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summer 04.30.2009 09:28 PM

List ideas for M-rated Nintendo games.
I already came up with the idea of a Metroid game where there are multi-segmented bosses, wherein you must traverse the inner depths of the being's body to do battle against its body organs, thus the only way to kill it is to see its grosssssss insides.

Any other ideas?

chairman of the bored 04.30.2009 09:33 PM

there's this grotesque castle full of ghouls 'n ghosts and when you get hit your armor flies off and you run around with you penis out and an endless supply of of spears to spear said ghouls with. the rivers run red. with blood.

vulva 04.30.2009 09:33 PM

rape simulator

Count Mecha 04.30.2009 09:43 PM

Mario Kart Death Race 2000.

joe11121 04.30.2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by summer
I already came up with the idea of a Metroid game where there are multi-segmented bosses, wherein you must traverse the inner depths of the being's body to do battle against its body organs, thus the only way to kill it is to see its grosssssss insides.

Any other ideas?

Samus should be naked as well.

chairman of the bored 04.30.2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by joe11121
Samus should be naked as well.

With laser boobs.

krastian 04.30.2009 10:23 PM

They just need to make a Contra game where you blow everybody anyway in the jungle and shit.

ZEROpumpkins 05.01.2009 03:11 AM

They need to make a really dark Mario game. Like with blood and guns. Also Mario powers up by collecting Speed pills and Bowser rapes Peach.

SYRFox 05.01.2009 06:53 AM

I thought Super Smash Bros Melee was a rather dark game. I mean, I almost cried the first time I hit Jigglypuff with a baseball bat





al shabbray 05.01.2009 07:16 AM

^^Î feel what you say. its not always cool to hit your childhood "idols" to near death...

joe11121 05.01.2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
With laser boobs.


amerikangod 05.01.2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by vulva
rape simulator

Totally. The wiimote would work perfectly with a strap-on attachment. And with the new 1-to-1 movement ratio add-on, it'd really move just like your rape tool (i.e. penis) in the game!

deflinus 05.01.2009 09:57 PM

hahah thats fucking hilarious

floatingslowly 05.01.2009 10:22 PM

Wii Post®™™

please make for much enjoy, world first simulate message board!! make yr friend much caca! laughter all the time at other postmaker expenses!!

choices to overcome include: Dark Wizzzard, Necroposter, **_xXEmOcHiLdXx_**, Master Spam, #####7!

argue like king driving enemies to ground!

solid dark fist for extra bonus points.

much extreme.

multiplay internet adapter is pre-required for non solo playtime. solo playtime module with passcode include very much breast vagina penis to be viewed but not shared. envy of yr friend is assured. be first on block. anonymous pleasuretime tingles the senses.

Wii Fit Controller®™™ option for full contact mode.

Jeremy 05.02.2009 04:39 PM

Abe Lincoln's Island:

On a cold night, Mr. President brainstorms an idea to sneak onto the island of Genosha where the slaves are being kept, and must sneak around to slowly free them. Good Ole' Abe will have to use his wits, his canny ability to execute double jumps, and his handgun to successfully find his way around the massive island. Along the way, Abe will meet a few friends (All of whom die along the way), interrogate some unlucky slave leaders (Who Abe snaps the necks of afterwards), and finally have a chilling final boss fight with John Wilkes Booth, who after being defeated swears this won't be the last time him and Lincoln "Make some history, motherfucker!".

If the game is the best selling game of all time (Which I have reason to believe it would be), then there would be a sequel, called "Abe Lincoln's Island II: Time Trap!" in which he much go back in time and over run the reign of Hitler and his Nazi henchmen.


PAULYBEE2656 05.02.2009 04:42 PM

they should do a noise hero game....make the loudest unmusical din possible and make the audiences ears bleed......

floatingslowly 05.02.2009 05:40 PM

^^^ you have never heard me sing along to Rock Band, my friend.

SYRFox 05.02.2009 05:46 PM

Guitar Hero included a track by Made In Mexico I think - I heard the band got death threats from Blink 182 fans because of this -, so Noise Hero has, in a sense, happened

Lurker 05.02.2009 07:14 PM

How about a game called 'Get Your Friends into Drugs!'?

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