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demonrail666 05.07.2007 10:55 AM

The Fictional Character You Most Closely Associate With?
And anyone who says Raskolnikov is a pretenious cunt, by the way.

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 10:57 AM

That guy, you know the main character in the Perks of Being a Wallflower or Holden Caulfield.

atari 2600 05.07.2007 11:01 AM

The character of Raskolnikov himself is pretty much a pretentious cunt and marks the emergence of the fullest expression of the literary anti-hero. He foolishly thinks he can become this "overman" if he can successfully vanquish human emotion.
...although he experiences some sort of ill-defined "redemption" after his Siberian exile/confinement and reunion with Sonya (Sonia).

In the realm of Dostoevsky, I suppose I'll choose Prince Myshkin, "The Idiot" himself.

MellySingsDoom 05.07.2007 11:01 AM

The main guy in "A Confederacy Of Dunces".

Note to Hollywood - if you even THINK of turning this into a film, I will come round and cut you. Cut you good.

Pookie 05.07.2007 11:01 AM

Jocelyn Brooke in A Mine of Serpents.

Or Jesus.

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
The main guy in "A Confederacy Of Dunces".

Note to Hollywood - if you even THINK of turning this into a film, I will come round and cut you. Cut you good.

Knowing Hollywood they will, just wait for the trailer next year, as you know they are talentless hacks, who can't hire good writers anymore, and must look at books.

king_buzzo 05.07.2007 11:04 AM


pbradley 05.07.2007 11:04 AM


just kidding

atari 2600 05.07.2007 11:05 AM

David Bowman from Clarke/Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey...
The following is a possible etymology of the name David Bowman. The first name "David" is believed to point to the biblical David, who killed the much stronger Goliath through skill not power. The second name "Bowman" is assumed to be a reference to Ulysses, whose skill with the bow is often described in the Odyssey. Ulysses also blinded the one-eyed Polyphemus with a trick, as Bowman deactivates one- (camera-) eyed HAL 9000. Hence a potential reason for the name of the film: "2001 A Space Odyssey".
Another possibility is that the surname "Bowman" refers to Arjuna, one of the heroes of the Hindu epic the Mahabharata. Arjuna, a master archer and revered warrior, is granted cosmic vision by Lord Krishna thereby allowing Arjuna to see Krishna's awe-inspiring 'Universal Form'.
David Bowie had taken Bowman's name into account when deciding his stage name. He would later reference the title Space Odyssey in making his famous song, Space Oddity.
Another Bowman reference comes in Stanley Kubrick's last directed movie, Eyes Wide Shut. In a scene that represents SoHo, a sign on a building reads BOWMAN in bold letters.

Pookie 05.07.2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
And anyone who says Raskolnikov is a pretenious cunt, by the way.

More Porfiry Petrovich for me actually.

demonrail666 05.07.2007 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
In the realm of Dostoevsky, I suppose I'll choose Prince Myshkin, "The Idiot" himself.

I've always seen you more as the unnamed narrator of Notes From the Underground.:D

lucyrulesok 05.07.2007 11:08 AM

A cross between Larry David and Roast Beef (

atari 2600 05.07.2007 11:10 AM

Naw, he's the law...haha...but Porfiry is ethical.

From Crime & Punishment (taking the piss on demonrail666)
I'll be (ideally)
Razumihin: (Vrazumihin; Dmitri Prokofitch) Old comrade of Raskolnikov at the University. Has known him a year and a half. "Good-humored and candid, extremely intelligent, thin, black haired and always badly shaved. Reputed to be of great physical strength. No failure distressed him."

I remember readin an essay that explained that Razumihin (or some root of the name) means "good friend" and "dependable and trustworthy" in Russian.

atari 2600 05.07.2007 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
I've always seen you more as the unnamed narrator of Notes From the Underground.:D

That may seem to be so as I am a bitter, underground basement-dweller haha...the narrator of that one is a smart guy, but he's a dick that doesn't exactly see the big picture. The walls have closed in on the Underground Man. In truth, he can see little but himself.
D is trying to show what happens to people's idealism as people grow older with their dreams unrealized in the nihilist character.

I'm no nihilist. But, yeah, there are still similarities. Everyone feels like they fallen through the cracks of our society at some time or another.

Cardinal Rob 05.07.2007 11:21 AM

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac.

demonrail666 05.07.2007 11:23 AM

Increasingly see myself taking on certain worrying characteristics that might ultimately lead to Anna Karenin.

Note to self: Avoid train stations.

StevOK 05.07.2007 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo

No way! Me too. And Superman. But Spider-Man and Wolverine have always been my favorites from Marvel.

MellySingsDoom 05.07.2007 11:35 AM

Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.

cagedbird 05.07.2007 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
The character of Raskolnikov himself is pretty much a pretentious cunt and marks the emergence of the fullest expression of the literary anti-hero. He foolishly thinks he can become this "overman" if he can successfully vanquish human emotion.
...although he experiences some sort of ill-defined "redemption" after his Siberian exile/confinement and reunion with Sonya (Sonia).

In the realm of Dostoevsky, I suppose I'll choose Prince Myshkin, "The Idiot" himself.

I hate to shake your slumber but the fullest expression of the
anti-hero is a Cheever character. Read Bullet Park for a current
updated anti-hero.

floatingslowly 05.07.2007 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
David Bowman from Clarke/Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey...

that's funny, because I was going to say HAL 9000.

my mind is going, I can feel it...

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