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batreleaser 12.19.2007 02:16 PM

One of my all time favorite bands, but all I own by them is various mixes that Ive downloaded illegally. I cant seem to find any cd's or vinyls by them, could anyone reccomend a website that reveals my stupidity and lack of music seaching ability and has flipper records? And while were on the sbject, does anyone know where i can find the first Half Japanese box set and the recording Jad did with Daniel Johnston?

Crumb's Crunchy Delights 12.19.2007 02:42 PM

You need to go here:

batreleaser 12.19.2007 05:45 PM

uhh, thanks for that.

daydream 12.19.2007 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights
You need to go here:

What a clown.

Seriously though, Generic isn't too hard to come by, is it? rdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638. m122

I know the CD is a bit on the pricey side though; I've held off buying it so far 'cause I haven't found it cheap enough.

batreleaser 12.19.2007 07:47 PM

as cali faux-surfer dudes say, "dude brah thanks so totally richter much brah"

Iain 12.19.2007 08:02 PM

Strange. I was just thinking about Flipper today. I haven't listened to Generic in ages and my memory of it is that Sex Bomb is one of the greatest things ever but the rest of it is only so-so. I really want to hear it again though because I can't actually remember much of it, bar Sex Bomb of course.

atsonicpark 12.19.2007 10:18 PM

I've said this story a few times, but I sold Generic a few years ago for $40-50 (can't remember; it ended up being a bit more after shipping). I saw like 500 copies of that at a local pawn shop that went out of business a few months back. Anyway, Flipper are okay, don't see what the big deal is, but I really like their lyrics.

Cantankerous 12.19.2007 10:23 PM

there's a great little invention called ebay

LittlePuppetBoy 12.19.2007 10:47 PM

Good band. I love the distortion on both the bass and the guitar

king_buzzo 12.20.2007 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Anyway, Flipper are okay, don't see what the big deal is, but I really like their lyrics.

yeah i think so too

Onani Nic 12.20.2007 06:41 AM

I think the first album is amazing! Sex Bomb would have to be one of my least favourite songs on the album.

auto-aim 12.20.2007 07:23 AM

im the same - I love sex bomb the rest is hit and miss... but mostly miss.

SuperCreep 12.20.2007 11:03 AM

Generic is a near masterpiece for me. It's only fault is the sped-up vocals on Life Is Cheap. Fuck, those are annoying.

atsonicpark 12.20.2007 03:20 PM

again... their lyrics... "Life is the only thing worth living for." is just amazing. Yearbook quote and so on.

TheDom 12.20.2007 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Anyway, Flipper are okay, don't see what the big deal is, but I really like their lyrics.

I love the lyrics to Ever

atari 2600 12.20.2007 04:20 PM

This was at dime recently.

Flipper Jr. (all-star band doing Flipper tunes)
Lounge Ax
Chicago, IL

David Yow – vox
Mike Watt – bass
King Buzzo – guitar
? – drums

Yow and Shellac did a set of Sex Pistols covers at the Lounge Ax for Halloween '98.

CHOUT 12.21.2007 12:15 AM

Way Of The World Rules

andrei 12.21.2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
This was at dime recently.

Flipper Jr. (all-star band doing Flipper tunes)
Lounge Ax
Chicago, IL

David Yow – vox
Mike Watt – bass
King Buzzo – guitar
? – drums

Yow and Shellac did a set of Sex Pistols covers at the Lounge Ax for Halloween '98.

It turned out that it had nothing to do with Yow, Buzz, Watt. It was just a cover band opening for Jesus Lizard...

atari 2600 12.21.2007 01:01 PM

crikey...thanks for the news, andrei. no wonder no one knew who the drummer was. how the hell did they come up with watt and buzzo as part of the the line-up? I tell ya, some people.

Since I knew that Yow and Shellac did a set of Sex Pistols covers at the Lounge Ax for Halloween '98, I just naturally assumed the torrent poster knew what the fuck.

the ikara cult 03.02.2011 09:44 PM

we all love Flipper, YEAH?

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