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noisereductions 08.21.2008 01:40 PM

Classic Albums atsonic park edition: retrospective
Adam, I'm lazy. Please list album titles 1-40 here.

SYRFox 08.21.2008 02:03 PM

1. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 1
2. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 2
3. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 15
4. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 24
5. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 37
6. scikssor socks - shove a buttfinger
7. scikssor socks - butt a shove, niggah (rap damage)
8. wolves eyes n sciskcsor schosk - 2010 split album
9. mesbrwo & wolfquinoxrocks - 2010 split album
10. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 50
11. Dinosaur Jr - You're Living All Over Me
12. The Strokes - Isn't This It Is Not?
13. monotikisehayo - sitenamahoshite
14. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 3
15. Be Your OWN Pet! - Be Your OWN Pet!
16. Magik Markers - For Sada Jane
17. mesbrwosz - mesrbox cd 7
18. The Strokes - Is This Isn't?
19. scissor shock - adam, i'm lazy.
20. Boredoms - Vision Creative Newsun
21. V/A - My Very Speacial iPod comp part V
22. westernquinoxrocks - Auto-Ban (Kraftwerk Remix Album)
23. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 19
24. wolves ayes - black vomitt
25. My Fluffy Cat Is An Alien - Gimme Fluffy Catz
26. mesbrwo - mesrbox cd 49
27. The Mars Volta - Amputechture
28. The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute
29. sonic youth - tv shit
30. ABBA - Greatest Hits
31. The Smiths - Queen's Not Dead
32. My Bloody Valentine - Loveless
33. mesbrwso & wolves eeyes - Trout Mask Replica
34. V/A - Ethiopia All Stars
35. V/A - Pop Sugar Hits
36. shellac - attack sean park
37. The Strokes - This Is "Eat the Hits, Isn't It?"
38. mesbrow - mersbowx cd 34
39. scissor shcok & the fall - live at noisesteps, tuvalu
40. Atari Teenage Riot - Burn Berlin Burn!

noisereductions 08.21.2008 02:14 PM

There's no way he would've actually put a SY album on his list. You lose.

SYRFox 08.21.2008 02:35 PM

Ah! But I was pretty damn close, wasn't I

atsonicpark 08.21.2008 02:42 PM

Jesus I dunno man, just type in search classic albums atsonicpark or something. Or atsonicpark edition in search. Haha.

noisereductions 08.21.2008 02:46 PM

Nah. I'm lazy. Remember?

Glice 08.21.2008 04:41 PM

That's the first bit, now someone copy that into a Word doc, ctrl+f, find and replace all the guff with a [space], then repost the useful information into an Excel document and click the 'order' button [I haven't got MS Office suite on this computer].

Glice 08.21.2008 04:42 PM

Or do it your own way, whatever.

atari 2600 08.21.2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Adam, I'm lazy. Please list album titles 1-40 here.

very lazy
maybe just very...

do an advanced topic search for "atsonicpark" and "classic"


schizophrenicroom 08.21.2008 05:04 PM

1. at the drive in- acrobatic tenement
2. wire- chairs missing
3. hot snakes- suicide invoice
4. captain beefheart- ice cream for crow
5. mr. bungle- disco volante
6. swervedriver- raise
7. polvo- today's active lifestyles
9. brainiac - hissing prigs in static couture
slowdive- pygmalion
11. glenn branca- the ascension
12. jesus lizard- goat
13. dazzing killmen- face of collapse
15. wipers- over the edge
16. slint- spiderland
17. thinking fellers union local #282 - mother
18. the residents- third reich n roll
19. cerebrus shoal- mr. boy dog
20. boris- flood
21. pixies- surfer rosa
22. number girl- sappukei
23. the ex- history is what's happening
24. stars of the lid- the ballasted orchestra
25. secret chiefs 3- book of horizons
26. q and not u- no kill no beep beep (my personal favorite thread!)
27. henry cow- western culture
28. harry partch- delusion of the fury
29. snake finger- greener pastures
30. spiral architect- a sceptic's universe
31. boredoms- super ae
32. thinking plague- in this life
33. man.. or astroman?- experiment zero
34. descendents- milo goes to college
35. red lorry yellow lorry- talk about the...
36. deerhoof's entire discography
37. william basinki- the disintegration loops
38. refused- the shape of punk to come
39. godheadsilo- skyward in triumph
40. atari teenage riot- burn berlin burn

a few are missing. can't find them.

