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atsonicpark 02.27.2008 08:20 AM

butthole surfers - blind eye sees all

Anyone seen this?

It's really great. Insane... Early Buttholes making tons of acid-fueled noise. And it all sounds really really good. The interviews with the band between the songs are not that interesting and should have been a special feature but they can be skipped pretty easily. But the music -- especially the guitar playing!!! -- is excellent...

Rob Instigator 02.27.2008 09:42 AM

I own the original VHS version. I love it so much. It is truly a great record of the buttholes at the height of their insanity
the interviews are fucking GREAT man. shit. They are insane! I love gibby's free association acid trip, they are all dosed on lsd in that, and I love when homeboy pukes and then gibby sucks some up with a turkey baster and eats it
and I love whn he pokes the steaming shit he just took outside in the snow

and I love the extras where they show gibby and paul leary barely making it on stage so wasted on drugs and they truy to play a song and it is pure collapse

and I love when the interviewer gets fed up with their insanity

and I love

an I love
i love

I love

the butthole surfers

batreleaser 02.27.2008 10:15 AM

rad, ill check it out

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 02.27.2008 02:29 PM

Great video. I love love love this. "Take me to that gringo town, so I can buy some of that heroin brown." Also that one song... I don't own it on an album "hey". Man that song is intense. The only thing that I really wish were on that dvd is Ta Da the shit queen.

Rob Instigator 02.27.2008 03:43 PM

Mexican caravan, I love that song

atsonicpark 02.27.2008 03:57 PM

i smoke elvis's toenails when I want to get high.

pbradley 02.27.2008 05:17 PM

The DVD of this actually got me into the Butthole Surfers because I saw a clip from "Cherub" and I was like what the fuck is this fucked up shit! Must have!

But now my copy is broken because one of my former roommate's friends are assholes or something.

uhler 02.27.2008 05:18 PM

i will have to check this out. i wonder if it's on netflix.

pbradley 02.27.2008 05:21 PM

Butt seriously, I can't get into any 90's BHS because I was introduced to them through it. Psychic Powerless to Locust Abortion Technician, that's all I really care for.

fugazifan 02.27.2008 05:44 PM

i have rembrant pussyhorse through undependant worm saloon.
i love all of them except for pighoud which has a few good songs but mostly throwaways. IWS is awesome though. but LAT and HTS are masterpeices
i neeed to see that video

Rob Instigator 02.27.2008 05:49 PM

I feel pretty much the same way fugazifan

I love love the pee pee the sailor EP, creamed corn from the socket of davis EP, double live, locust abortion, psychic powereless, hairway to steven, the widowermaker EP.
Pioghed is half suck, too much country influence, although there are some good songs
independent worm sallooon straight up RAWKS. I can put that on anytime.

electriclarryland is 3/4 good for me.

the last one was horrible

fugazifan 02.27.2008 06:01 PM

pighoud is worth it if only for revolution2
garry shandling
garry shandling
garry shandling
garry shandling
garry shandling
garry shandling
garry shandling

batreleaser 02.27.2008 06:38 PM

the butthole surfers were seriously a breath of fresh air when hardcore was big and everybody was so pissed about everything and being so serious and straight edged, and here these acid friend texans come out of nowhere takingbits of hardcore ledzep and chrome and throwing it in a blender with some shitjokes, blow, acid, heroin, and booze and wallah, welcome to the most fucked up party youll ever come too. they to me are to underground rock what parliament or somethin was to funk. amazing band. and this isnt saying anything against hardcore, just saying something in favor of the buttholes!

Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski 02.27.2008 07:36 PM

You can get it on Netflix. More essentially, you should read their section in Michael Azzerod's OUR BAND COULD BE YOUR LIFE.

Butthole Surfers fucking rule, people!

batreleaser 02.27.2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rupert 'Stiles' Stilinski
You can get it on Netflix. More essentially, you should read their section in Michael Azzerod's OUR BAND COULD BE YOUR LIFE.

Butthole Surfers fucking rule, people!

yeah theyre section is my favorite in the book, with black flag and sonic youth tied for second

dazedcola 02.27.2008 09:38 PM

On the topic of the Butthole Surfers could someone reccomend/post some butthole surfer shows from the 80s? The crazier the better !!!!

atsonicpark 02.27.2008 10:25 PM

Yeah I saw it through netflix.

My favorite buttholes is hairway to steven followed closely by independant worm saloon, which may be one of the best guitar records ever (check out "dust devil"). But really, they all have something good on them.

batreleaser 02.27.2008 11:38 PM

hairway to steven tied with locust... for me

does anyone else find it hilarious that gibby was a fraternity president? i cant even imagine the type of hell that he put those pledges through!

Chris Lawrence 02.28.2008 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark


Anyone seen this?

It's really great. Insane... Early Buttholes making tons of acid-fueled noise. And it all sounds really really good. The interviews with the band between the songs are not that interesting and should have been a special feature but they can be skipped pretty easily. But the music -- especially the guitar playing!!! -- is excellent...

For all the things you hate, I'm glad you have the common sense to love this. :p This used to be EXTREMELY rare, before it was thankfully re-issued on DVD a few years back. I had a generated VHS dub but it literally changed my life the first time I saw it, I was a big Butthole Surfers fan (after the release of Independent Worm Saloon, which I'll also agree is an incredible guitar record) and there was practically NO readily available footage (literally pictures or video) of their 80s existance, which fascinated me as much as those records haunted me -- finally seeing the band actually PLAYING these songs, on Blind Eye Sees All, was one of those really monumental moments in my life as a music fan, and particularly a Butthole Surfers fan. It's great that it's out on DVD.

That said, the "interview" segments work beautifully interstitially and obviously as an original "VHS" release, there were no 'bonus features'... though I guess there was that additional EARLIER footage after the credits on the original VHS, which is an (extended!) easter egg on the DVD.

Paul Leary is one of my all-time top 3 guitar influences. Hell, I even have a Butthole Surfers tab site:

Rob Instigator 02.28.2008 09:53 AM

I too rocked the VHS for the longest. when I finally got my hands on a copy I freaked the fuck OUT!

best music video from the 80's EVER

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