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PAULYBEE2656 04.22.2008 07:25 AM

i finally saw the magik markers last night in dublin..
... and they were great, the sound wasnt the greatest from the mix but then again thats hardly the bands fault.... the energy, the noise, the tectures, the shitty tapedeck, the dropping of sticks, the dropping of tapes, the cheeky smile and above all, the niceness and friendliness of peter and elisa knows no bounds. Excellent night, excellent gig made even better by meeting up with old friends and fellow boardies,.... and making new transatlantic ones!

i think i now have the only 2 markers shirts in ireland at the moment to... thanks pete!!!

oh yeah, shit-for-brains me forgot both my still and moving image cameras but i know there was clickers and bootleggers there so im sure some will surface. elisa looked exquisite! peter looked like..... peter...

atsonicpark 04.22.2008 10:28 AM

Sounds like fun. I bet they're great live, a sound not yet captured on their recordings. Is their sound live more in the vein of 'Boss' or are they mixing it up with some of their older, improv stuff?

Elisa's hot.

sarramkrop 04.22.2008 10:42 AM

I predict a thread of epic proportions. Take your seat, we are ready for take off in 5 minutes.

atsonicpark 04.22.2008 10:52 AM

Nah. There's not much else to say.

PAULYBEE2656 04.22.2008 11:24 AM

yeah it was 40% boss, but noisy boss and 40% other stuff and the rest improv or whatever. just a real good vibe off the whole night and i was slightly taken aback by the fragile beauty of elisa, man such a nice person! (im trying to be the gentleman here!) but i have to say, not 2 nicer and friendlier people have i ever had the pleasure of spending time with. markers rule!

atsonicpark 04.22.2008 11:37 AM


nicfit 04.22.2008 11:43 AM

Sounds pretty cool.
On a slightly related note, is Leah up to somehing? beside searching for friends on friendster?

jon boy 04.22.2008 12:05 PM

they are still one of the best live bands out there.

greenlight 04.22.2008 01:01 PM

great set!

very true. really, really nice people. hug with Elisa was my best encore ever.

it was my second time seeing them and i can say they're much better as live band. i can upload audio rec. of it, if somebody would be interested.

oh yeah, some pics.




greenlight 04.22.2008 01:02 PM




greenlight 04.22.2008 01:03 PM




greenlight 04.22.2008 01:05 PM




PAULYBEE2656 04.22.2008 01:14 PM

jeez, my eyes are kinda red in that 3nd last one. i look fucking demented! im on far right behind elisa.

shit man, upload away. good to see you again rich.... " are american yeah?............." funniest moment of the night goes to you rich!!!!!!

stu666 04.22.2008 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by greenlight
great set!

very true. really, really nice people. hug with Elisa was my best encore ever.

it was my second time seeing them and i can say they're much better as live band. i can upload audio rec. of it, if somebody would be interested.

sounds like a good night, i would be very interested in hearing this

PAULYBEE2656 04.22.2008 03:09 PM

yep, im quite pleased with myself karlie!!!

greenlight 04.23.2008 05:01 PM

so here's, uhmm, mp3 version of it.

(*edit*) listen to it loud.

by the way. Pauly as I promised, expect some visuals later on.

PAULYBEE2656 04.24.2008 05:49 AM

thanks rich. thats an amazing photo of eliza!

whorefrost 04.24.2008 07:13 PM

excellent, this thread has got me very hyped about seeing them tomorrow night

Iain 04.28.2008 05:36 AM

They were very enjoyable indeed in Cardiff the night following the Dublin gig. You can see a couple of vids here.

Plus one from support act Meanz Heinz

whorefrost 04.28.2008 07:22 AM

Aberdeen was way gnarly. They played a short but sweet set; Empty Bottles, Axis Mundi and Body Rot formed the core amidst extended drafts of feral skronk. Also got there early and spoke to the promoter who was impressed we had driven from Edinburgh and subsequently let us in for the soundcheck so we got to here them play Taste as well. I also scored the Markers/Vampire Belt 7" on Not Not Fun which I had been lusting for. Ace.

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