Glice 08.21.2008 05:09 PM

A hearty pat on the back for all concerned. Well done.

SuperCreep 08.21.2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
6. scikssor socks - shove a buttfinger
7. scikssor socks - butt a shove, niggah (rap damage)
22. westernquinoxrocks - Auto-Ban (Kraftwerk Remix Album)
25. My Fluffy Cat Is An Alien - Gimme Fluffy Catz


schizophrenicroom 08.21.2008 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
A hearty pat on the back for all concerned. Well done.

i have the list saved mainly because i've found a shitton of new music through mr. atsonicpark.

atsonicpark 08.22.2008 05:22 AM

Haaha. There's more uhh.

atsonicpark 08.22.2008 05:30 AM

# 8 was deftones - around the fur haha.

and # 14.. I can't seem to find it. Did I accidentally skip that one? Or didn't someone make a parody post of it or something and I just said fuck it and didn't do a 14? Oh well, # 14 is Plus-Tech Squeezebox's "FAKEVOX" then.


Vroom Sounds, 2000

Okay, imagine Mr. Bungle doing a J-Pop album. That's what this sounds like. Completely insane but so ridiculously perfect it makes me want to puke. Enjoy.


There! 40 albums so far! I'm glad people like these.

Also, obviously, the Tubgirl thread was a joke. Replace that one with whatever you want.

atsonicpark 08.22.2008 05:48 AM


atari 2600 08.27.2008 11:13 PM

"Neo-classic" would be much more appropriate.

At least 7/8ths of these are not worthy of such lofty distinction. I can only see five that are really all that great.

At any rate, if I compiled a list of forty some odd albums to discuss, zero of these would be on that list.

atsonicpark 08.27.2008 11:16 PM

Yeah, but you haven't compiled 40 albums, and you won't, so why even say that? Also, have you even heard 7/8ths of these albums?

These are classic albums to me, that's why they say "atsonicpark edition" and not "classic albums PERIOD". Whatever the definition of classic is to you, they personally are very important and amazing albums to me. At first I tried to steer clear of newer albums so as to really only list time-tested "classics" but at this point I don't give a shit. Just really great albums that people may or may not have missed out on. A lot of people appreciate my tastes and I try to reccomend stuff people on here would like.

Anyway, it's a much better title than "THESE ALBUMS ARE REALLY FUCKING GREAT IN MY OPINION SO CHECK 'EM OUT, # 1: FUCKEMOS - FUCKEMOS". I apologize for trying to get good people into some good music. I'm obviously a moron.

atsonicpark 08.27.2008 11:30 PM

I'll constantly edit this for people in the future.

1. at the drive in- acrobatic tenement
2. wire- chairs missing
3. hot snakes- suicide invoice
4. captain beefheart- ice cream for crow
5. mr. bungle- disco volante
6. swervedriver- raise
7. polvo- today's active lifestyles
8. deftones- around the fur
9. brainiac- hissing prigs in static couture
10. slowdive- pygmalion
11. glenn branca- the ascension
12. jesus lizard- goat
13. dazzing killmen- face of collapse
14. plus-tech squeezebox- fakevox
15. wipers- over the edge
16. slint- spiderland
17. thinking fellers union local # 282- mother of all saints
18. the residents- third reich n roll
19. cerebrus shoal- mr. boy dog
20. boris- flood
21. pixies- surfer rosa
22. number girl- sappukei
23. the ex- history is what's happening
24. stars of the lid- the ballasted orchestra
25. secret chiefs 3- book of horizons
26. q and not u- no kill no beep beep
27. henry cow- western culture
28. harry partch- delusions of the fury
29. snake finger- greener pastures
30. spiral architect- a sceptic's universe
31. boredoms- super ae
32. thinking plague- in this life
33. man.. or astroman?- experiment zero
34. descendents- milo goes to college
35. red lorry yellow lorry- talk about the weather
36. [it was a joke post but i'll just say...] sonic youth-confusion is sex
37. william basinki- the disintegration loops
38. refused- the shape of punk to come
39. godheadsilo- skyward in triumph
40. atari teenage riot- burn berlin burn
41. john fahey- god, time, and causality
42. dog faced hermans- hum of life
43. robert fripp and the league of crafty guitarists - live!

fugazifan 08.28.2008 04:31 AM

fuck all the ASP haterz

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