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Rob Instigator 02.19.2007 12:49 PM

Young@Heart sing SCHIZOPHRENIA!!!!
this is the single greatest joyfilled thing I have ever heard or seen on the You Tube

compulsive diarrhea, jico 02.19.2007 12:55 PM


Rob Instigator 02.19.2007 04:55 PM

I had never seen that. it is amazing. I love when the old guy sings "her brother says she's just a bitch"

badgercorn 02.19.2007 07:46 PM

It's weird enough that they're doing that song in the first place, but the "ah ah ah ah ah" bit.. where the hell did that come from??

atari 2600 04.14.2008 03:33 PM
The BBC documentary has now been retooled as a new motion picture documentary.
So, if you'd like more reality tv to be about old people dying off and novelty acts that have everyone gushing over their little gimmick, then dive in, buddy. Aw, I should lighten-up, right? After all they're just old-timers trying to have a little fun; surely none of this has to do with somebody trying to make a buck off their pathos, right?

-------------"joy-filled" my ass--------------------

Rob Instigator 04.14.2008 03:41 PM

it does NOT

the man who is leading the choir did it to give them something to do, something to keep their minds working. He has done it for years before it got popular with internet video sources. The old dudes love it. it gives them something to enjoy and keeps them young, evenwhen they admit that they have no idea what the weird song lyrics mean.

I think it rules.

music is music

the ah ah ah ah ah thing is vocals filling in for the noise in that song.

any and all money made from the shows goes back to the nursing home and the residents in the choir for practice spaces, travel expenses, etc.

atari 2600 04.14.2008 03:45 PM

yeah, i bet

everyone you will ever meet will say they love young@heart chorus

yet everyone you will ever meet would not ordinarily want to watch old people doing anything.

ahhahh fuck all the empty heads
it's all a bunch of lip-service to an idea.


Destroyed 04.14.2008 03:45 PM

Yeah, that video is awesome. Their version of Schizoprenia fucking rules. Almost as good as the original.

atari 2600 04.14.2008 03:50 PM


people act as if it's magically wonderful;
i think people like it simply because it gives them an avenue to relate to their elders respectfully.

whatever floats your boat
(people say it gives the songs new meanings; if you're that dumb, and this is what it takes then i guess so be it)

for the record, i do not hate the young@heart chorus; i don't see their act as being all that good either though.
& i just am a bit skeptical of just about anything that everyone professes to like.

you can all return to fucking and sucking yourselves now. And remember to buy Juno when it comes out on dvd, poseurs!

atari 2600 04.14.2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by badgercorn
It's weird enough that they're doing that song in the first place, but the "ah ah ah ah ah" bit.. where the hell did that come from??

It's not "weird," it's contrived as fuck. Weird-for-the-sake-of-weird.

avantgarde1 04.14.2008 06:22 PM

man yr a grumpy fucker.

atari 2600 04.14.2008 08:01 PM


Do Young@Heart Chorus write and perform their own songs?
Are Young@Heart Chorus even recording artists?
Does anyone sit around and listen to this stuff?
Isn't it really a goof?
Isn't it really in a sense just a way to laugh with old people instead of directly at them?
And in the end, isn't this new doc just some ingenious marketer's ploy to offer up some feelgood fodder?

The original BBC documentary was called "Young at Heart." Since then, as we know, this a cappella cover group novelty act has taken flight on the internet, and the latest documentary movie has been titled "Young@Heart" for the sake of synergy with its online popularity.

Now, again, it's not that I find this destestable completely. No doubt there's plenty of entertainment of some fashion to be found in the soon-to-be-realesed-in-the-U.S. docu-reality-thingie. But what is particularly questionable is all the people who write in hyperbole as if this is the greatest thing ever.

A couple of the people die in the movie and I suppose death will be dealt with too. That's what makes me hopeful, but also makes me cringe. The thought of the real deaths of these old people being possibly marginalized in reality tv fashion sickens me. That's what I really meant earlier about exploting their pathos for a buck. I haven't seen it, mind you, but I do see a trend in documentaries getting more and more loose with the form for entertainment value.

avantgarde1 04.14.2008 08:06 PM

i think their cover of schizophrenia and that coldplay song are alright actually. their not the second coming or anything, but i don't mind it. and i usually hate old people.

atari 2600 04.14.2008 08:09 PM

Yeah, it's alright...
good...well, not really
alright...yeah, sure


Originally Posted by me (again)

for the record, i do not hate the young@heart chorus; i don't see their act as being all that good either though.

avantgarde1 04.14.2008 08:26 PM

yeah but you spent a whole lotta time bitching about it. i think maybe you should relax or something. have a stiff drink. lord knows i'm gonna after work.

atari 2600 04.14.2008 08:40 PM

I don't spend a whole lot of time here anymore.


You, however, do spend a lot of time here.

So maybe think about not projecting your own shit on to me per the imp of perpetual boredom that haunts these pages.

In fact, maybe you can think about steering clear of me and I'll continue to do the same.

avantgarde1 04.14.2008 08:56 PM

lol, man yr mean. i meant you spend alot of time complaining about things on here, and you always type like 3 paragraphs. can't you ever just say "man that sucks"? and yes i do spend alot of time on here, because i'm at work and there is nothing better to do, as soon as i'm off i dont' get back on till i'm at work the next day.

drrrtyboots 04.15.2008 05:48 AM

They're the coolest elderly group of people i've ever seen on the internet.

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