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summer 05.19.2009 06:19 AM

Is this wrong?
Do you think it's wrong that there is one girl who is trying to be my friend but I won't really talk to her much because her boyfriend is in the army and I think they're basically killers?

ZEROpumpkins 05.19.2009 06:22 AM


summer 05.19.2009 06:25 AM

So apparently the only decent people on this board are swa(y) and atsonicpark. Cool.

ZEROpumpkins 05.19.2009 06:42 AM

I'm sick of your constant thread posting. I'm sure there's something I do that pisses other people off but at least you can just think a little before pressing the submit thread button in the future.

atsonicpark 05.19.2009 07:24 AM

Hahaha, summer, I thought I was annoying to you! Now I'm cool!! Converted! :)

Also, is it her boyfriend's choice to be in the army? I mean, ultimately, it was probably his choice, but was he pushed into it by family, friends, financial reasons.... did he just go, "MAN! I WANNA KILL!" Are you sure he's even a killer? I know I don't need to say it, but being in the army doesn't necessarily mean you kill people. He could have a job at a computer or something. I mean, the army is probably filled with a bunch of pricks. Hell, my prick dad was in the Army. But meh...

afterthefact 05.19.2009 07:43 AM

hmm, I that's weird, I always thought you were a girl, summer...

I guess that would make for a more interesting story though.

joe11121 05.19.2009 03:46 PM

I think more than half this board things I'm an arrogant kid. But it doesn't bother me. So if you wanna post thousands of pointless threads, do it, but you may get some neg rep.
Anyway, it really depends how you see it. You know what, no matter what I say, asp already said it, so go read his post.

Rob Instigator 05.19.2009 03:54 PM

any and all military are killers. OF COURSE they are killers. they are trained to kill and avoide being killed SO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO.
it is their JOB to KILL. and hopefully they do it well.
I wish we lived in a world that did not need TRAINED KILLING MACHINES, but we do.

afterthefact 05.19.2009 03:58 PM

Wait wait wait... I read this the wrong way before and thought she had a CRUSH on you, not just wanted to be your friend (that's what I get for skimming).

So are you a guy or girl? I'm all confused now.

Either way, should you be her friend? I say sure, go ahead. Keep in mind that most Americans don't step back and look at joining the army for what it is. To many it is just one of many routes they can take in life, like going to college. Maybe by befriending her you can open her eyes a bit.

Better_Than_You 05.19.2009 04:14 PM


I feel that theres hope for you. I, like you, used to come on here and post really shitty, awful, awful threads. Partly, because of my age, I think. That and I wasn't really that indie.. and you need to rack up quite a few indie points before these fellas and broads give you the time of day.

And look at me now. I'm tolerable.

Thats something you can look forward to down the line...

You're okay, Summer... Just:

Stop. Think. Then post.

It's the only way I could crawl through this shit field called and make it past the land mines.

davenotdead 05.19.2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_You

I feel that theres hope for you. I, like you, used to come on here and post really shitty, awful, awful threads. Partly, because of my age, I think. That and I wasn't really that indie.. and you need to rack up quite a few indie points before these fellas and broads give you the time of day.

And look at me now. I'm tolerable.

Thats something you can look forward to down the line...

You're okay, Summer... Just:

Stop. Think. Then post.

It's the only way I could crawl through this shit field called and make it past the land mines.

yeah, i'm not talking to you til i see you post pictures of your animal crack box sitting between your bare thighs

Rob Instigator 05.19.2009 04:21 PM

the longer you live the more you will realize that anyone who actually shows interest in gbeing your friend should be appreciated, regardless of any extraneous circumstances, for life is wicked SHORT (evne though it does not seem that way when you are young) and judging people based on anything other than their actions and sometimes words (racist fucks) is just a waste of time, time you cold spend rocking, or fingerfucking a totally juicy pussy in the back of the punk club, you know?

Better_Than_You 05.19.2009 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
yeah, i'm not talking to you til i see you post pictures of your animal crack box sitting between your bare thighs


seriously, dude. too far.

afterthefact 05.19.2009 04:26 PM

You haven't seen the worst of it yet.

davenotdead 05.19.2009 04:26 PM

fine, replace thighs with feet

floatingslowly 05.19.2009 04:28 PM

do not take these people's "stop and think" advice!!

it's a trap.

Rob Instigator 05.19.2009 04:39 PM

note how I never said "to stop and think."

my advice is airtight

Better_Than_You 05.19.2009 04:41 PM

Yeah, well,

floatingslowly's advice fucking bites..

so mines still air tight too.

floatingslowly 05.19.2009 04:44 PM

my advice not to take advice is similarly air tight!

I want to know what yr thinking when yr not thinking.

who cares about the other shit!

Rob Instigator 05.19.2009 04:48 PM

third knuckle deep yo

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