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Fox 03.23.2006 02:53 PM

Need your help...
Okay, my music teacher just learned me that this is possible that before the end of the year we'll have a lesson where everyone can bring one track of what he want... Of course I'll choose one of Sonic Youth but I don't know what... I need a short track (between 2 and 5 minutes, if possible), not too heavy, as quiet as possible and not too "experimental"... I'm thinking about Tom Violence, but I Dreamed I Dream, Wish Fulfillment, Schizophrenia would apply fine...

What would you take in the same situation?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 03.23.2006 02:55 PM

How about dirty boots?
something off of dirty or EJSTNS

Magublafix 03.23.2006 02:56 PM

I would take Drunken Butterfly

Magublafix 03.23.2006 02:56 PM

yes dirty boots is a good idea for your requirements

nicfit 03.23.2006 03:09 PM

i'd go with death valley 69-----he he,just kidding,maybe schizophrenia,or sugar kane.

Fox 03.23.2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
i'd go with death valley 69-----he he,just kidding,maybe schizophrenia,or sugar kane.

I was just thinking about something like Kill yr Idols or Brother James :P¨

Hmm... Dirty Boots is far from being my favorite SY track, even if it's good, but I got the EP so it would be easy, and it's not very heavy (end excepted) ; anyway, Schizophrenia and Sugar Kane are classics so it could be interesting... Well, there are too many tracks :o

Hip Priest 03.23.2006 03:13 PM

If it has to be quiet, how about Beauty Lies in the Eye?

Fox 03.23.2006 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
If it has to be quiet, how about Beauty Lies in the Eye?

Yeah, but it's maybe too "strange", no? But I haven't thinked to it, it's true that it could be a great choice

Hip Priest 03.23.2006 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fox
Yeah, but it's maybe too "strange", no? But I haven't thinked to it, it's true that it could be a great choice

I dun't know, it seems to fulfill the criteria you specified quite nicely, anfd it is short. It's the speech ones that sping to mind - Hallowe'en and Small Flowers Crack Concrete too. Beauty Lies in the Eye is my fave SY song, though, so I'm bound to say that. I actually think it's quite accessible - nice jangling guitar, poetic lyrics, that little bit of picked-up drumwork near the end.

Fox 03.23.2006 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
I dun't know, it seems to fulfill the criteria you specified quite nicely, anfd it is short. It's the speech ones that sping to mind - Hallowe'en and Small Flowers Crack Concrete too. Beauty Lies in the Eye is my fave SY song, though, so I'm bound to say that. I actually think it's quite accessible - nice jangling guitar, poetic lyrics, that little bit of picked-up drumwork near the end.

You're right - but don't think to the lyrics, I live in France and nobody understands english in this "course", I don't know if the word is correct...

Soundtrax 03.23.2006 06:53 PM

so what will the teacher do with the track when you bring it? will the class or the teacher comment on it or something? i think if that is the case, the song you bring shouldn't be to pop :) i would go for Diamond Sea or Cinderella's Big Score :)

themawt71 03.23.2006 08:25 PM

you should play schizophrenia. itll impress yr teacher cuz most rock songs are structured verse chorus verse where as schizo is through composed ie it never repeats any parts. the structure is A-B-C-D-E-F-G....cant remember how many parts there are


HaydenAsche 03.23.2006 08:36 PM

Learned Me?


rocky 03.23.2006 08:44 PM

if i had this same opportunity tomorrow I'd want to take one of these:
Bull in the Heather
Titanium Expose
expressway to YR Skull

Update us after this occurs! :)

Fox 03.26.2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Soundtrax
so what will the teacher do with the track when you bring it? will the class or the teacher comment on it or something? i think if that is the case, the song you bring shouldn't be to pop :) i would go for Diamond Sea or Cinderella's Big Score :)

No, she won't comment it...

Diamond Sea is too long, and Cinderella's Big Score, no, not Cinderella's Big Score :p

But well, I think I already impressed the class, come on a lesson about atonal music, I had bring Hidros 3 :D

Signpost 03.26.2006 03:18 PM

How about Starpower or Sunday?

sonikold 03.26.2006 03:50 PM

freezer burn/ i wanna be yr dog

just kidding...

schizophrenicroom 03.26.2006 04:33 PM

Maybe something off Dirty?

noumenal 03.26.2006 04:36 PM

Hey, you really need to tell us what you are going to be doing with the song. Are you going to analyze it or what?

samuel 03.26.2006 06:53 PM

I second Schizophrenia

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