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sarramkrop 12.04.2008 03:22 AM

New Wave of Lo-Fi Girls
What do you think of all those bands/artists? You know, U.S. Girls, Circuit Des Yeux, Zola Jesus etc.

Dishes haven't been washed in a while.

Toilet & Bowels 12.04.2008 04:55 AM

I like all those 3 a lot, especially Zola Jesus who I think is really something special, I ordered that XXperiments comp yesterday, and the 2nd Zola Jesus single. Caldera Lakes are really good too, although they are more on the noise side of things.

atsonicpark 12.04.2008 04:57 AM

Do any of them have tramp stamps?

greedrex 12.04.2008 07:24 AM

can they cook, hoover and wash my dirty underwear?

atsonicpark 12.04.2008 07:42 AM


greedrex 12.04.2008 08:22 AM

^^ o!

tesla69 12.04.2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Do any of them have tramp stamps?

I think they have syphillis scars instead.

edit - wait, how did i get on this thread? i thought this was the G&r thread, so sorry.

whorefrost 12.04.2008 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
What do you think of all those bands/artists? You know, U.S. Girls, Circuit Des Yeux, Zola Jesus etc.

Dishes haven't been washed in a while.

I have the U.S. Girls CD-R that Chocolate Monk put out. I've only listened a couple times but it wasn't as good as I was expecting based on the description. Should probably listen to it again. I hear the LP is meant to be very good.
Have not heard of those other two bands. Will investigate.

sarramkrop 12.07.2008 07:15 AM

I've heard something by Caldera Lakes a while ago, but can't recall what they sounded like. U.S. Girls and Circuit Des Yeux for the win. I have the 'Poor Sons' 7'' by Zola Jesus which is good, especially the title track and 'The Way'. I'm not so sure about the song 'Dog' which kind of reminds me of a badly recorded female Coldplay, for some reason.

sarramkrop 01.01.2009 04:11 PM

I think that I might prefer Circuit Des Yeux to the other two, now. I mean, 'Symphone' is such a fucking WEIRD record.

demonrail666 01.01.2009 05:08 PM

Not sure if she quite fits here (I've not heard any of the bands so far mentioned) but Miss Alex White has been a fairly constant presence in my CD player of late.


uhler 01.02.2009 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I think that I might prefer Circuit Des Yeux to the other two, now. I mean, 'Symphone' is such a fucking WEIRD record.

i prefer circuit des yeux live, but us girls on record.

batreleaser 01.02.2009 12:02 PM

ive been hearing about circuit des yeux quite a bit. ive heard theyre similar to us girls, but even wierder. the us girls siltbreeze lp on the other hand, is tied for my favorite record of the year, i really think its the freshest sounding thing ive heard in a long time. people are lumping it in with eat skull and psychedelic horseshit, but the us girls seems to be its own thing entirely, and is much less rock based.

its really refresing to see women getting in the mix of wierd and exciting music as they were seemingly almost absent for a while in the harsh noise scene. but even that scenes got gals like leslie keffer (who rules) and jessica rylan (who annoys the shit out of me with those silly masturbatory squeals and shit, i heard the new record is good though so ill check it out).

uhler 01.02.2009 01:41 PM

circuit des yeux is really good. check out.

voided 01.02.2009 03:25 PM

saw US Girls play with heavy winged like 2 weeks back which worked really well.. seeing her play tonight solo .. not sure what to expect as i havent heard any of her works..

uhler 01.02.2009 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by voided
saw US Girls play with heavy winged like 2 weeks back which worked really well.. seeing her play tonight solo .. not sure what to expect as i havent heard any of her works..

i saw her last night and it was really good.

sarramkrop 01.02.2009 03:28 PM

Lucky you.

Toilet & Bowels 01.02.2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by voided
saw US Girls play with heavy winged like 2 weeks back which worked really well..

that sounds like it could be amazing

voided 01.03.2009 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
that sounds like it could be amazing

yeah it worked well might do something with it label wise.

listening to the set from last night which was cool.. she played a analog 4 track reel to reel through an amp, of recordings she pre-recorded and fucked with the tape speeds, and then did vocals through a bunch of effects over it.. one track sounded like a Lez Rallizes Denudes song without the band.. just the vocals and feedback.. was excellent.. i told her afterwards thats what i thought it sounded like and she knew the track and said it was a song called Yoko and me and was from a dream she had... pretty funny.

blunderbuss 01.04.2009 02:30 PM

US Girls play London in the spring.

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