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Better_Than_You 02.08.2009 08:40 PM

hello old friends. i need your help
so i used to go on here quite a bit, back when my only friend was hayden (goo, i think his old username was. and then it was hayden. i think. i dont know. its been so long.) but then i entered the real world and made more friends than just him. (we're still, lyk, bestiez tho ZOMG!!1.1.!)

i didn't really make any friends on here because i didn't have good taste in music and i couldn't internet argue for the life of me, but 1/2 of that has changed.

my pre-mature notions of music have finally made it through puberty, and now that they have i am noticing that illegally downloading music is so much harder.

does anyone know any good torrents&or downloading limewire-esque applications that can scrape up that 'hard-to-get-muzack' that i'm craving???

I just got into ESG (emerald, sapphire, gold) and i looked on pirate bay and limewire. but i just can't find their shit.

suggestions, help? por favor??

Sonic Youth 37 02.08.2009 08:42 PM


Better_Than_You 02.08.2009 08:43 PM

is it a site or a download

atsonicpark 02.08.2009 08:44 PM


Sonic Youth 37 02.08.2009 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
is it a site or a download

I checked and ESG returns results.

atsonicpark 02.08.2009 08:46 PM



Better_Than_You 02.08.2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Daddylikes
eat a cock.

i forgot how nice and warm everyone is here.

atsonicpark 02.08.2009 08:51 PM


atsonicpark 02.08.2009 08:51 PM


Dead-Air 02.08.2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
i forgot how nice and warm everyone is here.

Don't mind him, he's just one of those RIAA lawyers.

Better_Than_You 02.08.2009 09:23 PM

That's precious.

And i downloaded soulseek but its not working for me.
however, thats entirely my problem.

i think i have too many firewalls, maybe?

Dead-Air 02.08.2009 10:20 PM

Could be. I can't be much help, as I use a Mac and use SS so infrequently that I usually have to find a new version and download it all over again every time. I only download stuff if I'm really looking for something particular, and asking about it here is most often effective first anyway. Plus I can't even keep up with all the cool stuff Adam and Porkie are always throwing out to the rest of us.

This Is Not Here 02.08.2009 10:23 PM

If you just bought their album then the time you're wasteing trying to download it could be put to good use.

Dead-Air 02.08.2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by This Is Not Here
If you just bought their album then the time you're wasteing trying to download it could be put to good use.

That's certainly true if one is trying to download an in print album and wants the whole thing. Doesn't work if what you want is a live show, to try something you've heard about before buying it, or an out of print album though...

Rob Instigator 02.08.2009 10:30 PM

best of luck

Better_Than_You 02.08.2009 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by This Is Not Here
If you just bought their album then the time you're wasteing trying to download it could be put to good use.

Not possible.
Starving artists going to school are always broke. I have 40$ being mailed to me tomorrow but i'm spending that on preperation for a rave on saturday.

SuperCreep 02.09.2009 12:51 AM

google it?

"ESG album name .rar"
"ESG album name blogspot"
"ESG album name rapidshare"
"ESG album name megaupload"


Sonic Youth 37 02.09.2009 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by Better_Than_You
That's precious.

And i downloaded soulseek but its not working for me.
however, thats entirely my problem.

i think i have too many firewalls, maybe?

Did you create a user account?
-if not, create one.
-if you do have one,
Have you connected to the server? (is the little thing under 'connection' green)
-if not, connect.
-if you have connected, it's probably a firewall blocking.


Originally Posted by SuperCreep
google it?

"ESG album name .rar"
"ESG album name blogspot"
"ESG album name rapidshare"
"ESG album name megaupload"


This also works too, but it's more difficult to know what kind of quality files you are getting. You basically have the guesstimate from file size unless the hoster or uploader expressly says it.

terminal pharmacy 02.09.2009 01:47 AM

try this &btnG=Search

and just change the band name

demonrail666 02.09.2009 01:53 AM

Wow! Now that really is sheer computer cleverness.

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