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dazedcola 07.23.2007 09:10 PM

What Bands Have Friends Turned You Onto?
A good music friend is not something to be underestimated. You get into great bands you might not have stumbled upon. Im eternally grateful about some of the ones Ive been shown.

I remember hearing the flaming lips yoshimi and not really liking it then a friend showed me their 90s material and i fell in love with it. I love that acid noise pop style, theyve become some of my favorite records now.

Another friend turned me onto melt banana, pink and brown and arab on radar. Hes more of a noise fan and just opened up my eyes to some of the more out there stuff.Also the Oxes, how could i forget about them ! They just blew me away when he showed me them. They need to fucking tour !

gmku 07.23.2007 09:10 PM


drrrtyboots 07.23.2007 09:14 PM

Sonic Youth.

Пятхъдесят Шест 07.23.2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by gmku

Yeah, me too. And if you were catch a earful of what they listen to you would concur. This is not to say its all bad, its just not something that tickles my pickle.

Online friends are something else entirely (quite literally). Yes, the lot of you have expanded my musical pallet, and continue to do so.

pbradley 07.23.2007 09:18 PM

Well the start of my adventure into music was when I looked into my brother's music collection ten years ago.

total-trash 07.23.2007 10:16 PM

my bloody valentine

TheDom 07.23.2007 10:27 PM

comets on fire

CHOUT 07.23.2007 11:15 PM

Guided By Voices

atsonicpark 07.23.2007 11:42 PM

not that many.

the only bands i never thought i liked until listening to them a bunch with friends were mainly punk (loose definition) bands like screeching weasel (genius pop!), bad religion, and craig's brother (who have to be the best power punk pop band i've ever heard; jesus!). but most of my friends listen to terrible SHIT like against me! and all that garbage, so i stay away.

also, i got stoned a few times last year, which kinda sucked, weed is overrated, just fucking trip you silly ninnies... but anyway, whilst stoned, i heard lots of music that i thought was amazing!! then, i actually heard goblin cock unstoned and went "hmmmmmmmmmmm." though from that time period, i discovered some good stoner and stoner-influenced stuff like kyuss, akimbo, orange goblin, acid king, etc... but man some of that stoner shit's terrible.

but yeah, other than that, i've usually been the one around here who finds new music.

youthoftomorrow 07.23.2007 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
Well the start of my adventure into music was when I looked into my brother's music collection ten years ago.

same here. i started listening to Metallica and Nirvana right as he outgrew them (i was just starting middle school, he was in high school). in eighth/ninth grade, i began looking around his mp3 collection and found Sonic Youth. he also told me about Lightning Bolt, Isis, Sleater-Kinney and tons of other bands.

actual friends, though, that's tougher. let's see.

Pelican (downloaded a few songs, but i just got one of their albums from a different friend today)
Black Flag

there are more, i know there are. but i just can't think of them.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 07.24.2007 12:20 AM

My friends turn me onto very little. And if they do turn me onto something, they usually end up turning me off with their overhyping.

Everyneurotic 07.24.2007 12:23 AM

not friends, but people i know, have turned me to antigama, crawlpappy, plastic people of the universe...i can;t think of more, actually.

total-trash 07.24.2007 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
My friends turn me onto very little. And if they do turn me onto something, they usually end up turning me off with their overhyping.

yeah that's what usually happens with me. most of my friends don't listen to nearly the same typ e of music as i do anyways, so it's hard for me to get into things they recommend

k-krack 07.24.2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
against me!

Honestly, give them a good listen before you call them SHIT!
Fuck they are so good, dude. They write fucking GOOD songs, not to mention they are amazing with a hook.

I've been turned on to a lot of bands (mind, bands I would probably logically find out about in the future, but I didn't)...

For example; me and my friend were at a record store in North Bay, and we saw some Pavement albums, who I rememebred liking, but never paid much attention to... so we decided to each buy an album, and from then we both grew to love them.
Uuhh, there's a ton of bands that this dude I know got me into (he would put up albums on punksud and stuff, and I loved him for it hahaha now we're kind of friends).
Some examples of bands he got me into:
U.S. Maple (heard them before, but never got into them)
Man Man
Ex Models
31 Knots
Deerhoof (I'd heard them before, too)
Les Georges Leningrad
Erase Errate (used to listen to 'em years ago hehe)
The list goes on and on and on...

Everyneurotic 07.24.2007 12:28 AM

ohh scratch that, i've been turned onto a lot of stuff because of my friends at the board.

atsonicpark 07.24.2007 12:49 AM

Uh.. oh yeah.. i forgot.. my friend norton got me into harry partch..

sarramkrop 07.24.2007 03:38 AM

Current 93
Nurse With Wound
Sonic Youth
Sol Invictus
Death In June
Throbbing Gristle

Quite a few more but I can't be bothered to list them all.

schizophrenicroom 07.24.2007 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by k-krack
Honestly, give them a good listen before you call them SHIT!
Fuck they are so good, dude. They write fucking GOOD songs, not to mention they are amazing with a hook.

i'm seeing them with two gallants next 16th and 17th. fuck yeah! they're pretty awesome.

you guys have turned me on to a lot of stuff but offline, nothing really. i do all the reccomending.

sonicl 07.24.2007 06:48 AM

Twenty-five years ago friends at school turned me on to a million and one different cool things: punk, post-punk, industrial, goth, too much else to mention.

Then music magazines turned me on to a million and one more cool things.

And then internet sites, including this place, turned me on to a few more.

I have no offline friends who point me towards good music these days, which is what comes of reaching an age where I spend less time hanging around at the sort of places where cool people hang out. Instaed I hang out here, and I never stop being grateful to a large handful of people on here with whom I swap recommendations.

_slavo_ 07.24.2007 06:49 AM

"you guys have turned me on to a lot of stuff but offline, nothing really. i do all the reccomending."

you took those words right out of my mouth, schizophrenicroom.

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