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bloodface 05.22.2006 02:27 PM

End Times Fest - Festival Program Advertising Availability and Merch Table Reservs
End Times Festival - Press Release, Festival Program Advertising Availability and Merchandise Table Reservation

The END TIMES FESTIVAL is an International Underground Music Festival in its fourth year of existence (previously titled Destijl/Freedom From – Festival of Music) that focuses on a disparate amalgamation of experimental, unconventional, intelligent and most importantly entertaining music's. There is no one genre of music represented herein; in fact its ethos is an elimination of looking at music in restrictive terms. This year's festival represents a wildly diverse cross-cultural and generational map. People will be traveling from all over the world to attend this event; the allegiance of the followers of these sounds is a highly dedicated and immensely community oriented group. That is, the music itself is a product of community and you'll find most of the performers mingling with many of the audience before one note is even played.

The Festival itself is comparatively affordable. $60 for 3 full days of music, while a similar event planned in Boston the month prior costs $110 for a similar amount of acts. Our goal is not maximizing profits, but bringing people together for a new and challenging musical experience. Every single act is far from the norm and in of itself is an amazing creation that transcends people’s musical ideas; everyone's prejudices towards what music is are expelled and enjoyment becomes paramount. We expect an attendance of over 2000-3000 for all the events planned over the course of the second to last weekend in June (23, 24 & 25).

We will be printing a festival program complete with beautiful cover art done by contemporary local artist Adam Marks (of Seawhores, Vaz and Arctic Universe). The program will be 8.5” x 5.5” and will be given away to all Festival attendees as well as extra copies available. The program will contain festival and band information, directions and maps as well as advertisements from local, national and international companies. For record labels, bands, magazines, production companies, mail order businesses, etc., this means thousands of new customers as many of the attendees themselves run labels, are in bands or are connected to music and media in numerous ways. For local businesses, this means that large amounts people looking for areas to eat, drink, shop, rent and stay will seek you out. The festival lasts from 2 pm to 2 am with re-entry allowed, meaning many people will be hitting the streets looking to spend their money. In its first year of existence (2002), the Festival was voted the Best Concert of the Year, by the City Pages.

This year’s festival is sure to garner more recognition and notoriety. Major stories are planned for the City Pages, Star-Tribune and Pulse and more are sure to come. Even publications out of the state are writing about this festival, such as the Seattle Stranger, Chicago Reader, Time Out New York, Arthur, the Wire and the San Francisco Bay-Guardian as well as major independent music magazines. We've been asked to come in and play records and talk about the festival on Radio K, WMCN Macalester College and the Drive 105 Homegrown Show. As well, the official festival posters are being designed by the internationally renowned local design company Aesthetic Apparatus Point being the coverage on this is going to be massive hence the importance of getting your name out there in the program. Its effectiveness is quite unquestionable; numerous people WILL seek you out. The final addition to this wonderful advertising opportunity is the incredible cost-effectiveness of the program; the ads themselves are considerably inexpensive comparative to your normal advertising budget. Consider that if just 1% of the festival attendees purchase a service from you, that that would mean that 20-30 people would be purchasing something over the course of the weekend who otherwise would not. An opportunity to amazing to decline!

Those who want more than an advertisement are encouraged to sponsor the festival. Your name will be held synonymous with this wonderful experience. This option is especially usefull for those who have options besides advertisement. Individualized sponsor programs can be set up by emailing


Back OUTSIDE Cover - $500
Front INSIDE Cover $375
Back INSIDE Cover $350
Full Page (4.5" x 7.5”) - $190
Half Page Horizontal (4.5" x 3.625”) - $100
Half Page Vertical (2.125" x 7.5") - $100
Quarter Page (2.125" x 3.5") - $55
Eighth Page (2.125" x 1.75") - $30

Value Ad (1.0625 x 1.75) - $15

Please contact us further regarding ad rates and sizes if this is beyond your budget. We're very flexible and can meet your needs and budget. The deadline for ad submissions will be June 14th, 2006. An online form where you can reserve and pay for a standard size ad will soon be available at .

You can email your ads to the following address:

in word or pc files, illustrator, quark and photoshop are all compatible.

Checks are payable to:
End Times Festival

1230 Washington St NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413

and you can mail your hardcopy ad to the following address:

Adam Sever
P.O. Box 2076
Maple Grove, MN 55311

However, the email method is preferred and much quicker. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at 612-396-6550 and ask for Matthew or you can also email us at

Merchandise Tables will also likely be available for purchase, however, this option is still in the logistics phase. Those who do have interest are encouraged to email and reserve a table via the address, and once information becomes pertinent and available, you will be notified of cost, etc.

bloodface 05.22.2006 09:49 PM

SY Related Bit -

Thurston just took out an 1/4 page advert in the program, and so should you, you adventurous record label owner you!

bloodface 05.30.2006 12:08 PM


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