic it is. :)

Leetdude 07.30.2009 12:51 PM

We kissed
Time slipped
Hard edged
Tight lipped
See you
Some time






noisereductions 07.30.2009 01:26 PM

The first time I heard "Karenology" I remember thinking WITHIN MOMENTS of it starting, "This is one of the best SY songs ever. EVER." And it was one of THOSE rare songs that I just kept playing over and over again each time it ended. Beautiful and perfect.

noisereductions 07.30.2009 01:27 PM

(attn: so called n00bs... THIS is how you make a new thread around here and get a positive response.)

Rob Instigator 07.30.2009 01:29 PM

i LOVE that fuKKKK9ijn songgggg

atsonicpark 07.30.2009 01:30 PM

I like the last 8 minutes a lot. Nothing like a good mixing board solo!

DanielCarlson 07.30.2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
The first time I heard "Karenology" I remember thinking WITHIN MOMENTS of it starting, "This is one of the best SY songs ever. EVER." .

Yes, it was exactly the same for me. Those first chords are so damn spellbounding that you have to listen to the whole song after hearing them.

Kannibal 07.30.2009 04:40 PM

last great SY album song.

Gary Black 07.30.2009 05:00 PM

What's the story with the clapping at the end? Was the last part of the song recorded live? Does anybody know?

Toxa 07.30.2009 05:07 PM


Part of the outro on the LP version is taken from the 10/07/01 debut of the song in NYC.

Gary Black 07.30.2009 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Toxa

Thanks. Duh, why didn't I think to check there?

SonikJesus 07.30.2009 05:54 PM

yes. live

noisereductions 07.30.2009 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Black
Thanks. Duh, why didn't I think to check there?

Becuz yr a fucking noob!

Haha, just kidding, man. :)

exploding plastic candle 07.30.2009 07:59 PM

now here's a song they should bring back. I wonder if it's doable without Jim.

noisereductions 07.30.2009 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by exploding plastic candle
now here's a song they should bring back. I wonder if it's doable without Jim.

in theory, yeah. I mean... yeah. I think so. I saw them twice on the MS tour, and I'd be fine if they still did the entire MS album live now.

notyourfiend 07.30.2009 09:12 PM

I personally can't imagine it being done without Jim :-/

But I can always dream

Pax Americana 07.30.2009 09:47 PM

It is a fabulous jam. Love the way it builds.

joe11121 07.31.2009 01:26 AM

Really great song!

atsonicpark 07.31.2009 01:32 AM

It was a massive spectacle thats for sure and I saw a lot that I liked. The sculptures, the costumes, set pieces, etc. All the design aesthetics were great and I was happy. I caught various bits of all the films throughout the museum but the only one I watched all the way thru was #5 (the opera). And I had mixed feelings. I liked it visually but something was lacking. I really wanted to like it, to feel that it was good and meaningful but in the end I felt let down.

dasx 07.31.2009 03:24 AM

I's great song, but to me it's not their best and not even the best of all Lee songs.

I saw Sonic Youth on Murray Street european tour. Karenology, Radical Adults and Strawberry were absolute highlights of the gig. Especially last 7 minutes of Karenology and noise end of Radical Adults kicked ass!

I don't think they're gonna play those songs without Jim and that's sad.

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