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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.15.2007 01:31 AM

What do you hate most about the internet?
For me, there is nothing lower than a youtube VLOG.

pbradley 05.15.2007 01:36 AM


I don't like spam.

(you know you saw it coming)

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.15.2007 01:41 AM

You don't like spam?

pbradley 05.15.2007 01:50 AM

spam email... get it?

And actually that isn't true since my school's spam blocker is pretty good.

ZEROpumpkins 05.15.2007 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
For me, there is nothing lower than a youtube VLOG.

Yeah, even blogs are just sad. No one cares about what anyone did last weekend or anything, unless they're famous.

sonicl 05.15.2007 03:58 AM

The fact that it gives idiots a place to voice their opinions.

pbradley 05.15.2007 04:01 AM

To work off of sonicl's post, internet petitions.

Most useless thing ever devised by mankind.

fishmonkey 05.15.2007 04:16 AM

ever notice that there is absolutley nothing to do online on a Saturday?

no websites are updated or nothing - so in answer to your question.


something 05.15.2007 04:17 AM

so much empty space

Toilet & Bowels 05.15.2007 05:19 AM

the fact that i spend way too much time on it, even when i've gotr better or more important things to do.

the ikara cult 05.15.2007 07:13 AM

the fact that it seems to dominate peoples lives nowadays.
(I realise the irony of this statement)

ZEROpumpkins 05.15.2007 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
pedophiliacs explotation of it

Yeh there was a judge here with 3000 child porn images and such. Got 15 months or something, and bail.

MellySingsDoom 05.15.2007 07:42 AM

The ability to disseminate disinfomation as well as information (Wikipedia being a case in point).

!@#$%! 05.15.2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by pbradley
To work off of sonicl's post, internet petitions.

Most useless thing ever devised by mankind.

yes. and chainletters.


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
The ability to disseminate disinfomation as well as information (Wikipedia being a case in point).

actually, wikipedia has been deemed as reliable as any encyclopedia. all books contain errors. the fact that people can go into wikipedia and fuck with the truth is of concern (and is being addressed by the wikipedia foundation), but statistically, encyclopaedia britannica is no more accurate than its free counterpart. that's right mister.

floatingslowly 05.15.2007 08:40 AM

the fact that when it comes down to it, you really CAN'T trust anybody.

given the chance, even your best "net" friends will stab you in the back and lick the knife.

this is somewhat true in real life, but exacerbated by electronics.

terminal pharmacy 05.15.2007 08:41 AM

things like wikipedia that any monkey can put their two cents worth of misinformation on and other such sites

!@#$%! 05.15.2007 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
the fact that when it comes down to it, you really CAN'T trust anybody.

given the chance, even your best "net" friends will stab you in the back and lick the knife.

this is somewhat true in real life, but exacerbated by electronics.

yes-- now prepare to die, you naive fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

floatingslowly 05.15.2007 08:44 AM

you cannot hurt me fool, I'm not one of you.

!@#$%! 05.15.2007 08:45 AM

damn. stumped by the internet once more.

floatingslowly 05.15.2007 08:48 AM

zomg I lik pikchures on teh net ROLFLMAOTSETUNG

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