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demonrail666 02.18.2007 08:55 AM

A bGuilty Pleasure: That album that whilst you know it's not 'great' you just love.
What's that CD in your collection that, given your overall taste, you should HATE but that for whatever reason you find yourself listening to a lot more than other more 'worthy' discs in you collection.

In my case it has to be Green Day's American Idiot. Yes it's pompous, yes it's misguided sincerity is laughable, but for some reason I kind of love it.

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 09:39 AM

why so much mention of green day today??????

my guilty pleasure...

gary numan- pleasure principle
fleetwood mac- tusk
depeche mode- violator (not really a guilty pleasure cuz it is a fine record)
duran duran- the first 3 albums (duran / rio / 7 and the ragged tiger)
prince- lovesexy / sign o the times / parade
aha- scoundrel days
sonic youth- rather ripped (har har har!!)

Danny Himself 02.18.2007 10:58 AM

I have all of the Smashing Pumpkins albums. I love them, but I feel a little ashamed to play them now and then. Same with the Stone Roses.

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 11:04 AM

stone roses and smash punmps have one thing in common.. their first album was a classic and the rest suck!

atari 2600 02.18.2007 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
why so much mention of green day today??????, haha, well, because, you know...because they are a bunch of kids...hence the farts of apprec. for Green Day.
I agree that Gish may be best, but Siamese Dream is still good...although I'll put on one of these way before any Smashing Pumpkins get any playtime...

Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656

my guilty pleasure...

gary numan- pleasure principle
fleetwood mac- tusk
depeche mode- violator (not really a guilty pleasure cuz it is a fine record)
duran duran- the first 3 albums (duran / rio / 7 and the ragged tiger)
prince- lovesexy / sign o the times / parade
aha- scoundrel days
sonic youth- rather ripped (har har har!!)

(My short list would be somewhat similiar to yours, Paul.)

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 11:26 AM

maybe im being too harsh on siamese dream. havent heard it in about 10 years. i may dust it off and listen again..

eye uuused too beee a lilllll boye..................... actualyy no, i wont!

atari 2600 02.18.2007 11:33 AM

As a teen, I did actually hate this one after Purple Rain came out. No one understood at the time what the motivation could be to release this album, for little did we realize that it is quite the flourish of genius. Now, I find it to be His Royal Badness' best platter bar none:


And I did, for a time, actually hate this next one because it seemed just too poppy and too sample-heavy. I would think to myself, what's the deal with Elliot Easton getting even more buried in the mix? The year was '84 and MTV seemed to be out to kill good music, and The Cars seemed their latest victim. Now, I realize this one is, for the most part at least, a delight:

Danny Himself 02.18.2007 11:38 AM

People tell me I should be ashamed of owning Prince records but I don't really see why.

I hate to Purple Rain on their parades.

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 11:48 AM

prince rules... prince before grafitti bridge!!!!

atari 2600 02.18.2007 11:58 AM

Well, The Revolution are quite the rhythm & blues, rock 'n' roll funkmeisters themselves...his best stuff is definitely with them, his first band.
The the only one I somewhat like post-Graffiti Bridge ("Thieves in the Temple" being the sole highlight of that one), is the "symbol" album; "7" is a good pop tune he did for the greatest hits.

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 12:03 PM

jeez, forgot about theives in the temple...... gonna root that one out too whenever i look for siamese dream!

LifeDistortion 02.18.2007 02:40 PM

I think to some extent my entire music collection is one big guilty pleasure.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 02.18.2007 03:21 PM

snow - 12 inches of snow

luxinterior 02.18.2007 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
I think to some extent my entire music collection is one big guilty pleasure.

I don't know about guilt, but I do feel silly about mostly everything I like, because listening to music is sort of a silly way to spend one's time. Often I have to stop and ask myself why I'm wasting my life bothering with music, and why I'm not doing something more productive and all that jazz. And then I go through phases where I try to take up some new hobby, but it never works out because I'm not very talented.

It's sort of like that one time my art teacher found out that I liked The Birthday Party, and he didn't believe me at first because I look like I'm about 12 years old on a good day, and then he wanted to talk to me about The Birthday Party, but I feel really stupid talking about The Birthday Party and pretty much all other music. Even with people who I know wouldn't mind being talked to about those things.

Which in turn reminds me of when I was probably 8 years old and all my friends were into buying CDs, and I really wanted to buy a CD too, except I was too afraid to tell my mom that I wanted her to take me to Music Biz so I could buy a CD, so I just never brought it up. Because even if my mom had said yes, I was too afraid to go into the actual store and pick out a CD and bring it to the checkout counter. Music has embarrassed me my whole life. It has always seemed really, really silly. I mean I honestly wish I had a number of other interests to focus on, but I only have maybe a few others that involve even a less amount of fun than listening to music.

Two music-related things I will talk about without reserve are: the show "Nashville Star" and Marilyn Manson.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 02.18.2007 05:20 PM

i dont really feel guilty about anything i like, but i really enjoy rocking out to:


and pretty much all the top 40 rap

demonrail666 02.18.2007 05:46 PM

I think it's about time we faced facts and recognised the brilliance of Bruce Springsteen.

ZEROpumpkins 02.19.2007 02:37 AM

I just skimmed my CD collection and the albums that are considered "not great" I dislike anyway.

porkmarras 02.19.2007 04:56 AM

The only band that i can think of as consistently shit right now is The Libertines but i like a couple of their songs.It's no shame,though.Why would anyone should feel ashamed to like a song,now?

sonicl 02.19.2007 05:04 AM

I love pretty much everything that Sugababes, Atomic Kitten and Girls Aloud have released, but I feel no guilt over it.

I feel guilt over liking of some of Robbie Williams' stuff though, as I feel that if I (and countless others) didn't like it he'd never have ended up in the situation where he's had to go into rehab because of his inability to handle his popularity. (This is posted with tongue very firmly in cheek)

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