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radarmaker 07.10.2008 02:56 PM

Favourite Bowie album
OK, the Aladdin Sane thread & the new release of the '72 Santa Monica Ziggy gig prompted me to create my first poll - surprised it hasn't been done before!

Not enough available options to do it properly I'm afraid - if possible I'd add at least the self-titled one reissued as Space Oddity, Lodger, Pin-Ups & Lets Dance to the list, but what can ya do...

I'm torn between MWSTW, Hunky Dory & Station to Station, but went with the former just cos.

radarmaker 07.10.2008 03:09 PM

Ah, shit I somehow missed off Aladdin Sane. Whoops.

noisereductions 07.10.2008 03:13 PM

Hate to be so obvious, but ZIGGY is really the record that clued me in on how amazing Bowie could be. As a child I only knew him from the LABYRINTH soundtrack.

noisereductions 07.10.2008 03:14 PM

haha I didnt even notice "one of the shit ones" being a choice. Nice.

acousticrock87 07.10.2008 03:19 PM

Besides Aladdin Sane, I have to go with Diamond Dogs. Low is a very close second (third?).

dionysusundone 07.10.2008 03:41 PM

Diamond Dogs, for sure.

PAULYBEE2656 07.10.2008 03:43 PM


acousticrock87 07.10.2008 04:00 PM

I also want to add that I think Station to Station and Hunky Dory are terrible. All of the other ones listed I like a lot, but I can't stand those two.

gualbert 07.10.2008 04:01 PM

What is remarkable about him? ( apart from the way he dressed )

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 07.10.2008 04:24 PM

rumor has it he liked kissing boys but he married a girl. weirdo

viewtiful_alan 07.10.2008 04:34 PM

I love Ziggy.
But I remember being fond of Outside:


Haven't pulled my copy out in a while though.

I only have man who sold the world, ziggy, and Outside.

Cantankerous 07.10.2008 05:05 PM


on this list.

aladdin sane is my real favourite bowie album.

greedrex 07.10.2008 06:10 PM

david bowie is as shitty as the Rolling Stones and Beck COMBINED.

neg rep is overrated

MellySingsDoom 07.10.2008 06:19 PM

"Hunky Dory" - for a) Bowie wearing a dress on the cover, b) "Life On Mars", c) "Queen Bitch", d) pretty much all of the other tunes, and e) Mick Ronson serving up plenty of tasty guitar moves.

Toxa 07.10.2008 06:59 PM

1. hours...
2. Earthling
3. all others

atari 2600 07.10.2008 07:51 PM

the tiers of Bowie

Space/Santa '72/Let's

batreleaser 07.10.2008 07:58 PM

low by a looooooooong shot. dont dig much bowie.

acousticrock87 07.10.2008 09:50 PM

I'm glad to see Low winning, even though I didn't vote for it. I think it's most deserving.

uhler 07.10.2008 11:13 PM

ziggy stardust, low and hunky dory are all really good. don't care much for the rest. well aside from the video of dancing in the street or whatever the song is called.

Dead-Air 07.11.2008 12:45 AM

Low, but Space Oddity, which you left off the list is close for me.

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