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Daycare Nation 05.11.2006 11:14 PM

my sonic youth mix
okay, so i've been listening to every sonic youth-related thing I own and was making a ended up being 8 discs long.

i dreamed i dream
destroyer (live)
protect me you
freezer burn/i wanna be your dog (live)
shaking hell
kill yr idols
brother james (live)
society is a hole
death valley 69
madonna, sean and me
shadow of a doubt
secret girl
smoke blisters 3 & 4
cotton crown
two cool rock chicks listening to neu
burnin up

beat on the brat (live)
teenage riot
cross the breeze
eric's trip
tunic (song for karen)
kool thing
theresa's sound world
drunken butterfly
sugar kane
on the strip
the destroyed room

winner's blues
bull in the heather
doctor's orders
tokyo eye
proper band (free kitten)
call back (fk)
greener pastures (fk)
the boasta (fk)
secret sex friend (fk)
feelin (fk)
psychic hearts
patti smith math scratch
see-through play/mate
hang out
cherry's blues
washing machine
panty lies
skip tracer

never gonna sleep (fk)
played yrself (fk)
records sleep (fk)
sentimental education (fk)
improvisation ajoutee
slaapkamers met slagroom
invito al cielo
contre le sexisme

wild flower soul
hits of sunshine
the ineffable me
lydia's moth (tm w/ tom surgal)
silver flower
children (tm/parker/prati)
+ -
pendulum music
having never written a note for percussion

free city rhymes
nyc g & f
paperbag/orange laptop (kg/dj olive/mori)
hidros 3 pt. 2

X (sy/icp/ex)
the empty page
rain on tin
radical adults
sympathy for the strawberry
koncertas stan brakhage pt. 2
unmade bed
dude ranch nurse
paper cup exit
i love you golden blue

...disc 8 is the mp3's from the SY site + catholic block, hey joni and 100%

PAULYBEE2656 05.12.2006 06:00 AM

ive one word to say about em.....RANDOMIZE!!!!!!

gmku 05.12.2006 10:33 AM

Wow. That's a mix!? That's more like, well, just about everything!

I'm working on a mix tape myself (yes, good old archaic technology, the cassette tape!)--but I figure I'll have at most a total of 20 or so songs. Well-chosen, I hope. Going with the "night listening" theme somebody mentioned in another thread.

DemonBox 05.12.2006 10:51 AM

That's an awsome mix you got there! Good work.


Originally Posted by gmku
Wow. That's a mix!? That's more like, well, just about everything!

I'm working on a mix tape myself (yes, good old archaic technology, the cassette tape!)--but I figure I'll have at most a total of 20 or so songs. Well-chosen, I hope. Going with the "night listening" theme somebody mentioned in another thread.

Yeah, you just gotta love those cassettes. i've always been making my mixes on cassett. no to be ultra-indie or something like that, but I've never owned a cd-burner or a minidisc. Plus, the cassett is a good way of bringing my vinyl tracks on a mix.

guitarpro 05.12.2006 11:58 AM


Fox 05.12.2006 12:08 PM

I did a Sonic compilation one day, there was 25 five tracks on it, 1~4 tracks for every album...

Daycare Nation 05.12.2006 07:23 PM

Yeah, I'm really enjoying this "mix." More like an anthology, I's smooooth listening.

Daycare Nation 05.12.2006 07:23 PM

I used to really enjoy making mix tapes...I kind of miss it.

Neongod 05.13.2006 12:05 AM

I have one, but it's in need of updating as of the EP re-release. Mine as well is well over 4CDs long :(


A lot of people make lists in chronological order. All you have to do is hit shuffle and there it is. Don't hate on people for that. It's the content, not the order. Even then, the order can be tweaked very easily. If you must criticize, focus on the song selection.

Daycare Nation 05.13.2006 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Neongod
I have one, but it's in need of updating as of the EP re-release. Mine as well is well over 4CDs long :(


A lot of people make lists in chronological order. All you have to do is hit shuffle and there it is. Don't hate on people for that. It's the content, not the order. Even then, the order can be tweaked very easily. If you must criticize, focus on the song selection.

Thanks, dude.

I may hit shuffle, but right now I'm enjoying actually hearing everything in order....I called my mix was a little exercise in selection and also in hearing how SY changed over the years...listening to everything chronologically made me appreciate it more.

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