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sarramkrop 02.25.2009 03:14 PM

Worst Attempt At Mugging Someone Ever
I was walking home from work this evening, and when I got near Brick Lane I saw a boy and a girl approaching this 6 ft tall guy to demand him handing over his wallet and mobile phone. This man looked down on the girl and landed her one right in the middle of the face, so the guy with her shouted at him ''We FUCKIN' TOLD YOU TO GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND MOBILE PHONE YER CUNT!!''. The guy just looked at him calmly and punched him so hard in the face he fell over and ended up bloodied right outside an Indian restaurant, where all the waiters who were standing outside laughed and laughed. What a ridiculous attempt at robbing someone, he was twice their size and looked like a tough man from every angle.

Trasher02 02.25.2009 03:19 PM

Last week someone tried to take my wallet but he was searching the wrong pocket, hah!
"It's the other one, now piss off"
Seriously, muggers ain't what they used to be.

sarramkrop 02.25.2009 03:56 PM

If anyhting they are more vicious than ever. Those two, however, were so naive I thought they were just messing around.

SYRFox 02.25.2009 03:57 PM

ahahah that's ridiculous

Rob Instigator 02.25.2009 04:08 PM

fuck, that's some crazy shit sarrmkrop.
those two were in over their heads.

remember when david Copperfield and his two assistants were heading out from their gig down the street to their tour bus? some guys came up and held a gun to them and demanded their stuff. The two girls handed over their purses but david copperfield told them he did not have anything. they demanded he empty his pockets and he did, including his coat, and they were all pissed off. he took the time to memorize their faces and their voices and shit. when they ran away the police came to taske a report and he had an Iphone, wallet full of cash, credit cards, jewelry and , he had hidden them all in his secret magician pockets when he saw the guys were gonna mug him! That shit's like superhero stuff.

pbradley 02.25.2009 04:16 PM

I've never been mugged nor witnessed a mugging.

And I've lived in some seedy areas.

I must have an aura of cashlessness.

SYRFox 02.25.2009 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
I've never been mugged nor witnessed a mugging.

And I've lived in some seedy areas.

I must have an aura of cashlessness.

this tambien

floatingslowly 02.25.2009 04:46 PM

I think it's hilarious that he punched the girl first.

apparently she appeared to be the more threatening of the two....?

ploesj 02.25.2009 06:49 PM


i've seen people run away when they just mugged someone.

once crossed my path and flashed a knife when i ws doubting wether to try and stop him or just step aside. i went for the second option.

Toilet & Bowels 02.25.2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I think it's hilarious that he punched the girl first.

apparently she appeared to be the more threatening of the two....?

perhaps he was warming up on her just to get his muscles ready for the dude, or to get her out of the frame incase the dude put up more of a fight?

sarramkrop 02.25.2009 07:03 PM

She was the one who confronted him first? Duh?

Lurker 02.25.2009 07:59 PM

I got mugged a few months ago by six or seven guys (well, older teenagers). I got kicked in the head but despite that the beating actually wasn't that bad. Funnily enough it was relatively near Brick Lane as well. It's strange how something like that subtly affects you for a along time afterwards.

EDIT - they still ran away when they were finished

greedrex 02.26.2009 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I was walking home from work this evening, and when I got near Brick Lane I saw a boy and a girl approaching this 6 ft tall guy to demand him handing over his wallet and mobile phone. This man looked down on the girl and landed her one right in the middle of the face, so the guy with her shouted at him ''We FUCKIN' TOLD YOU TO GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND MOBILE PHONE YER CUNT!!''. The guy just looked at him calmly and punched him so hard in the face he fell over and ended up bloodied right outside an Indian restaurant, where all the waiters who were standing outside laughed and laughed. What a ridiculous attempt at robbing someone, he was twice their size and looked like a tough man from every angle.

ha ha yes

floatingslowly 02.26.2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
She was the one who confronted him first? Duh?

duh? this detail was left out of yr story.

irregardless, when faced with two muggers, you only have one chance at a surprise retaliation. the wisest choice would be to kung-fu the guy's nuts first.

obviously the "victim" doesn't need my help in the matter though.

MellySingsDoom 02.26.2009 10:42 AM

Lurker - Jesus, that sound horrible. At least it sounds like it wasn't wildly traumatic for you.

demonrail666 02.26.2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I was walking home from work this evening, and when I got near Brick Lane I saw a boy and a girl approaching this 6 ft tall guy to demand him handing over his wallet and mobile phone. This man looked down on the girl and landed her one right in the middle of the face, so the guy with her shouted at him ''We FUCKIN' TOLD YOU TO GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND MOBILE PHONE YER CUNT!!''. The guy just looked at him calmly and punched him so hard in the face he fell over and ended up bloodied right outside an Indian restaurant, where all the waiters who were standing outside laughed and laughed. What a ridiculous attempt at robbing someone, he was twice their size and looked like a tough man from every angle.

This story made my day.

sarramkrop 02.26.2009 03:41 PM

That man looked like a giant cockney gangster (and he was as hot as they come). I thought it was so stupid of them. Everyone around them with some sense did.

Floaty - sorry, I should have pointed out why he went for the girl first.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 02.26.2009 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
This story made my day.

who's in your avatar?
I can't think of her name

demonrail666 02.26.2009 04:59 PM

I remember a few years back having some kid come up to me in in a park in East Ham asking me if I had any money. I told him I did, and walked on.

demonrail666 02.26.2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
who's in your avatar?
I can't think of her name

It's Francoise Hardy, but I'd be surprised if it was her you were thinking of; she doesn't usually look like that.

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