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Tokolosh 06.16.2009 04:47 PM

Ten Sonic Youth Influences
Most of these are pretty obvious, but nevertheless, a nice article by a SY fan.
Interesting to see what other bands/musicians you guys would consider highly influential.

Ten Sonic Youth Influences

Posted Mon Jun 8, 2009 5:06pm PDT by Rob O'Connor in List Of The Day

Sonic Youth have now been around long enough to qualify for grandfather status. Sure, they replaced drummers back in the 1980s and different folks have joined them in their journey, but overall, it's been the fab four of Moore, Gordon, Ranaldo and Shelley for just about 25 years. That's a long damn time for any group--and surely no one expected them to hang around that long, considering they came out of the New York No Wave scene that pretty much defined itself as being of the moment and not necessarily for the ages. No one living on NYC's Lower East Side during the early '80s was thinking about the future beyond what might be for dinner if they made it home alive. You sidestep enough junkies on your doorstep and you, too, might have a less than rosy picture of humanity.
But while the Lower East Side is barely recognizable to those who once canvassed its streets, the Sonic Youths are still very much the same people they've always been. Sure, they're a little older. Thurston Moore's probably even taller! Their hearing is probably a little worse for the wear. But they've been both persistent in their search for the tune inside the tuneless and lucky as hell that enough people still care to keep them in business. Many of their contemporaries have suffered tougher fates.
In celebration of their new album The Eternal, which I have yet to hear so I can only say it must be great, I've put together some lists spotlighting the musicians who either inspired them or should have. Technically, their parents and their high school communities were probably bigger influences on them than any of the following, but it doesn't make for the right kind of list if we have the Bethel, Connecticut Chamber of Commerce listed next to the Velvet Underground. I am trying to keep this blog about the music!

10) The Beatles: Every band that came after the Beatles had to be influenced by them in some way, since technically they did just about everything you could do. Some musicians admired them for their haircuts, others for their hits. SY dug them for their everything. You might immediately think "Revolution #9" would be their fave track, just for sheer perversity but I'd wager they liked the idea of wanting to hold your hand just as much. It just didn't come as natural to them.

9) The Fall:
There are so many bands they might claim as bigger influences. Anyone who watches rock documentaries has discovered there isn't a musician dead or alive that Thurston Moore hasn't been caught discussing in front of a HUGE record collection. Moore isn't just a musician; he's a fan. And he likes musical challenges. And The Fall have always been a musical challenge, averse to playing nice and cast as permanent outsiders. Where the band might rank these guys, you'd have to ask them, but in terms of uncompromising soul brothers, Mark E. Smith and these folks have a lot in common.

8) Wire:
Again, we could fill in the blanks here with plenty of other bands--the Slits, perhaps?--but I haven't had the chance to mention Wire in some time and their debut album Pink Flag was exactly the kind of conceptual juggernaut that would inspire a band like Sonic Youth to take it up another notch, to not be afraid to think about the music before they even played it.

7) The MC5:
While so much is made about Sonic Youth being a conceptual "art" band, they didn't build their music or their fan base on abstract ideas. They built it on a heavy, brutal noise and since I can't technically list the City Of Detroit as an influence, I'll settle for two of its favorite sons. Sonic Youth have never recorded a song as immediate as "Kick Out the Jams," but then again no one else has either. However, they aspire to the spirit and craziness.

6) Arnold Schoenberg:
Ah, old "Twelve Tone" himself. The man who took classical music and either sent it into a brave new world or sent it directly into the crapper depending on who you talk to. Controversial to the end. And certainly someone Sonic Youth heard as a viable alternative to whatever easy listening was at hand. If the rest of the world listened to more Schoenberg, I guarantee you the world would be less populated today. Because, trust me, this makes for lousy date music.

5) Brian Eno:
The Sonic Youths have always liked musical theory--prepared instruments, alternate tunings. They like to think about their approach and sometimes force themselves to play by prescribed rules. They never added Brian Eno to their line-up like the Talking Heads, but surely they read about his theories and probably tried a few of them along the way. Maybe they secretly hate him. Or maybe they pray to him before each recording session. You never know.

Tokolosh 06.16.2009 04:48 PM

4) Igor Stravinsky: Igor Stravinsky's "The Rite Of Spring" caused riots when it was first performed. These days you can't even get enough people to attend a classical music performance to get a decent fist-fight started. Boy, how times change. Sonic Youth have used enough mind-numbing feedback and played enough shows where they seem to be baiting their audience into some sort of violent freakout. But their fans are usually too schooled to fall for such things. I don't have the actual numbers in front of me, but I'd wager that SY have the most "Fans with Graduate Degrees from Bard College" than anyone this side of Steely Dan.

3) The Velvet Underground:
While the Velvet Underground will always be seen as one of the first "alternative" groups in rock n' roll--that is, a band that sold no records in its time but went on to become a major influence on others--they were really an incredibly diverse band that played all types of music but always slightly out of step with the times. That and initial bad luck ensured them a permanent cult legacy. Sure, everyone figures Sonic Youth memorized "Sister Ray," but they certainly also could appreciate "Who Loves The Sun." Even tough guys get tired of hitting themselves on the head with a hammer, after all.

