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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.07.2009 03:25 PM

Top 5 Kubrick films
Hitchcock, Cronenberg, and Lynch have been done so I think this is inevitable

1. The Shining
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
3. Lolita
4. Dr. Strangelove OR How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the War and Love the Bomb
5. Paths of Glory

Antagon 04.07.2009 03:29 PM

1.A Clockwork Orange
2.Full Metal Jacket
3.2001:A Space Odyssey
5.Paths of Glory

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 05:13 PM

1. Clockwork Orange
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. 2001
4. Dr. Strangelove (just saw this for the first time recently!)
5. The Shining

Dr. Eugene Felikson 04.07.2009 05:17 PM

1 Shining
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. Full Metal Jacket

and then 2001 bored me to death.

atsonicpark 04.07.2009 05:33 PM

2001 is almost too exciting.

al shabbray 04.07.2009 05:43 PM

I totaaly agree with atp s list. except 1. and 5. need to change positions.

LifeDistortion 04.07.2009 05:51 PM

A Clockwork Orange
Dr. Strangelove
The Killing
Paths of Glory

Nobody likes "The Killing"?

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.07.2009 09:18 PM

I haven't seen anything he's done before Paths of Glory.

BTW when talking about baby names (my sister just had a baby) after having watched 2001: A Space Oddysey with my 3 year old nephew, my brother-in-law said that Kubrick would be a good first name. So I'm keeping that. My first son is going to be named Kubrick.

LifeDistortion 04.08.2009 01:10 PM

I'm kind of curious what people's thoughts are on Spielberg's "A.I." Personally I liked it a lot and thought it was under-appreciated it. I like it more with each viewing. Its funny because "A.I" seems to divide fans between praise and criticizing. Some Kubrick fans thinks Spielberg fucked up a Kubrick movie. Others think its one of Spieberg's best cause its a lot darker then most of his stuff.
A lot of people thought Spielberg put the "Pinocchio" refferences in the movie. He says Kubrick always intended it that way. Critcs say Spielberg put the alien ending in it, he denies it that as well. Is he just passing all the credit of his own ideas as Kubrick's so people won't be so harsh to critcize?

demonrail666 04.08.2009 05:27 PM

Stanley Kubrick makes films the way Pink Floyd make music: with a sense of the epic that disguises the fact that there's nothing much going on in them. They're like very loud but ultimately odourless farts.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.08.2009 10:18 PM

demonrail your sig is insane. Wat the hell is that owl eating?

And is that a criticism or praise of Kubrick? I can read that either way.

atsonicpark 04.08.2009 10:28 PM

I think A.I. is one of the worst movies i've ever seen. Who knows if it was Kubrick's fault or Spielberg's fault or Jude Law's fault or Haley Jole Osmont's fault. But it sucked.

Actually, it was Teddy's fault.

demonrail666 04.09.2009 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Wat the hell is that owl eating?

And is that a criticism or praise of Kubrick? I can read that either way.

Apparently it's a mouse.

It was a criticism.

Sonic Youth 37 04.09.2009 12:59 AM

1. Clockwork
2. 2001
3. Dr. Strangelove
4. The Shining
5. the first half of Full Metal Jacket
(large margin)
everything else I've seen by him excluding Eyes Wide Shut
(even larger margin)
the rest of Full Metal Jacket

Better_Than_You 04.09.2009 01:15 AM

i thought a.i. was the shit. but then again last time i saw it was when i was in 3rd grade er something.

atsonicpark 04.09.2009 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
5. the first half of Full Metal Jacket
(large margin)
everything else I've seen by him excluding Eyes Wide Shut
(even larger margin)
the rest of Full Metal Jacket

This doesn't even make sense to me. The, uh, "second half" of Full Metal Jacket is way more important and interesting than the first half.

automatic bzooty 04.11.2009 05:53 PM

a clockwork orange
the shining
dr. strangelove
full metal jacket
2001 (ughhh, i'm kind of torn between liking and hating this though. the visuals are mindblowing, but the 'story' is ridiculously boring to me.)

davenotdead 04.11.2009 05:55 PM

1. 2001
2. Clockwork Orange
3. Full Metal Jacket
4. Dr. Strangelove
5. The Shining

Sonic Youth 37 04.11.2009 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
This doesn't even make sense to me. The, uh, "second half" of Full Metal Jacket is way more important and interesting than the first half.

The war part of it just felt like every other Vietnam movie ever.

Theremin 04.12.2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
I'm kind of curious what people's thoughts are on Spielberg's "A.I." Personally I liked it a lot and thought it was under-appreciated it.

I think the third act ruined it for a lot people.

1. Dr. Strangelove (by a wide margin, one of my all time favorites)
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. FMJ boot camp
4. Spartacus!
5. Paths of Glory
-∞. 2001: Space Odyssey

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