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Sonic Susie 05.30.2006 07:30 AM

In your opinion are Sonic Youth a band liked by mostly guys?

h8kurdt 05.30.2006 07:33 AM

Isn't every rock band except The ordinary boys that is.

alyasa 05.30.2006 07:33 AM

Probably not. My elder sister was the one who got me into Sonic Youth first, back in 1992; with Dirty. She was kinda a cool alt-rock chick. So maybe not. Thing is, most guys like 50 Cents better than Sonic Youth.

screamingskull 05.30.2006 07:41 AM

i think maybe girls will be more open to experimental rock then guys?, maybe who knows i have one male friend who likes them and one female friend who likes them so its 2:1 includng me.

you should do a pole asking are you Male or female, find out whats ethere more of on here. i think its been done before but oh well.

kingcoffee 05.30.2006 09:01 AM

Most girls aren't really into alternative rock, at least not GOOD alternative rock. I'd say 60/40. Maybe even 70/30 who are into really good rock. When you think about it, how much popular music is geared towards young girls? Mostly Britney Spears and Destiny's Child and all that shit. Girls get the raw end of the rock and roll deal.

kingcoffee 05.30.2006 09:03 AM

But about SY's audience being mostly male, I have no Idea. It's probably split pretty evenly. The band is pretty cool and they have a woman with a crucial role in the band itself. SO I think that it really opens itself up to a whole new female audience. Now if SY could just get the recognition they deserve, I think a lot more people would be into their music.

luxinterior 05.30.2006 09:22 AM

The only girl I know who likes Sonic Youth somewhat is my age, and I was the one who first introduced her to them. I only know two guys who like them as well, but they are both around 40 years of age (they were two of my high school teachers). Anyway, that's just among people I know well. As for acquaintances, there was a guy who worked at a record store I used to frequent until it went out of business, and he was a Sonic Youth fan. Whenever I would go there, that's mainly the sort of thing we would talk about--Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., things of that nature. And then at my favorite in-town restaurant, the girl who worked at the cash register was a Sonic Youth fan, but I didn't talk to her as much because that's difficult to do at an eating establishment that actually has customers. So I guess what I'm saying is that in my experience, the male/female split has been even.

kingcoffee 05.30.2006 10:21 AM

My senior English teacher LOVED Sonic Youth. It totally caught me by surprise. But for the rest of the year I really respected her for being so different than all the other middle aged teachers at my school. Her politcal and artistic tastes were very admirable. Besides her, I only know one other female who likes Sonic Youth. She's on;y 15 and she still likes some shitty music, but thank God (Hendrix) that I introduced her to SY, Pixies, Flaming Lips and Built to SPill. Otherwise she'd be listening to Good Charlotte and Green Day. I may have well saved her life from mediocrity.

alyasa 05.30.2006 10:53 AM

I love Built To Spill. But around these here parts, girls are stereotypically better appreciaters of good music.

Magic Wheel Memory 05.30.2006 12:15 PM

Just look at the audience at one of their shows. I've always seen plenty of females there.

schizophrenicroom 05.30.2006 12:22 PM

My friend Megan loves the yoof's cover of "Blonde Redhead" and that only. She's the only other girl I know who likes them (my mom and her fascination with Thurston's eternal prepubescence doesn't count). A few of my guy friends are kind of casual fans. The only real other fan I know was my English teacher this year, this 40 year old dude.

LifeDistortion 05.30.2006 12:24 PM

Its kind of hard to say. I would say having Kim in the band does attract females to listen to them intially. Yet, I wonder if any girls started listening to them because they thought Thurston or Lee looked cute. Hard to say I guess, but come on, how many girls who love rock have posters of Jim Morrison posters or fill in the blank male rockstar who they think looks really hot? I just think where I find many guys and girls hesitant to listen to any band that has a female member, girls are also inclined to listen to a band if they find one of the male band members attractive.

alyasa 05.30.2006 02:14 PM

I used to think Chuck Norris was good looking.

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