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cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:17 AM

igot lost on my way to SEBADOH
oh man,good times.
rob, how was it?

SynthethicalY 04.14.2007 02:18 AM

You did not see the show?

Hahaha this is funny. Mapquest man, Mapquest.

Alex's Trip 04.14.2007 02:20 AM

That fuckin' blows...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:21 AM

man, its all good
we went to kobain bar nad got some drinks so i am not stressing
my girls in the b-room throwin up, girl cant handle
her liquor

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
That fuckin' blows...

not really,, im allllright

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:23 AM

ii need TO PEEE!


SynthethicalY 04.14.2007 02:27 AM

You are funny.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:28 AM

you're funny, BITCH!
man, that felt so good.

okay, im going to go lay down
syntheticaly, you're the bizzzooooomb
whatup dawg?
where youat?

SynthethicalY 04.14.2007 02:33 AM

Me at home. Listening to Arab on Radar. I think I might go to bed soon. I work in ten hours.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:41 AM

you'r not free, maaaan

SynthethicalY 04.14.2007 02:42 AM

Of course not. But I will when I become the queen of America.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.14.2007 02:45 AM

good luck, brother.
well, my precious little treasure is tired/sleepy, so im going to bed, goodnight bro.

SynthethicalY 04.14.2007 02:46 AM

Goodnight, later.

king_buzzo 04.14.2007 03:03 AM

Hahaha, idiot, this is really funny.

Thats what happened with me. Actually no I forgot a ticket once and had to come back all the way, and that resulted in missing the Julie Mittens.

Rob Instigator 04.16.2007 09:40 AM

The first band, Bent Mustache from denm,ark was prettyy fucking cool. noisy and great extended jams.

the show was great crypto! Me and my man willord got there early to get a ticket and then go eat and sebadoh were all hanging outside the place in the rain, barlow was reading the {Press and gaffney was being interviewdd by some dude with a camera and he saw my sonic yotuh shirt and yelled "angry! very angry!" and they wer great dudes. they walked down washington to go get something to eat. there was a crowd of dudes and kids outside and the promoter was late so around 8:10 I walk in to go pee, and everuyone is looking at me, then I pee and walk back out (noone was at the door) and as I go back to my friend willord I realize i saw the bag of wristbands sitting in the club so I walked back in, wait till the door close, grab two wristbands and walk back out and go get some food.
we came back 9willord already had bought his ticket online) and I just walk right on in like I won the joint. ha ha!
I bought a sebadoh "tour only" CD that has a ton of great stuff from back when gaffney was originally in the band. live sstuff and rare stuff.
I talked to lou again.

they fucking rocked hard they played for 2 1/2 hours man. three encores, each one longer than the next. they played all sorts of wonderful sebadoh classics.
I did noty go to sleep until 5:00am cuz i was so pumped up!

Rob Instigator 04.16.2007 12:10 PM


cryptowonderdruginvogue 04.16.2007 01:20 PM


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