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schizophrenicroom 06.02.2006 10:02 PM

Help Me With Something
I'm going to California while SY are playing with Pearl Jam. I do not like Pearl Jam. My parents (and grandmother, who says I don't deserve anything else this summer because of our CA trip) say the only place I can see them is in SF with Pearl Suck.

Basically, help me convince them why I should see the yoof in Atlanta. I already have:

2. It's Sonic Youth, and they are my favorite band.
3. I told them that as SY's 25th year together, who knows if they'll tour next year. I'm not waiting.
4. I won't buy any merchandise or drinks/food on the way at at the venue or anywhere in Atlanta, instantly saving a crapload.
3. A hotel isn't needed. Saving money, again.

Any other reasons? Their arguments are cash, gas, and "Sonic Youth are stupid". I want to intellectually counter-act their argument and all I can think of is "stfu" and "the nineteenth is in basically three weeks stfu".

yes, i know am whiny and being kind of immature. i just want this so bad.

silverfreepress (sdasher) 06.02.2006 10:04 PM

Sometimes you just gotta run away and join the circus.

Or buy your family tickets to the show and invite them into the pit.

finding nobody 06.02.2006 10:07 PM

tell them you love them and that you'll stop smoking crack

HaydenAsche 06.02.2006 10:07 PM

Tell them I will kick their asses if they don't let you go.

TheDom 06.02.2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
"Sonic Youth are stupid".

That's stupid.

Just say use the analogy that this is like a muslim's trip to Mecca, you just have to go.

If they won't let you go, use this: "The jerk store called, and they're running out of you!"

umjammer atomsk 06.02.2006 10:41 PM

Steal your sister's boyfriend, kill your parents and hit the road.

krastian 06.02.2006 11:31 PM

Just tell them how much they mean to you and that they will be the coolest parents ever to let you go!!!:D

alyasa 06.02.2006 11:55 PM

Tell them their little princess deserves a little something; in a jokingly benign manner; of course. :)

qprogeny79 06.03.2006 12:17 AM

just take the pearl jam stop. ordinarily when those in authority have made up their mind on something they don't like to back down, even in the face of the most rational and legitimate of arguments -- caving in would mitigate their power. no one said you had to stick around to see pj (though i would if given the chance, as i happen to like them).

but if you really want to keep arguing, you could offer to pay as many of the necessary expenses as possible yourself.

Neongod 06.03.2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
Just tell them how much they mean to you and that they will be the coolest parents ever to let you go!!!:D

Best advice so far.

$25 is a steal. I've paid $80 to see a band live. Tell them this is your Woodstock.

schizophrenicroom 06.03.2006 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by qprogeny79
no one said you had to stick around to see pj (though i would if given the chance, as i happen to like them).

i know i don't have to, but sticking around would be the easiest to fit into what we have planned the whole time we're there. i don't really want to.

next step 06.03.2006 01:35 PM

say even that you like pearl jam too...

lizzarddd 06.04.2006 05:29 PM

Dude, you're turning down a sonic youth concert just because pearl jam is playing there also?, are you kidding, if pearl jam comes out after them just leave before they do, im assuming that whoever suggested you go to this concert is paying for ticks right?, i went to the bamboozle festival up in newjersey just to see one band and i paid 100$ + gas money to go see HIM, you've just gotta be dedicated, but seriously, sonic youth is definatly worth going to that concert, hopefully im going to see SY up in Washington DC on the 16, dont know yet,
The concert will be great, even if pearl jams gonna be there. (its sonic youth, obviously its going to be great)
Eh, have fun.

DoubleNickels 06.04.2006 05:43 PM

Yeah seriously, $25 is not bad. Plus it's SY, so just leave before Pearl Jam comes on stage.

SolidZach 06.04.2006 06:14 PM

give them a pj record

finding nobody 06.05.2006 01:38 AM

did you try any of these?

candymoan 06.05.2006 02:46 AM

you can convince your parents with persistance..
if all fails.. go to the pearl jam show..
see the yoof..
leave before pearl jam kills your euphoria...


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