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GeneticKiss 05.12.2006 09:57 PM

Help, I'm bored with my own music
Usually I like coming up with my own songs, but lately I've just been devoid of any inspiration...I have a alot of fun playing the guitar, but I find myself just playing covers rather than new stuff or stuff I've written for myself to sing (I have written songs that seem like someone else should come up with words to). Latley I've been playing keyboard more than guitar, and while I enjoy creating interesting new sounds, it feels like I can't come up with any good songs on their either.

So what do you guys do when starved for inspiration?

krastian 05.12.2006 10:01 PM

I just try and play how I feel. You know?

HaydenAsche 05.12.2006 10:04 PM

Listen to Dashboard and start slitting your wrists. You shall make millions.

GeneticKiss 05.12.2006 10:08 PM

Yeah, but not until I'm plan is to get famous, then kill myself to become immortal.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.12.2006 10:10 PM

You just did it. You just wrote a good song.

"Gotta kill myself to be immortal"

that is a cool line. write the rest of the lyrics, then write the chords and stuff later.

GeneticKiss 05.12.2006 10:17 PM

Yeah, I thought of that...

Incidently, SpectralJulianIsNotDead, you and I live in the same town...

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.12.2006 10:22 PM

Oh? What part of Pittsburgh are you from?

I'm live a bit north of the city, in Zelienople.

GeneticKiss 05.12.2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Oh? What part of Pittsburgh are you from?

I'm live a bit north of the city, in Zelienople.

South, in Upper Saint Clair...

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.12.2006 11:00 PM

I think I know someone from there, but I can't remember who.

krastian 05.12.2006 11:18 PM

How about them Buccos....they finally won a game. My dad's a big Pirate fan.

m^a(t)h 05.12.2006 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by krastian
How about them Buccos....they finally won a game. My dad's a big Pirate fan.

How about them Buccos! I live very close to Pittsburgh so naturally im a pirates fan, although I dont really care too much for sports these days (except running)....

krastian 05.13.2006 12:01 AM

I'm obsessed with's sick.

youthoftomorrow 05.13.2006 12:08 AM

my mom is from Pittsburg.

golden child 05.13.2006 12:20 AM

i have a real good friend who lives outside of pittsburg, in uh some suburb. i forgot, what are some pittsburgian subs?

so as not to piggyback this thread ill say
listen to the types of music you wanna play, start listening to some brand new stuff that is inspiring and incorporate it into what you are already doing. after awhile you will have you own nifty niche that will be grand rockin fun.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.13.2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
How about them Buccos....they finally won a game. My dad's a big Pirate fan.

Is your Dad also a Minotaur? Because I'm pretty sure Pirate fans are only things of myth.
I root for the Indians, the Pens, and the Steelers. If the Pens and the Steelers don't make it, I start rooting for the Red Wings and 49'ers.

krastian 05.13.2006 01:38 AM

Ha, yeah my dad has liked the Pirates since the 50's. He loves the O's as much as the Pirates which doesn't make any sense to me since they were big rivals in the 70's. I think they suck:D

CHOUT 05.13.2006 03:20 PM

Everyone gets in ruts sometimes - Ive been there.
It's fun to try a different approach to your music, like trying not to sound like yourself.
I've had fun writing metal songs (you can hear one here called Dirty Mud and hip hop songs when I'm uninspired.
Or you could try writing music that tries to sound like something looks. I wrote a riff once that sounds like a watertower...

Or you could buy a new piece of music gear to hopefully inspire.

Everyneurotic 05.13.2006 03:32 PM

i hear ya, i'm not having the motivation to do my solo noise shit or my solo noise/grindcore shit.

everytime i think of them i go "what's the point?"

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