2) The Stooges:
No punk group, no post-punk group, no post-post-punk group can exist without acknowledging the Stooges. Like the Beatles, the Stooges wrote the rulebook for this sort of thing. Sonic Youth are one of the few bands who took "We Will Fall" as seriously as "I Wanna Be Your Dog" and knew they could never top it. But also knew it would be awfully fun trying.

1) Glenn Branca:
Thurston Moore and Lee Ranaldo both played with Branca before deciding not to work on Branca's farm no more. They looked at one another and saw kindred souls who both enjoyed the idea that music that doesn't immediately deafen you might be something they'd like to further pursue. Branca has never enjoyed anywhere near the commercial success of his former colleagues. But I bet if he got a good lawyer he could find some way to sue the pants off them for something! I mean, there's always something!


demonrail666 06.16.2009 05:25 PM

Some of those choices are just odd to me. Stravinsky? Eno? To a degree maybe, but no mention of Can or the Grateful Dead?

automatic bzooty 06.16.2009 06:14 PM

^ yeah. it's too... general, i guess. and i mean, who hasn't had positive or negative influence by the beatles, anyway?
no coltrane, yoko, patti, television, voidoids, et cetera? no madonna?

eternal 06.16.2009 06:42 PM

good read, thanks!

SuperCreep 06.16.2009 07:10 PM


pbradley 06.16.2009 07:23 PM

The article writer is a Beatles fan. They make no sense as an influence, at least to me.

automatic bzooty 06.16.2009 07:42 PM

yeah, the sonics like them... especially steve? but i don't hear anything "beatleseque" in their music.

oh my god sonic youth play rock they must be directly influenced by the beatles because the beatles invented both rock AND roll!11one11

jennthebenn 06.16.2009 07:57 PM

Lee and Steve are both Beatles freaks.

Why does SY's music have to have "Beatleseque" sound to have felt
their influence? And you could argue that their has been elements of the Beatles in their music.

Shifty Prophet 06.16.2009 08:04 PM

I thought I read an article in a zine a while ago where Thurston dropped Edgar Varese and Neu! as influences, surprised they weren't mentioned,

dasx 06.16.2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Some of those choices are just odd to me. Stravinsky? Eno? To a degree maybe, but no mention of Can or the Grateful Dead?

Can should be on the list and also Ramones.

pbradley 06.16.2009 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
Lee and Steve are both Beatles freaks.

Why does SY's music have to have "Beatleseque" sound to have felt
their influence? And you could argue that their has been elements of the Beatles in their music.

Well "influence" itself is a crap, vague term. The Beatles could be an inspiration without being a conscious influence on their songwriting but by being so still be an influence in a way.

demonrail666 06.16.2009 11:58 PM

Eno's the one that sort of surprises me the most. I don't think I've ever heard him discussed in an interview and beyond an obvious shared affinity for experimentation I can't hear him in anything they've done. Providence, maybe, but I'm sure it's just coincidental.

Tokolosh 06.17.2009 02:22 AM

Lets not forget that this is the writer's personal thoughts, peoples.
It's clear that he only put down the first ten that sprang to mind.
No need to get all uptight about it by bashing The Beatles or Eno. :-)

I like the fact that everyone has their own ideas.
Some are very obvious and some are not.
Only goes to show how broad Sonic Youth's music really is and how people interpret it.

satirejohn 06.17.2009 03:04 AM

Velvet Underground
The Stooges
Patti Smith
John Cage
Glenn Branca
Black Flag
Teenage Jesus and the Jerks
Captain Beefheart

pbradley 06.17.2009 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
Lets not forget that this is the writer's personal thoughts, peoples.
It's clear that he only put down the first ten that sprang to mind.
No need to get all uptight about it by bashing The Beatles or Eno. :-)

I like the fact that everyone has their own ideas.
Some are very obvious and some are not.
Only goes to show how broad Sonic Youth's music really is and how people interpret it.

But I desperately need to chart an order of succession between my favorite bands in order to legitimate my taste in music. :( :( :(

SYRFox 06.17.2009 03:53 AM

I thought they were influenced by Be Your Own Pet :confused:

Tokolosh 06.17.2009 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
But I desperately need to chart an order of succession between my favorite bands in order to legitimate my taste in music. :( :( :(

Desperation will get you nowhere. :-)

Good call on Cage, Television & Teenage Jesus, satirejohn.

atsonicpark 06.17.2009 06:40 AM

Thurston said that Fahey is a big (and secret -- though probably notsosecret now with the Eternal cover) influence on sy so that should go at # 10.

themawt71 06.17.2009 08:29 AM

id say that it's an easy call saying sy were influenced by the beatles. they were mixing "experimental" music into a pop format just as sy have. werent sy going to cover the white album in it's entirety in the 80s?

they were also very in touch with pop culture and non pop culture. the cover of sgt pepper with the cast of all of the folks they dug makes me think of sy videos like teenage riot where they placed all of the folks that they love as touchstones.


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