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yazz 03.16.2008 02:43 PM

noobs guide to Sonic Y
Hellow peoples

I've been getting into Sonic Youth lately, hence why I joined this forum. Also because I like discussing music and everything else with people that listen to decent music.

Anyway, I've only heard Daydream Nation, Sister and EVOL now. I'm thinking of listening to their whole discography in chronological order, anything you'd recommend?


krastian 03.16.2008 02:56 PM

All of it!!!

But, no, seriously, maybe go with Washing Machine next? You've def. already hit 3 of their best albums. Or maybe just keep going chronologically into Goo and Dirty.

stu666 03.16.2008 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by yazz
Hellow peoples

I've been getting into Sonic Youth lately, hence why I joined this forum. Also because I like discussing music and everything else with people that listen to decent music.

Anyway, I've only heard Daydream Nation, Sister and EVOL now. I'm thinking of listening to their whole discography in chronological order, anything you'd recommend?


hello and welcome, i would recommend everything then sorry this doesn't really help but it would be great to here all the Sonic Youth albums for the first time again

JuMeSyn 03.16.2008 03:00 PM

Keep the chronology. Goo and Dirty are awesome works as well.

SonicBebs 03.16.2008 03:00 PM

i think chronological order would be best, that way you can see them grow and change as you go. Enjoy!

RanaldoNecro 03.16.2008 03:13 PM

Since you don't have all of your life to listen to music let alone SY...

Start with the elementary

yazz 03.16.2008 03:22 PM

thanks for the replies chronological it is then

naa RanaldoNecro I don't listen to best of's/compilations, I'd rather hear complete albums. Even if it takes ages

fluxequalsrad 03.16.2008 03:49 PM

1. The Empty Page
2. Bull in the Heather
3. Teenage Riot
4. 100%
5. Reena
6. Candle
7. Disappearer
8. Skip Tracer
9. Pattern Recognition
10. I Love You Golden Blue
11. Wish Fulfillment
12. Expressway to yr. Skull

Pick yr. fav, then listen to that album next.

Everyneurotic 03.16.2008 05:32 PM

just avoid rather ripped as much as you can.

also, once you reach sonic nurse, pick the discography up from the start (sy ep, confusion is sex, bad moon rising).

and also, don't forget to listen to the syr series, made in usa, sonic death, etc. all well worth it.

Sonic Youth 37 03.16.2008 11:19 PM

Also check out Hold That Tiger once you've had your fill of album stuff.

Dead-Air 03.17.2008 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by yazz
Hellow peoples

I've been getting into Sonic Youth lately, hence why I joined this forum. Also because I like discussing music and everything else with people that listen to decent music.

Anyway, I've only heard Daydream Nation, Sister and EVOL now. I'm thinking of listening to their whole discography in chronological order, anything you'd recommend?


I'd say you really need to get Bad Moon Rising next to get a feel where they were coming from when they did the three albums you have. Plus, it's a fucking genius landmark album (my favorite record - period). Then get the other early albums Confusion is Sex and the self-titled ep, which are also must haves.

Then going chronological with the major label stuff (as well as the SYRs which shouldn't be missed) makes sense, keeping in mind that if you don't like a particular album as much they may well have done something noticeably different afterwards.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 03.17.2008 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by yazz
Hellow peoples

I've been getting into Sonic Youth lately, hence why I joined this forum. Also because I like discussing music and everything else with people that listen to decent music.

Anyway, I've only heard Daydream Nation, Sister and EVOL now. I'm thinking of listening to their whole discography in chronological order, anything you'd recommend?


Confusion is Sex
Murray Street

Thor Anders Aase 03.17.2008 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by yazz
Hellow peoples

I've been getting into Sonic Youth lately, hence why I joined this forum. Also because I like discussing music and everything else with people that listen to decent music.

Anyway, I've only heard Daydream Nation, Sister and EVOL now. I'm thinking of listening to their whole discography in chronological order, anything you'd recommend?


You were of to a good start with those albums. I would recomend Murray Street, Thousand Leaves and Washing Mashine next. But buy them all, because all the albums will give you some great moments. Buy Rather Ripped and SY ep last..

Enjoy the ride mate.

su x* 03.17.2008 04:24 AM

well excuse me for liking rather ripped...
i think it would be a good break from all the greatness. or dirty. theire both great, but feel kinda shallow.

whats 'hold that tiger'?

Death & the Maiden 03.17.2008 04:45 AM

Hold That Tiger is a live one.
Anyway, I would say Bad Moon Rising, Confusion Is Sex and the Self Titled should be next.

su x* 03.17.2008 05:04 AM

you cant really go wrong with sy once you get started on them

GrungeMonkey 03.17.2008 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
just avoid rather ripped as much as you can.

ignore this bullshit muncher!

rather ripped is good. its not one of their best, butit certainly has its place within SY's discography.

max 03.17.2008 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by GrungeMonkey
ignore this bullshit muncher!

rather ripped is good. its not one of their best, butit certainly has its place within SY's discography.

agreed. i really like RR.

SonicBebs 03.17.2008 06:28 AM

Reena, Jams Run Free, Turquoise Boy, whats not to like?

su x* 03.17.2008 06:43 AM

forgot pink steam

(not too keen on turquise boy, though)

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