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batreleaser 04.03.2008 03:42 PM

favorite skin graft bands...
lets keep this thang alive...

blise grace
cheer accident
strangulated beatoffs
flying luttenbachers
gorge trio
u.s. maple
melt banana
you fantastic!
space streakings
zeni geva
mount shasta
arab on radar
athletic automation

thats a fuckin label!

Pookie 04.03.2008 03:59 PM

Space Streakings are pretty good.

Not heard many of the others.

PAULYBEE2656 04.03.2008 04:09 PM

the mighty RUINS
melt banana
spavce streakings
flying luttenbachers
blise glace
made in mexico
there is plenty more...
arab on radar

atsonicpark 04.03.2008 04:15 PM

I've heard every single record Skin Graft has ever released, so I can safely say: All EXCEPT AIDS Wolf who I just hate. Space Streakings and Dazzling Killmen are my favorite though.

batreleaser 04.03.2008 04:22 PM

i dont think aids wolf is that bad, i used to but i really like the lovvers lp.

batreleaser 04.03.2008 04:23 PM

i forgot dazzling killmen though, holy christ were they a talented band. they could have backed miles davis they were so good, one of the best math rock bands for sure.

Everyneurotic 04.03.2008 04:23 PM

aids wolf are good, not extraordinaire; i really hope chloe and husband get to work on hamborghinni material.

gualbert 04.03.2008 04:39 PM

Lake of Dracula.

atsonicpark 04.03.2008 04:50 PM

I just don't like AIDS Wolf. Bores me. Just don't think there's anything good about it. Reminds me of Magik Markers.. not that they really sound the same.. it's just kinda.. girl running around yelling over some boring noise.. I dunno. I can't explain it. I would like to see her and Pre (who rule) chick going at it though. That'd be hot.

You also left off Shakuhachi Surprise, who are just mindblowing... pretty much the perfect encapsulation of everything that makes Skin Graft great. Also, has anyone ever had Gumballhead beer? I was shocked when I saw that, I was like, "holy shit, does skin graft make beer now?" If any of you even know what I'm talking about, haha..

Everyneurotic 04.03.2008 04:53 PM

i wish i had some of that beer, just to try.

plus, their comics are pretty ace, being kinda sick/silly.

sarramkrop 04.04.2008 04:03 AM

Zeni Geva
US Maple
Lake Of Dracula
Ufo Or Die
Melt Banana

I'm sure Bobby Conn put out some stuff out through them a long time ago. Will need to check because I remember it was good. Now he sucks.

Everyneurotic 04.04.2008 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I'm sure Bobby Conn put out some stuff out through them a long time ago. Will need to check because I remember it was good. Now he sucks.

boi, you can say that again.

batreleaser 04.05.2008 11:59 AM

i think i like "noise rock" or "noise punk" or noise whatever more than just "noise" or "power electronics" and all that, i mean i love it all, but i listen to a lot more noise rock bands than i do noise bands.

PAULYBEE2656 04.05.2008 01:47 PM

noise is great noise is shite. its a very borderline thing but i dont get the anti aidswolf thing at all. i love anything ive heard by them, but then again i love the magik markers so em, yeah.... ill get my coat!

shakuachi suprise are excellent, didnt realise they were skingraft tho. also the first chinese stars is great, the others are bollocks to the core
koenjihyakkei (i know ruins are mentioned)
flossie and the unicorns
mc trachocemry
q electronics... the list is endfull

atsonicpark 04.05.2008 07:53 PM

Yeah, Flossie rules. The ultimate "What the fuck" band to play for people besides maybe if you play Yowie to someone who usually listens to a lot of "math rock". Mindblowing label.

forkimified 04.05.2008 08:24 PM

AIDS Wolf, Ruins, Melt Banana, Athletic Automaton, and Flying Luttenbachers. Maybe. in that order.

I enjoy Lake of Dracula and you fantastic!, I'd probably like PRE if I heard more of them.
Koenjihyakkei I have one album of. It reminds me of the original Star Trek music to the extreme :p
Others mentioned I either still haven't heard or weren't memorable. I have one cd by each Mount Shasta, Space Streakings, and Dazzling Killmen, and can recall the style of each, but not a specific song.

I bought Strangulated Beatoffs, but haven't had a chance to use the record player.

AIDS Wolf and Ruins are also the only I've seen live.

I don't find AIDS Wolf 'noise'-y at all. They make usual songs. Just weird sounding ones.

LittlePuppetBoy 04.05.2008 08:52 PM

I'll have to say AIDS Wolf (probably a bit of a biased choice since I have become personally connected with them, nice guys)
Arab On Radar
Ruins (greatest drummer ever! He kicks Niel Peart's ass.)

SonicSam 04.06.2008 07:27 AM

space streakings
melt banana
Arab on radar
Lake of dracula

Everyneurotic 04.07.2008 07:51 PM

i love aids wolf but i despise the magik crappers.

atsonicpark 04.08.2008 07:20 AM

forkmified: there are AIDS Wolf songs that turn into just weird noises. Anyway, they just bore me, I listened to all their stuff twice, maybe I'll re-listen to 'em with fresh ears since everyone appears to love em so much on here.

Also, yeah, totally forgot the Koenjihyakkei stuff is released on skin graft for some reason. That's actually probably the best band on there. Just amazing.

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