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DeadDiscoDildo 10.17.2008 05:04 PM

Thee Oh Sees
Anyone dig? Sorry if there was a thread about them already.



batreleaser 10.17.2008 06:38 PM

yes, there are some John Dwyer worshippers on here, me, DJ Rick, some others. But "The Master's Bedroom is Worth Spending the Night In" is one of my favorite records of the year, and definitley the Oh Sees' best thus far. It reminds me of 13th Floor Elevators at time, with sort of that Psychedelic Proto Garage Punk sound. I love it.

atsonicpark 10.17.2008 07:14 PM

Batreleaser, I thought you said you didn't like the oh sees on one thread. Hahaha. Oh well, nothing wrong with changing your mind. They're definitely a grower of a band... I LOVE John Dwyer (mainly Coachwhips) and this band has some awesome songs but also some that bore the hell out of me. Not a bad band at all, just ... I think I need to let them grow on me more.

DeadDiscoDildo 10.17.2008 08:04 PM

I really got into them recently thru a friend, he said we sounded similar to them and I'd like them. I can see what he meant, they have alot of syd era pink floyd influence on the guitar sounds as does my band and lots of good garage bands so I dug it. Sometimes though they get alittle boring yeah, but most of it is sweet. I liked the mix and the vibe on their record alot too, it seemed to be recorded live.

batreleaser 10.17.2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Batreleaser, I thought you said you didn't like the oh sees on one thread. Hahaha. Oh well, nothing wrong with changing your mind. They're definitely a grower of a band... I LOVE John Dwyer (mainly Coachwhips) and this band has some awesome songs but also some that bore the hell out of me. Not a bad band at all, just ... I think I need to let them grow on me more.

yeah, after the last discussion on here like 2 weeks ago i popped in "the masters bedroom..." again and i love it.

atsonicpark 06.20.2010 05:37 PM

I really love this band, DOG POISON and WARM SLIME are great. It took me a long time to come around. They're just addictive. I didn't completely "get" them for a while, seemed a bit too laid back and simple, but they rule just as much as other Dwyer projects.. except maybe Coachwhips (which is one of my favorite bands ever).

ilduclo 06.21.2010 07:11 AM

count me as a Dwyer fan, they're great live, Dwyer always seems to be on a table and there's broken glass involved....

PAULYBEE2656 06.22.2010 11:44 AM

i like them to a point but they bore me silly on repeated listens.

DeadDiscoDildo 06.22.2010 12:29 PM

saw them at south by this year, they were nuts haha. Dude was playing with his teeth but holding the guitar by his hands...only caught a glimpse...he must be part pitbull

tho, usually im not into stage antics and little tricks like that...(i never do em) I was drunk enough to get a kick out of it

some of their new stuff is kind of boring to me but masters bedroom is still the SHIT

atsonicpark 06.22.2010 03:42 PM

Their new stuff is their best stuff. They keep getting better imo.

DeadDiscoDildo 06.22.2010 04:18 PM

maybe I cant keep up, they have more records than I realized

whatever was on their myspace a few months before south by...wasnt too impressed

atsonicpark 06.22.2010 04:19 PM

who knows. They do release too many records. I reccomend DOG POISON and WARM SLIME, awesome albums.

DeadDiscoDildo 06.22.2010 05:09 PM

Right on, will check those out. That said. im trying to get them to come to cincy to play our friend diy spot...we'd be a good match to open for them, goodluck tho right? ha

atsonicpark 06.22.2010 05:19 PM

shouldn't be too difficult, they're not too big for their britches yet!

DeadDiscoDildo 04.19.2011 01:35 PM

What do you guys think of the other big san fran bands right now? Fresh and Onlys, Ty Segall?

EVOLghost 04.19.2011 03:08 PM

^ I seen the Fresh and Only when they opened up for some band I once saw. lol but seriously. Frontman kind of resembles Nick Cave no? Yeah, I was diggin' them. I totally forgot aboot them.

DeadDiscoDildo 04.19.2011 03:56 PM

word they seem pretty tight, havent heard too much of em.

I missed their show last night in cincy but they crashed at my drummers house and gave him a free vinyl. seem like nice dudes!

Im really diggin ty segall but still oh sees kill it.

Was just wondering, I really dig what has been coming out of San Fran lately. That's why I asked.

scratchscrape 04.19.2011 04:24 PM

Seems like bands in the states are in some quagmire of banality.

I guess that means more forced lofi and over-effected vocals, right? That'll get us out! Repeat late 70's garage rock ad nauseam!

DeadDiscoDildo 04.19.2011 04:30 PM

I feel like bands now are doing more interesting things in the medium of garage rock than they did back then.

DeadDiscoDildo 04.19.2011 04:30 PM

& some are doing far worse

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