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batreleaser 09.24.2008 04:46 PM

to live and shave in la
am i the only one on here obsessed with tom smith and his coveted to live and shave in la collective? just wondering, i bring them all the time, and no one seems to respond. 'the wigmaker in 18th century williamsburg' is still my favorite record of the 00's, it had the same effect on me as the first time i ehard 'white light white heat' or 'twin infinitives'. anyways, tom smith is a musical genius.

Everyneurotic 09.24.2008 05:29 PM

how do you know i was planning on playing them after sabbath?

i'm not too familiar with tlasila, to tell you the truth.

batreleaser 09.24.2008 08:49 PM

really? out of everyone on the board i thought ud be the most into them. tom smith waaaaay predated all the cut up/concrete/cock/noise that has been responsible for so many great records by bands like hair police, harry pussy, no doctors, and so many more. '...williamsburg' is his undisputed masterpiece, he took 7 ytears to make it and it actually sounds like it was meticulously crafted for 7 years i shit you now, unfuckingbelievable.

also check out these:
'where a horse is standing and where you belong'
'total harmony'
'vedder vedder bedwetter'
'an interview with the mitchell brothers'
'god and country rally'
'noon and eternity'
'the cortege'
the shave also has a collab with kevin drumm coming out, and his guitars with that band, pretty sure itll be another shave album of the year for me.

also, smith has done great stuff with others bands, most known would be pussy galore 'dial m for motherfucker', he also had a major part on the miss high heel record, which is the most chaotic record ever. also, his newish band ohne with ultra harsh (like harshest/heaviest thing ull ever hear) noise artist dave phillips, check out thier record 'ohne ms'.

also, to live and shave in la has many spinoff bands that try and continue the so called free glam aesthetic. the only one whos any good is to live and shave in la 2, which is rat bastard (the only other permanent member of the shave), weasel walter, misty martinez, and nandor nevai. their record 'kill misty martinez' is an underappreciated classic.

this is kinda like my favorite music, its just so diverse yes to chaotic, and just so, fucked up. i love it, and i want everyone else to wake the fuck up and live the shave!

pantophobia 09.24.2008 09:22 PM

tom smith is such a nice guy, i corresponded with him after noise against fascism in 05 to send him my pics, then last year i got to hang out with him and frank (rat bastard) after their dc show, and talked for like a half hour about how show the previous night, and other topics that i have forgotten, he gave me a free copy of group xex which was very cool, and bought a copy of les tricoteuses

tom is such a cool guy, and yes very unappreciated in his own time

also any band that don fleming is in i just love

pantophobia 09.24.2008 09:26 PM

been a while since i looked at these but my tlasila pics from naf 05





atsonicpark 09.24.2008 09:28 PM

I love them, I have loved "Vedder Vedder Bedwetter" for a good 6 years now, but I never explored their discography very far beyond that and another album I can't recall.

I definitely will have to get some more albums by them. They're crazy good, I just never think about them.

batreleaser 09.24.2008 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
tom smith is such a nice guy, i corresponded with him after noise against fascism in 05 to send him my pics, then last year i got to hang out with him and frank (rat bastard) after their dc show, and talked for like a half hour about how show the previous night, and other topics that i have forgotten, he gave me a free copy of group xex which was very cool, and bought a copy of les tricoteuses

tom is such a cool guy, and yes very unappreciated in his own time

also any band that don fleming is in i just love

those are my modern day music heroes man? i could listen to rat bang away at that bass gee-tar for all day! how did you end up hanging out with them? were you performing, reporting, etc..?

and yes, fleming is an icon.

it really does mind boggle me how om myth is underrated though, i mean dusted is always gushing about his music, and then there's like blastitude which is like the best music publication of all time, theyre like the internet version of creem or something, theyre constantly talking about how genius he is. the only band that gets more coverage is scg. but the thing about tlasila is i listen to so much ridiculously extreme music, it takes a lot to actually shock/freak me out, yknow. but to live and shave in la freaks me the fuck out.

batreleaser 09.24.2008 09:31 PM

HAHAHA, thurston looks like such a grime-y noise hippie in that photo! looks like he was trying to play his money down in the midst of a buncha poor ass noise legends, like, "cmon guys, i know im in a massive band and have a big house, but im still a grimey noise guy, i swear, listen to this feedback, "brahahahahhhhccccnnnchchahahahhaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!"".

im stoned again sorry

atsonicpark 09.24.2008 09:35 PM

He has a very seattle grunge fashion look.

batreleaser 09.24.2008 09:57 PM

yay, 8, now 9, posts on a shave thread, this world hasnt totally gone to shit yet (well, the economy has)

pantophobia 09.24.2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
those are my modern day music heroes man? i could listen to rat bang away at that bass gee-tar for all day! how did you end up hanging out with them? were you performing, reporting, etc..?

i was just hanging out after the show, and frank being his usual gregarious self starts up a convo with me, and discussed why don wasn't at that show and why al jourgensen is pussy (something he was on about at NAF) , and tom passed by and started talking to him about something i completely forget about, maybe something about the small turnout and how the night before in baltimore they had these late night inner city party seekers come in and dance out to this music they knew nothing about, and tom said something to the effect of "the beauty of the mixing of race in {ecstatic cacophony(my wording but he said something to that effect)}",

but it was a lot of fun and he wished me well on my endoscopy i had the next day

Everyneurotic 09.24.2008 11:03 PM

i just listened to one of the only albums i could download, amour fou on the edge of mysoginy, and i didn't think much of it, really.

then i spun tlasila 2's the 300 dollar silk shirt, which is infinitely better and dug it tons.

uhler 09.24.2008 11:40 PM

i'll stop listening to european hardcore for a minute and check them out. i only heard great things but never really bothered (more like forgotten) to check out the stuff.

edit: dling now

batreleaser 09.25.2008 02:01 AM

the most on point description of avant garde music ive ever read, tom smith in blastitude:

batreleaser 09.26.2008 11:06 AM

that record is incredible. like i said, tom smith spent 7 years making it, even releasing other records in the mean time, and when i say 7 years, i dont mean he recorded three tracks, then took a 7 month drug vaction (like tool or something), he spent 7 years meticulously crafting the best noise record of all time (even though its waaaaay more than just noise)

Inhuman 09.26.2008 11:33 AM

A while ago I got an idea in spite of those many many genres that are post-. I could create a genre called "Pre-Ostis", and claim that in the future, there will be a genre called "Ostis" that's based off of this "Pre-Ostis" genre.
Then I found out TLASILA have already used the idea and claimed their band was replicating the "Pre" movement for all movement itself.

Genteel Death 09.08.2014 04:46 AM

According to Tom Smith they'll be back and tour Europe next year.

tesla69 09.08.2014 09:54 AM

never liked peach of immortality and never cared for anything else.

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