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GL-JC 05.20.2009 04:00 AM

Looking for Steve Shelly influenced drummer in London!
Hi Guys and Gals,

I'm trying to start a band in London that's more or less influenced by SY and I'm looking for a drummer!

Pls get in touch if you're interested and I'll send you a link


demonrail666 05.20.2009 06:23 AM

Don't fight it ... feel it:


summer 05.20.2009 06:44 AM

Fuck that, get one of these instead:

diskaholic-anonymous 05.20.2009 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by GL-JC
Hi Guys and Gals,

I'm trying to start a band in London that's more or less influenced by SY and I'm looking for a drummer!

Pls get in touch if you're interested and I'll send you a link


starting a band influenced by SY and looking a S.Shelley influenced drummer, it's a S.Y cover band you want? c'mooon! Just...


automatic bzooty 05.20.2009 08:17 AM

what diskaholic said.

to be more sonic youth like, just take many diverse influences and throw them all together into one glorious stew of raaaaaawk. or whatever.

GL-JC 05.20.2009 08:23 AM

Hi people,
First of all, I'd like to apologise to the readers of this post for whom English is not their first-language. But I have not the time to post a dictionary definition of "influenced"! Go find out before you respond!

For those who's geography ain't too good. Look up where London is because I'm looking for a drummer in LONDON! if you're not from London, pls don't waste our time and post nonsense.

Thank you.


Originally Posted by diskaholic-anonymous
starting a band influenced by SY and looking a S.Shelley influenced drummer, it's a S.Y cover band you want? c'mooon! Just...


floatingslowly 05.20.2009 08:57 AM

you had me up until "London".

how dare you even suggest it.


Originally Posted by GL-JC
Look up where London is because I'm looking for a drummer in LONDON! if you're not from London, pls don't waste our time and post nonsense.

oh. well. since you put it THAT way. maybe I was too hasty to respond.

afterall, I am the drummer from London that you are looking for. maybe we should meet at the chip shop to discuss how much you will be paying me.

steve shellEy drummers don't come cheap.

demonrail666 05.20.2009 01:41 PM

I can do a mean robert bert, and I'm from London. Steven Shelley though? Not if it involves spectacles.

atsonicpark 05.20.2009 01:43 PM

panic on the streets of LONDON
panic on the streets of BIRMINGHAM

afterthefact 05.20.2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by GL-JC
those who's geography ain't too good. Look up where London is because I'm looking for a drummer in LONDON! if you're not from London, pls don't waste our time and post nonsense.

Found it!


I don't know any drummers there, but I know this guy who kills on the grass harp...

sarramkrop 05.20.2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
Found it!


I don't know any drummers there, but I know this guy who kills on the grass harp...


demonrail666 05.20.2009 01:54 PM

He's close enough to Nashville. There must be loads of short sighted drummers there. The OP should maybe widen his geographical boundaries.

afterthefact 05.20.2009 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by GL-JC
I have not the time to post a dictionary definition of "influenced"!


Originally Posted by


n. 1. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort: relaxed under the influence of the music; the influence of television on modern life.2. Power to sway or affect based on prestige, wealth, ability, or position: used her parent's influence to get the job.
3. a. A person who exerts influence: My parents considered my friend to be a bad influence on me.
b. An effect or change produced by influence.

4. a. A determining factor believed by some to affect individual tendencies and characteristics understood to be caused by the positions of the stars and planets at the time of one's birth.
b. Factors believed to be caused by the changing positions of the stars and planets in relation to their positions at the time of one's birth.

tr.v. in·flu·enced, in·flu·enc·ing, in·flu·enc·es 1. To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway.
2. To affect the nature, development, or condition of; modify. See Synonyms at affect1.

It really doesn't take much time at all.

demonrail666 05.20.2009 02:08 PM

can you read it aloud? I'm practicing my paradiddles while wearing Steve Shelley specs and can't see too well.

jon boy 05.20.2009 02:14 PM

i will do it. i require large amounts of payment and non stop oral sex and drugs.

demonrail666 05.20.2009 02:16 PM

that's a big ask, just to read out a post for me.

afterthefact 05.20.2009 02:19 PM

But he will read it with a cool LONDON accent.

sarramkrop 05.20.2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
But he will read it with a cool LONDON accent.

you're THE MAN!

diskaholic-anonymous 05.20.2009 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
But he will read it with a cool LONDON accent.

you mean the cockney?
"The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End".

i found it but he will not play drums just guns.


jon boy 05.20.2009 02:31 PM

cockney is actually an area of london where criminals and pete docherty live.

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