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SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 10:17 AM

My Boyfriend and I Broke Up (Sort Of)
Yeah, we talked yesterday, and we broke up, after a complete meltdown I had. I told him I was attracted to some other guy. I never seen him so hurt, and I think I should have kept my mouth shut. Oh I feel elated yet sad. But we are still friends with benefits or whatever you want to call it. Ah I don't know what to feel.

MellySingsDoom 05.07.2007 10:19 AM

Well, at least you were honest with him. Hope you're feeling OK.

_slavo_ 05.07.2007 10:19 AM

That kind of sucks. Hang in there, mate.

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 10:20 AM

Yeah it will be fine, on saturday we are going to the movies. We still had sex yesterday after we talked. I am just going through so much, I need to figure out what I am really feeling right now.

jico. 05.07.2007 10:36 AM

SynthethicalY is gay?

StevOK 05.07.2007 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by jico.
SynthethicalY is gay?


MellySingsDoom 05.07.2007 10:42 AM


"Honey, he's not just gay, he's ECSTATIC. Ow!"

ALIEN ANAL 05.07.2007 10:42 AM

sorry, i keep thinking synthetic is a women. sorry about that

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by jico.
SynthethicalY is gay?


Originally Posted by StevOK

Yeah jico I don't want to know.

lucyrulesok 05.07.2007 10:47 AM

Well, things will work themselves out and it was very good of you to be honest with him.

My advice, for what its worth is keep talking. Its the most important thing.

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 10:49 AM

Yeah, I think we would make better friends, than a couple. But my mind is in such a detrimental state that I don't know what's up or down.

jico. 05.07.2007 11:04 AM

i'm just joking...

king_buzzo 05.07.2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by jico.
SynthethicalY is gay?

Gayer than big gay al

jico. 05.07.2007 11:08 AM

i dont believe in you. i demand a thread and a poll to see who wins.

Everyneurotic 05.07.2007 11:10 AM

i was going to say that it sucks and everything but, you seem to be with the guy still; so the only change is you're going to be allowed to see other guys? weird.

anyway, yeah, i think i know how it feels, this sadness you feel that things will not be the way they were but believe me, from your recent posts, it's for the best that you break up and, well, you might find him a better friend than a boyfriend and you might find someone to bring you more happiness.

SynthethicalY 05.07.2007 11:12 AM

Yeah every-e this whole weekend has been weird for me. But yeah he did thank me for being honest with him. I don't really know what our relationship is yet, I mean to define it. All I know is I don't want a boyfriend right now. Just a friend. And he is there, we both realized we don't want to part from each others lives.

Everyneurotic 05.07.2007 11:14 AM

best of lucks, man

StevOK 05.07.2007 11:31 AM

Speaking from personal experience, going from a relationship to friends with benefits never works out. Or at least that's how it was with me in a straight relationship. My best friend (who is gay) seems to have quite a few former lovers that are now his friends with benefits.

Green Magnesium 05.07.2007 11:50 AM

I applaud you for being honest with him Synth... but the fact that you were attracted to another man shouldn't have ended things. Me and my ex weren't afraid to talk about our "desires" with one another. We never acted upon them, but we still talked. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.

You're young... I'm sure you'll go through a few more than this one. And I'm not speaking as someone who is a slut but someone who is practical. It's VERY rare for anyone under 25 to find a meaningful lifelong relationship, it certainly happens, but not frequently.

Don't be so down. Have fun, be safe, be happy.

floatingslowly 05.07.2007 11:54 AM

hope it all works out for you Synth-ethical-Y.

you've seemed kind of down lately, maybe this will help solve that (even though it might hurt right now).

best wishes.

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