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king_buzzo 04.21.2007 07:53 AM

Coolest looking Sonic Youth CD
I pick Bad Moon Rising, Evol and Daydream

schizophrenicroom 04.21.2007 08:37 AM


Torn Curtain 04.21.2007 09:04 AM

Daydream, followed by Dirty and Sister.

fluxequalsrad 04.21.2007 11:20 AM

Washing Machine's art is incredible. Makes me want to listen to the cd.

king_buzzo 04.21.2007 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by fluxequalsrad
Washing Machine's art is incredible. Makes me want to listen to the cd.


nicfit 04.21.2007 11:40 AM


maggot brain 04.21.2007 11:42 AM

i hate the daydream cover. evol, bad moon and sister are all great though.

edit: oops i thought you meant the cover. i dont have many real sy cd's, but washing machine is kind of cool.

SYRFox 04.21.2007 12:14 PM

NYC Ghosts & Flowers and Daydream Nation

fluxequalsrad 04.21.2007 12:42 PM

the coolest looks physical cd is ATL, pink :)

Derek 04.21.2007 01:57 PM


EvdWee 04.21.2007 02:51 PM


CHOUT 04.21.2007 03:20 PM

Bad Moon is my favorite sy album cover forever.

king_buzzo 04.21.2007 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
Bad Moon is my favorite sy album cover forever.

......Not cover, the cd's.

Oh damn, it seems that people misread my thread. I was talking about the picture on the cd's

scott v 04.21.2007 03:31 PM

actually on the cd?

does it really matter much?

i'd rather look at the innner label on a vinyl record.

king_buzzo 04.21.2007 03:32 PM

Well, it doesn't matter... Just interested to hear other people's favs.

Trasher02 04.21.2007 03:33 PM


nowideau 04.21.2007 08:13 PM

Washing Machine is pretty funky. Watch that puppy do hoolahoops in your cd player while the disk is spinning. That alone makes it cooler than almost any other cd design ever created.

In terms of cover, my vote would go to Goo, perhaps the greatest COVER design ever created. Not only does it comment so neatly on the darkness and violence behind america's hip, poppy iconic images and the society that has manufactured and reproduced them, but its stylistic design appeals to this very culture, begging to be consumed, assimulated and (most importantly) reproduced. Hence one of the reasons it makes such a popular t-shirt design, especially amongst people who have never even heard Sonic Youth's music. A sort of cultural sabotage from within. Very nice.

youthoftomorrow 04.21.2007 08:22 PM

Bad Moon Rising.

fluxequalsrad 04.21.2007 08:46 PM

...Let nurse..diddle your twat
Its something to do. ...

Protectmeyou 04.21.2007 09:05 PM



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