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Thin_icE 08.02.2014 02:32 PM

Lana Del Rey ripping off SY?
Did anyone notice that the guitar riff at the very start of Lana's "West Coast" sounds very similar to SY? I just can't pinpoint exactly which song, but it definitely sounds like the start of a SY song.

!@#$%! 08.02.2014 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Thin_icE
Did anyone notice that the guitar riff at the very start of Lana's "West Coast" sounds very similar to SY? I just can't pinpoint exactly which song, but it definitely sounds like the start of a SY song.


it does sound vaguely thurstonian but i wouldn't call it a direct ripoff

maybe reminds me maybe of i dreamed i deam or more closely new hampshire? i think the song you're looking for is new hampshire from nurse. coin toss.

SY in turn ripped off Fernet Branca for other things:



Thin_icE 08.02.2014 04:50 PM

Yeah, I think it's New Hampshire :) I know rip off is a stretch, it's just a coincidence.

!@#$%! 08.02.2014 04:59 PM

the other day i forget what i was listening to it sounded like a sonic youth tribute band i started laffing. maybe i'll post it if i find it again.

click on the truth link -- so good.

dead_battery 08.02.2014 06:45 PM

i noticed this bbefore and posted it on ebony fantangos utubue vreview page

shakespeare got to get paid son

Toilet & Bowels 08.02.2014 08:51 PM

I'd say it's a stretch to call it a rip off, but it's certainly reminiscent of SY's wack period.

SubSonicPumpAction 08.03.2014 12:20 AM

I'm into it.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 08.03.2014 12:43 AM


Jim72 08.03.2014 08:20 PM

Can't say I'm hearing it, just put New Hampshire on directly after too

!@#$%! 08.03.2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jim72
Can't say I'm hearing it, just put New Hampshire on directly after too

it's a picking of string harmonics? an interval? a mix of the two?

i think it also happens at the start of mariah (the hand cream song) & then recurs

im sure sy didn't invent this. actually it's not that, it's some notes.

maybe it was jim who played all this.

actually i don't know exactly what thin ice is pointing at but i hear things

it makes me want to say "fucking youth / working youth"

it's there very vaguely. i don't have a name for it.

ps west coast changes at about 1' and then return to the original at about 1'48" you'll hear that guitar clearly there. this time it reminded me of golden blue haa haaa haaa.

EVOLghost 08.04.2014 02:26 AM

i'd say it definitely sounds sonic nursey for sure.

jetengine 08.04.2014 11:25 PM

Who's Lana Del What's-her-name...?

Genteel Death 08.05.2014 01:45 PM

Not bad at all. I've listened to a few of her songs and she seems to be doing alright with pop music, isn't she? She could do with wasting less time on twitter hinting at her imminent suicide and write more good pop songs though. Maybe eating a few apples or a day preparing food for a dinner party would help her overcoming those thoughts? Is she known to do any exercise at all?

blunderbuss 08.05.2014 04:25 PM

Maybe she's knowingly ripping off U2 and thus indirectly ripping off Sonic Youth.

evollove 08.14.2014 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
SY in turn ripped off Fernet Branca for other things:

If someone told me something like Branca's The Ascension (1981) was an SYR release, I'd believe it without question. Yeah, I know Lee played on it. Still. Branca could probably sue them if he wanted.

LifeDistortion 02.19.2015 06:03 PM

Whoa, Kim retweeted Lana Del Rey's tweet at her with the tweet "You're a legit idiot". Anyone have any background on this? She wasn't replying to anything Kim tweeted, unless Kim tweeted something she later deleted.

Genteel Death 02.19.2015 06:11 PM

Lana VS Kim. We all know the winner. Easy prey.

LifeDistortion 02.19.2015 08:04 PM

So Kim wrote some criticisms of Del Rey in her book, I would reprint the quote I read from Pitchfork but seeing as Kim had also gave Pitchfork a piece of her mind for singling out pieces of her book with no context for what she thinks is sensationalizing headlines for their site perhaps out of respect for her I won't do the same.

halgreen 02.19.2015 08:58 PM

fwiw, that's not really lana del rey's twitter

dead_battery 02.19.2015 09:42 PM


kim is a badass.

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