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DNAINTHEDNA 06.02.2008 07:07 PM

Brainbombs appreciation thread
sorry just had to

obey...both singles collections...come on this band is pretty much better than most in anyone's record collection

Toilet & Bowels 06.03.2008 03:59 AM

they were one of those bands that i knew about for years but never really got round to checking them out properly until recently and i felt like an idiot for not doing it sooner

batreleaser 06.03.2008 06:23 AM

amazing band. the s/t album rocks my world.

DJ Rick 06.03.2008 01:22 PM

Did any of you ever read Z-Gun #1? Huge Brainbombs section in there included a record-by-record review, a rare interview, and much philosophizing about the band. (#2 of this best print-zine since Forced Exposure is out, and this issue gave a similar treatment to Drunks With Guns.)

DNAINTHEDNA 06.03.2008 01:24 PM

i need to order my copy, i heard about that

and drunks with guns were amazing

batreleaser 06.10.2008 09:09 AM

a lot of great fucking bands came out of the early 90's noise rock/mathrock/watever scenes.

tesla69 06.10.2008 09:17 AM

Brainbombs are essential, they don't just hate women they hate everybody. I'll brag because I actually own all their albums. Don't remember how it actually came about but back in the 80's I traded with some guy from Scandanavia for that 7" comp with The Second Coming on it - not because it had the Brainbombs on it but because it was a comp of local punk rock. Then when I moved to Cal in 1990 my pal Dean (exEOI) played me their first album which I immediately had to go buy. He also played me the first album by this band The boredoms, but I wasn't so impressed. But I guess it did make an impression, I can still imitate it: "EEP AP URP EEP! smash clang clang smash"

Onani Nic 01.20.2009 10:41 PM

FFFUUUUCCCKCKKKKKKK!!! Got the Load singles comp, amazing. I want everything now but no way I could afford it.

Iain 01.24.2009 06:10 AM

I like Obey by the Brainboms/and lots of you do too/but Sarah Paynes poor mum and dad can't share that point of view

davenotdead 01.24.2009 12:41 PM

the only one i have is Fucking Mess. I like it, but what's their best?

tesla69 01.24.2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
the only one i have is Fucking Mess. I like it, but what's their best?

you actually got a copy of that? i admire you greatly. that record is impossible to get, already selling $60 on loserbay.

davenotdead 01.24.2009 12:54 PM

i only have it in mp3 form thus far. I knew I should have clarified.

PAULYBEE2656 01.24.2009 04:49 PM

ive got one thing, its ok.....havent given them the attention they deserve to be honest....

Onani Nic 01.24.2009 08:45 PM


The Earl Of Slander 11.24.2009 10:27 PM

I'm reviving this thread because I'm listening to Obey right now and feel the need to shout to the world about how much this band fucking rocks! "Hey mouth around my cock. A gun against her head. Bang I blow her head off, and said: Hey baby! You look a little pale. Are you sick? And I have lipstick on my dick..."

The Earl Of Slander 11.24.2009 10:35 PM

Also, how ridiculously awesome are the horns on this album?

Genteel Death 11.26.2009 02:16 PM

They're PERFECT.

Derek 11.26.2009 02:32 PM

The cream of the crop.

batreleaser 11.27.2009 08:30 AM

sadist stooges noise rock.

the ikara cult 08.14.2011 06:32 PM


More Brainbombs love is needed

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