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ruinedbyharps 11.16.2008 03:55 PM

Ironic Pop
Stuff like the Ting Tings and, well the Ting Tings. Isn't there enough decent pop about without people feeling the need to get excited over a pair of media types trying to deconstruct Dollar?

fugazifan 11.16.2008 04:07 PM

im not sure what this thread is about, but the minutemen's project mersh album is the best definition of ironic pop that i can think of

Glice 11.16.2008 04:14 PM

I'm not sure about the Tings Tings, I suspect they 'mean' whatever it is they're doing. It's always difficult to decide who's being ironic and who's not. I don't think music really needs this idea of authenticity, but my blood does boil whenever I hear an 'ironic' metal cover of a Britney song.

ruinedbyharps 11.16.2008 04:23 PM

Ultimately, isn't it just pop music for people who don't like pop music very much in the first place?

atsonicpark 11.16.2008 04:42 PM

You know that chick stinkbomb, the one they called stinkbomb cuz she smelled like a fuckin stinkbomb? well i tried to get in her pants last week. i was all walking up to her on the bus, everyone knew what i was doin, she was eating these onion chips and letting silent farts, and i asked her out and we went to one of those new age movies where there was lots of kissin' and shit and i put my hand down her shirt.. and she said she wanted to fuck me now.. so i bought some rubbers.. and we went to this hotel which had a hole in the wall so the guy could watch.. and we got a free room.. and he started like coughing and shit so i couldn't fuck her cuz stinkbomb fucking freaked dude. but mannnnnnn.. i almost fucked stinkbomb.. and last week in class, she was all farting and shit in english class and this dude yelled out 'why don't you give us a VOWEL movement, stinkbomb?' and it was so funny.. even the teacher was laughing..

NWRA 11.16.2008 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I'm not sure about the Tings Tings, I suspect they 'mean' whatever it is they're doing. It's always difficult to decide who's being ironic and who's not. I don't think music really needs this idea of authenticity, but my blood does boil whenever I hear an 'ironic' metal cover of a Britney song.

Couldn't agree more. It's not as though I look at The Ting Tings and think 'ahhh a couple of Wagner-loving surrealists doing a parody of pop music, look at that deconstructionalism!, forcing the listener to consider their role as a mass-market cosumer-..'-blah, blah. They're a pop group who make sincere, quite effective (I like their singles), pop music without an 'ironic' hidden agenda.

I used to work in an office where Radio 1 was played all day. Every couple of days they had an ‘indie’ band in the studio who would do an ironic, downbeat version of an upbeat S Club 7 or Girls Aloud song, in a clever-clever tone. It was particularly annoying as it seemed to throw down these imaginary turf-marks between pop and 'indie' (and by indie, I mean: Starsailor, i.e., Britpop that missed the party), as if you couldn’t sincerely enjoy both – as though a white bloke, past the age of twenty (and who isn’t a TV gay), could only like pop music ‘ironically’.

I mean, one of my favourite songs is Genius Of Love by Tom Tom Club. It's a pop song but it has some credibility (Talking Heads connection). Does all pop music by relatively bright people have to be considered as ironic? It's AWESOME.

Glice 11.16.2008 05:38 PM

The thing with that Jo Whiley brigade doing covers was that it just showed how weak their own songs were next to the majesty of a good pop song. Don't get me wrong, 'proper pop' still turns out dirge by the bucket-load, but there are some amazing pop writers doing the rounds at the moment (i.e. Xenomania).

MellySingsDoom 11.16.2008 06:07 PM

I like the Ting Tings. A lot.

You may commence to laugh now.

PS The Girls Aloud interview in the latest ish of "Attitude" is ace. So there.

Toilet & Bowels 11.16.2008 06:32 PM

i don't think i've ever heard the ting tings.

MellySingsDoom 11.16.2008 06:35 PM

^^^Ah, allow me to elucidate you, good sir:

Toilet & Bowels 11.16.2008 06:41 PM

not to be rude but i think i might give them a miss, my gut is telling me to avoid.

i've decided to give your myspace a go instead.

MellySingsDoom 11.16.2008 06:45 PM

^^^No probs, T&B, and thank you re me MySpace :)

Toilet & Bowels 11.16.2008 06:52 PM

well, i trust my gut, i deliberatly avoided the manics holy bible album for about 14 years only to listen to half of it a few weeks ago as a result of a thread on this board, and i can safely say my gut offered sound guidance as those manics songs caused me psychic pain.

MellySingsDoom 11.16.2008 07:00 PM

T&B - I've always had a similar "avoid like the plague" instinct for pretty much all Britpop - Blur always sounded like fucking bad music hall shit to me, for example, and subsequent listenings of their later oeuvre just makes me think of, well, bad Pavement. This is multiplied time 100 for "stoner" rock - having suffered Nebula live for 10 minutes of my life, I'm inclined to give 98% of said genre a wide berth.

Toilet & Bowels 11.16.2008 07:17 PM

seriously, so much english pop/indie just sounds like fucking vera lynn

enjoyed the myspace stuff by the way, will be listening again for sure.

MellySingsDoom 11.16.2008 07:18 PM

^^^Thank you for checking out my stuff, T&B :)

Everyneurotic 11.16.2008 08:16 PM

irony is for suckers.

atsonicpark 11.16.2008 08:20 PM


ALIEN ANAL 11.17.2008 07:10 AM

we are way too indie for Irony hey guys
irony is lame as hey
we like things that are not ironic

ruinedbyharps 11.17.2008 10:54 AM

I wonder what Age of Chance are up to right now.

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