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Bunbury 04.05.2007 07:07 PM

Holly Golightly

Bunbury 04.05.2007 07:08 PM

im obsessed with her and billy childish right now.

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:14 PM

I liked the first Headcoatees record, but you only really need one.

Same goes for Billy Childish. But I like his wood cut prints, not so keen on his poetry and fiction writing.

Bunbury 04.05.2007 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
I liked the first Headcoatees record, but you only really need one.

Same goes for Billy Childish. But I like his wood cut prints, not so keen on his poetry and fiction writing.

is notebooks of a naked youth not-so-good?

!@#$%! 04.05.2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bunbury
im obsessed with her and billy childish right now.

a friend of mine is pretty close w/ billy childish, has kept correspondence with him for years

im in a bit of a hurry but hm if you need something i can ask (maybe)

Bunbury 04.05.2007 07:20 PM

has anyone listened to her new album You Can't Buy a Gun When You're Crying yet?

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bunbury
is notebooks of a naked youth not-so-good?

Never read it. I tried My Fault, but just didn't get on with it. I really like his attitude and his records are good, there's just so many of them, and they all start to blur into one.

It's a shame that I got rid of a lot of my Billy Childish related stuff, I had some good and pretty rare records which I could have sent your way. Oh well.

If anybody needs a good starting point for his music, I recommend "17%. Hendrix Was Not The Only Musician". It's a compilation CD which comes with a book containing some of his art and poetry. And the CD starts with a phone message from Tracey Emin.

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
a friend of mine is pretty close w/ billy childish, has kept correspondence with him for years

im in a bit of a hurry but hm if you need something i can ask (maybe)

I used to visit his part of the country sometimes, and once stayed with somebody who was a friend and had a lot of his original artwork hanging in his house. If I was less scrupulous, I could have nabbed a piece.

Bunbury 04.05.2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
And the CD starts with a phone message from Tracey Emin.

I love her.
they did alot more than talk...


Everyone I Ever Loved-Emin

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:41 PM

Unusual to love them both, considering their hatred for each other.

We used to have raging arguments in the pub after a few drinks, and it was always the women who liked Tracey, and the men who defended Billy.

I'm not a fan of Tracey Emin's art. I don't know how she's perceived in America, but here she's become something of a TV personality, which is surprising because she comes across very badly on TV: incredibly dull.

EDIT: the phone message isn't friendly. She's calling him to berate him for "Art Or Arse", which is clearly about her (and some other artists).

Iain 04.05.2007 07:50 PM

I sort of admire them both for certain things but I'm not really in love with either of their art.

Fact: Grumpy anti-modern art art group The Stuckists were so named after Tracey Emin told Billy Childish that his paintings were 'stuck'. He then took her comments and made a sort of poem from them. Which goes a little something like this:

Your paintings are stuck,
you are stuck!
Stuck! Stuck! Stuck!

Tokolosh 04.05.2007 07:51 PM

I like In Blood and Slowly but Surely. Haven't heard much else.

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:53 PM

Is anybody championing Billy Childish at the moment? Was Jack White the last to express his life-long fandom?

I remember he was mentioned quite a bit in the grunge days, and produced a Mudhoney record or two.

Katy 04.05.2007 08:34 PM

I got an email from Ella Guru once. That's about as Stuckist as I get.

Pookie 04.07.2007 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
EDIT: the phone message isn't friendly. She's calling him to berate him for "Art Or Arse", which is clearly about her (and some other artists).

Just realised it has this lyric:

Tracey Emin is a media whore
so what the hell's she crying for
everyone agrees her art is shit
she's made her bed now she lies in it

Katy 04.07.2007 10:38 PM

I had a dream last night that the Stuckists where having a group exhibition at my local library and Bez from the Happy Monday's was there with custard pies to splat over their heads. I got splatted because I was pretending to be one of them and wearing an over-sized spray-painted neon-yellow t-shirt that Tony Wilson had designed and given me. Tracey Emin asked where I got it and I lied to her with my hair covered in whipped cream.

Bunbury 04.13.2007 02:27 PM

Ive been meaning to reply to this thread for awhile:


Unusual to love them both, considering their hatred for each other.

We used to have raging arguments in the pub after a few drinks, and it was always the women who liked Tracey, and the men who defended Billy.

I'm not a fan of Tracey Emin's art. I don't know how she's perceived in America, but here she's become something of a TV personality, which is surprising because she comes across very badly on TV: incredibly dull.

EDIT: the phone message isn't friendly. She's calling him to berate him for "Art Or Arse", which is clearly about her (and some other artists).

Since im a tranny Im allowed to like them both.
But I do admire Emin and her artwork alot more than Childish. Even more-so after reading Strangeland.

Emin has no where near the amount of media coverage in Canada as she does in England. Actually, come to think of it most of the people I've talked to about her either dont care about her and her art or only have the slighest idea of who she is and that she did "my bed".


I got an email from Ella Guru once. That's about as Stuckist as I get.

lucky, once again.


Just realised it has this lyric:
Tracey Emin is a media whore
so what the hell's she crying for
everyone agrees her art is shit
she's made her bed now she lies in it

billy really is childish... but i do like that last line alot.

sarramkrop 04.13.2007 02:30 PM

I like an album of hers that someone played me. Black and White cover. I have no idea what it's called.

Bunbury 04.13.2007 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
I like an album of hers that someone played me. Black and White cover. I have no idea what it's called.

is she smoking on the cover?
It might be Up The Empire.

Bertrand 04.14.2007 04:49 AM

How I loved thee Headcoatees.
Holly's solo work doesn't sound as fine to my recently-tinnitus-afflicted ears.
There's always 3 songs that smash the rest of the disk.
I saw her once, and she made me think of Elvis Presley. How to put it? Teasing?

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