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afterthefact 04.23.2009 04:28 PM

Anybody here speak Swahili?
I'm probably going to be learning it soon, and I was wondering if anybody here spoke it.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.23.2009 04:49 PM

All I know is jambo means hello

ploesj 04.23.2009 05:24 PM

it's a little rusty.

just kidding, i don't speak a word of it.

DeadDiscoDildo 04.23.2009 05:34 PM

Why are you learning it afterthefact? You live in the midwest, like right next to me, all you need to know how to speak is bar-talk.

haha, unless it's a hobby?

EVOLghost 04.23.2009 10:28 PM

I did....but then I suffered amnesia from a head injury.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.23.2009 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
I did....but then I suffered amnesia from a head injury.

That reminds me, sorry about that head injury.

pbradley 04.24.2009 02:26 AM

My brother knows some Oshiwambo which is the closest I know anyone that can speak an African language.

phoenix 04.24.2009 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by DeadDiscoDildo
Why are you learning it afterthefact? it's a hobby?

yeas. why? tell us.

afterthefact 04.24.2009 08:22 AM

Sort of a hobby. I don't know; it seems like the obivous thing here to learn would be Spanish, but the language and the culture don't interest me as much.

I may not do the Swahili thing either, I don't know. If I don't, I will either be doing French or Hindi.

Did you know, DDD, that there are actually quite a lot of French speaking people in Cincinnati? Not from France so much, but more from the French speaking African countries.

EVOLghost 04.24.2009 01:16 PM

I want to learn Japanese....and yeah....Spanish ain't that great.

Rob Instigator 04.24.2009 01:34 PM

it is not about great or not great. it is about being able to communicate. in chicago or in cincinnatti you will more than likely be able to use spanish dozens of times aday, compared to french, hindi or swahili.

afterthefact 04.24.2009 01:35 PM

Spanish is definately the more practical way to go, but I'm not a man known for his practicality.

EVOLghost 04.24.2009 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it is not about great or not great. it is about being able to communicate. in chicago or in cincinnatti you will more than likely be able to use spanish dozens of times aday, compared to french, hindi or swahili.

yeee.....I still want to learn japanese.

Glice 04.24.2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
Spanish is definately the more practical way to go, but I'm not a man known for his practicality.

Fuck Swahili, you wanna learn yerself some Sandawe son.

k-krack 04.24.2009 01:43 PM

I can speak a bit of Makeshift Swahili.

afterthefact 04.24.2009 01:44 PM

It would be cool to learn a tribal language, maybe just between a group of friends. Then you could say whatever you want wherever you are, and people will not only be clueless about what you are saying, but will be bewildered by the language you are speaking.

Glice 04.24.2009 02:07 PM

Pidgen-sociolect? Oh, it's on.

phoenix 04.26.2009 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
Sort of a hobby. I don't know; it seems like the obivous thing here to learn would be Spanish, but the language and the culture don't interest me as much.

I may not do the Swahili thing either, I don't know. If I don't, I will either be doing French or Hindi.

Did you know, DDD, that there are actually quite a lot of French speaking people in Cincinnati? Not from France so much, but more from the French speaking African countries.

a friend of mine a ways back was learning hindi before spending some time in india. hard as fuck, apparently.

phoenix 04.26.2009 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
it is not about great or not great. it is about being able to communicate. in chicago or in cincinnatti you will more than likely be able to use spanish dozens of times aday, compared to french, hindi or swahili.

this is a good point, because you are going to pick up a language a lot quicker if you are able to speak it often as possible...

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