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Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 10:51 AM

Does it Sadden you slightly when you "complete" part of your collection?
Yesterday I found the very last Unwound recording I do not own on vinyl, a single for MK Ultra.

I now have no more Unwound releases to find.


Recently I have reached this level with Unsane, Dinosaur Jr, and Polvo. There are quite a few others in my collection that I have already "finished" while it makes me happy to find these things and to listen to them it also saddens me because that is yet another band whose name I have to cross out of my mental "to get" list.

Do any of you ever feel that way?

Glice 06.13.2008 11:05 AM

I've only ever had one complete collection, and I doubt I'll ever have another one. Unless the band only happens to do a handful of releases, y'know. I can't currently think of a single band that I could be bothered to have a complete collection of.

Pookie 06.13.2008 11:11 AM

I too have only had one complete collection. Then I realised I had so many track duplications and quite a bit of shit as well.

Apart from that...what Glice said.

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 11:16 AM

I have quite a few that I would love to complete. If it is one of my favorite bands I liek to get all theri singles and albums on vinyl.

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 11:17 AM

I am not too big on the millions of compilations and shit like that though.

I am close to finishing complete collections of

PJ Harvey
Sonic Youth
The Smiths

!@#$%! 06.13.2008 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Yesterday I found the very last Unwound recording I do not own on vinyl, a single for MK Ultra.

I now have no more Unwound releases to find.


Recently I have reached this level with Unsane, Dinosaur Jr, and Polvo. There are quite a few others in my collection that I have already "finished" while it makes me happy to find these things and to listen to them it also saddens me because that is yet another band whose name I have to cross out of my mental "to get" list.

Do any of you ever feel that way?

no, i don't collect anything, i'm a very poor accumulator. i'm more of a buffet eater-- a bit of this and a bit of that to feed my aesthetic and spiritual needs, and i very rarely fetishize-- in other words, objects don't interest me in and of themselves, and when i've tried to fake it (by imitating others), i've observed i end up with mere clutter. in other words, i lack the collector instinct.

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 11:38 AM

some classify it as a "sickness!"

stu666 06.13.2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Yesterday I found the very last Unwound recording I do not own on vinyl, a single for MK Ultra.

I now have no more Unwound releases to find.


Recently I have reached this level with Unsane, Dinosaur Jr, and Polvo. There are quite a few others in my collection that I have already "finished" while it makes me happy to find these things and to listen to them it also saddens me because that is yet another band whose name I have to cross out of my mental "to get" list.

Do any of you ever feel that way?

i am yet to complete a full collection of releases from one artist as there are so many that i like alot and i try to get a bit of everything but even my favs like sonic youth i am still missing a few things, i do have almost every Huggy Bear vinyl release so i might complete that soon, i can imagine though if i did complete my SY collection i would be pretty satisfied for a bit but then not know what to do as i am constantly on the look out for things i don't have :D

Toilet & Bowels 06.13.2008 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Yesterday I found the very last Unwound recording I do not own on vinyl, a single for MK Ultra.

I now have no more Unwound releases to find.


Recently I have reached this level with Unsane, Dinosaur Jr, and Polvo. There are quite a few others in my collection that I have already "finished" while it makes me happy to find these things and to listen to them it also saddens me because that is yet another band whose name I have to cross out of my mental "to get" list.

Do any of you ever feel that way?

unsane are still putting out records though, and then there's cutthoats9 chris spencer's other band who are maybe a little better than unsane.

!@#$%! 06.13.2008 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
some classify it as a "sickness!"

nah, withouth collectors we wouldn't have libraries and museums, which are some of the best things in life.

i personally love collections, i just lack the instinctual drive to put one togther.

if it's a sickness, think about it as a sickness that produces something good-- sort of like the way that bacteria in our guts produce vitamin K, ha ha.

anyway on a related note i still got your keychain ready to go, i just haven't had a chance to send it, these 2 weeks have been crazy.

Toilet & Bowels 06.13.2008 12:14 PM

bands who i'm inteding to have complete collections of one day:

harry pussy
the dead c
the shadow ring
the jesus lizard
bardo pond
windy & carl

Phlegmscope 06.13.2008 12:18 PM

I'm not a completist in any way.
I have too many more important things to worry about than finding a certain 7" by a certain band.

luisxvi 06.13.2008 12:31 PM

It does in a way and it seems strange that it should but its somehow like there is nothing new to discover. Its ok because you can always get everything else that comes out but its kind of an anti climax.

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 12:36 PM

Yr right king Luis

anticlimax is a good word for it!

and as concerns bands that are still putting out records, those are easy to get as they come along. finding a clean copy of SY's walls have ears or kill yr idols however....

cuttthrioats9 are good too, but I have a special place in my heart for the first 5 years of UNSANE nothing compares, and nothing will ever compare.

!@#$%! 06.13.2008 12:39 PM

i get that feeling when i finish a great book though

you want to get to the end but you don't want the experience to end.

eventually, time wins.

ni'k 06.13.2008 12:40 PM

When I completed my collection of enough dead babies for insulation i was kinda sad.

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 12:49 PM

How'd you deal with the smell?

Rob Instigator 06.13.2008 12:56 PM

and just to clarify a bit, I am not talking about an obsession with getting everything a band puts out. I am talkig about, in your casual month to month record buying, getting lucky and finding that one LP/single that completes yr collection.

I do not consider myself obsessive. I have passed up countless chances to get certain SY items or certain butthole surfers ites because of price or just because I had it already on CD and wanted to get something else.

I Love Records!

luisxvi 06.13.2008 01:01 PM

Its still good to know you have an entire collection of someones work, that in itself can be a mountain to climb and when you find those rare, out of print things in some crappy 2nd hand place its good but when its all over its like knowing you will never have that again somehow.

StevOK 06.13.2008 01:50 PM

It's going to take me many years to complete any of my collections because I get distracted and start going for a different band.

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