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Everyneurotic 06.29.2007 03:56 PM

Favorite Sunn O))) album?
so what's your favorite album for attending funerals and black metal art shows and wearing a hooded cloack while worshipping massive amplifiers?

MellySingsDoom 06.29.2007 04:10 PM

00 Void, cos it's the first one I bought. That aside, seeing Sunn0))) live kicks serious bottom, so anything live is good for me.

Everyneurotic 06.29.2007 04:15 PM

the first one i got was white 2, then my favorite was flight of the behemoth because it's more diverse/noisier, then grimmrobe demos because it's very stripped down and lethal.

right now, as i'm listening to it on vinyl, i'd say black one, the cd doesn't do it justice; that one and disc 2 of oracle.

Everyneurotic 06.29.2007 04:17 PM

ohh, and the option that says "Khanate were better" should read "Khanate/Thorr's Hammer/Burning Witch/Asva/Goatsnake/Lotus Eaters/KTL/etc. were better"

Savage Clone 06.29.2007 04:31 PM

I'm gonna say Black One, because it's their most multidimensional effort IMO. Asva and Burning Witch get big points from me too.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 06.29.2007 06:47 PM

Black One ftw. I'll be seeing them live Monday.

Bicorn Halfelven 06.29.2007 11:12 PM

I'm gonna go ahead and say Black One.

I enjoy most of the releases, but that seems to be the one that gets the most play around Castle Halfelven.

vulva 06.29.2007 11:14 PM

Altar, the triple vinyl is one of my most prized possessions

Everyneurotic 06.29.2007 11:24 PM

hopefully, tomorrow i'll have a more precise opinion.

atsonicpark 06.30.2007 07:18 AM

1. flight of the behemoth
2. 00 void
3. white 2
4. grimm robe demos
5. candlewolf of the golden chalice
6. la mort noir dans
7. black 1
8. angelcoma
9. altar
10. live white
11. white 1
12. oracle

something like that.

i understand the black 1 praise on here so don't get me wrong when i rate the others above it. it's the only one i've ever tripped to, and it blew my mind. i set up two HUGE pa speakers and drank a whole bottle of robotussin and sat in front of them and listened to black one in complete darkness in this huge scary house in the woods. it was LOUD. shaking the windows. surprised the cops didn't come. one of the most insane things i've ever done. it was at about 4 in the morning. i had robotripped before, but this was the first time i actually TRIPPED -- as in, i hallucinated. the speakers became two HUGE druids that towered over me, evilly.. and every single part of every sunn song just sounded like my world was ending.. i also started seeing weird hyroglyphic symbols.. my friend with me turned into some kind of weird shadow demon god. his entire body became a shadow. it was fucking AMAZING.

usually, when listening to sunn, i'll swallow a lot of codeine.. it makes it amazing.

anyway, orthodox caveman is my favorite sunn song. but.. as a whole, i prefer their earlier stuff... but i love the direction they were going on black 1.. like track 2 with the two guitars, one playing the tremolo picked black metal riff? genius.

great band. don't get enough credit sometimes... yes, i'm being serious.. i know amongst some circles they're considered godhead, but just as many.. no, way more.. people scoff at them, but .. they make me feel things i've never felt with any band except maybe boredoms. they simultaneously make me feel good and feel nothing. feel darkness and purity. listening to sunn in the right setting is like a fucking soul cleansing. it actually seems to make life more exciting./

i really didn't like that new "album" (well, it's what, a 70 minute "ep" limited to 2000 copies or some thing..) that much. just seemed silly and unneccessary. the thing with boris was alright, but it was probably one of the worst sunn releases and definitely the worst boris release. weird.

yeah, i'd say stick with the early stuff.

great band. i don't listen to them enough, even though i am basically in a sort-of tribute band called robe and worshipped sunn and listening to them nonstop in 2006. but i guess my mind's taken a break from it, thank god.

one of my friends describes them as "just guitar feedback, who gives a fuck?" yet i think it's the same reason i love silver sessions so much: it's just so pure and necessary. there is no purer sound. any, even though they experiment a bit too much on some songs (they have a song with a drum machine and it just sounds silly), they really seem to be a band that knows what they need to do and don't fuck with it in the wrong way usually.

also, sunn is one of the best bands ever to read user comments on (the best ever is captain beefheart for trout mask replica).

Tokolosh 06.30.2007 09:09 AM

Black One.

PAULYBEE2656 06.30.2007 11:15 AM


black one....
its a close call

Inhuman 06.30.2007 11:20 AM

Black One. But Altar is fucking good, it's a close call

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 06.30.2007 01:19 PM

I don't think Altar is on par with a lot of their other work. It has some great songs (the first track stands out), but also some that I don't really dig. Like that song with the chick singing "Sinking Bell" or whatever. I don't hear the Sunn O))) contribution to it at all.

Bicorn Halfelven 06.30.2007 11:26 PM

atsonicpark, I loved reading your little diatribe.

I, too, have had quasi-religious experiences with Sunn's music at talk about them at length to anyone who will listen.

I saw Sunn in a theatre along with Boris and Oren Ambarchi... both the opening acts were amazing, but could not prepare me for the experience that was Sunn... I sat two rows up from the stage, the ominous wall of fullstacks pointed straight in my direction, front and center. The cult hammered their hymns and paeans to everything and nothing and I not only heard (well, before I went fucking deaf), but felt it quite physically and possibly on another level... I dunno how to describe it other than a mindfuck.

Everyneurotic 06.30.2007 11:36 PM

i love altar because it's an experiment where both bands attempt to do something neither of them had tried before (or barely explored) while collaborating with more people in the process.

then there's "her lips were wet with poison" which is exactly what i expected for a sunn o)))/boris (plus dylan carlson) collaboration.

i once walked thru a foresty park in the winter listening to black one on the cd player, it was a good experience but it wasn't as heavy as i expected it to be, i had done the same with loveless and it was way more intense.

deathbyfeedback 06.30.2007 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
I don't think Altar is on par with a lot of their other work. It has some great songs (the first track stands out), but also some that I don't really dig. Like that song with the chick singing "Sinking Bell" or whatever. I don't hear the Sunn O))) contribution to it at all.

just because it's not 20+ minutes of full on drone doesnt mean they made no contribution to it. do you not think that they ever think of other stuff to do than bathe in feedback?

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 07.01.2007 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by deathbyfeedback
just because it's not 20+ minutes of full on drone doesnt mean they made no contribution to it. do you not think that they ever think of other stuff to do than bathe in feedback?

yeah yeah yeah. that's great in theory. trying something different. wonderful. but it ends up sounding like a boris song with a guess vocalist. nothing special.

atsonicpark 07.01.2007 07:15 AM


oren ambarchi is AMAZING too :)

Everyneurotic 07.01.2007 12:29 PM

which reminds me, and so not to flood the board with sunn o))) threads.

what's your favorite sunn o))) collaborator (meaning whoever has played with them that's not greg andersson or stephen o'malley)?

i think mine's attilah.

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