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_slavo_ 02.20.2014 11:42 AM

My recent live set - listen and give me feedback

I havent't shared any of my music lately, so it's time to reconsider.

This is my last live set (I played it last Saturday on a local festival). It's almost purely analog drone, with just minor digital touches here and there, plus manipulated vocals through software. It was loud as fuck when I played it. I enjoyed myself.

Tell me what you think. Any feedback appreciated.

Bytor Peltor 02.20.2014 01:35 PM

Listening to it now and it sounds fantastic to me. I hear what sounds to me like bottles around the 13 minute mark, how did you create that sound?

A MP3 hook up would be appreciated : )

Rob Instigator 02.20.2014 02:07 PM

jesus christie slavo. you need to get to working on avant garde film scores man. Enjoyed hearing this while at lunch. helped me detach from the work day.

_slavo_ 02.20.2014 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Listening to it now and it sounds fantastic to me. I hear what sounds to me like bottles around the 13 minute mark, how did you create that sound?

A MP3 hook up would be appreciated : )

do you mean that rather quiet looped sound in the background? that's a sample, granulated through Audiomulch software.
thanks for kind words.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.20.2014 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_

I havent't shared any of my music lately, so it's time to reconsider.

This is my last live set (I played it last Saturday on a local festival). It's almost purely analog drone, with just minor digital touches here and there, plus manipulated vocals through software. It was loud as fuck when I played it. I enjoyed myself.

sounds a shit better than Thurston's latest single we all unanimously shit on ;)

I enjoyed it. Ambient. Meditative yet inspiring. I especially like when it goes more "chaotic" towards the middle. What I think its missing is something more fierce and guttural. Like maybe run more of those ambient strings through a distortion filter to add some teeth (like you did from 9:50-11:03)? Also, maybe use a deeper flange to add to that "whooshing" sound? It could just be me, I like fierceness in my ambient soundscapes.

In other words..

feedback appreciated.

_slavo_ 02.20.2014 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
sounds a shit better than Thurston's latest single we all unanimously shit on ;)

I enjoyed it. Ambient. Meditative yet inspiring. I especially like when it goes more "chaotic" towards the middle. What I think its missing is something more fierce and guttural. Like maybe run more of those ambient strings through a distortion filter to add some teeth (like you did from 9:50-11:03)? Also, maybe use a deeper flange to add to that "whooshing" sound? It could just be me, I like fierceness in my ambient soundscapes.

In other words..

great, fantastic! thanks for your feedback :). I'm having a minor issue with my computer lately (the new version of OSX doesn't properly recognize any of my soundcards) and hence I can't use Ableton to its full extent and was pretty limited in terms of software usage. Also, my analog synth is only 4track, thus it was quite a challenge to build up the whole liveset on them.

SonicBebs 02.20.2014 03:32 PM

man, i fucking love "in white rooms" so i'm looking forward to this

will let you know...

SonicBebs 02.20.2014 03:51 PM

thats really nice, i love the "bleeps" at the begining

listening to the rest of your sundcloud now

_slavo_ 02.21.2014 06:57 AM

thanks man

A Thousand Threads 03.02.2014 06:35 AM

I like the beginning, there's a nice krauty touch to it (that phased sounds probably)
The dissolution bits around 6-8min are cool. But some of the sounds around minute 8 do sound a bit weird (like answering machine or telephone).
At 9:40 it gets really interesting. I like the seething soundscape in the background that gets a bit louder at that point. Sounds like Mephisto making butter-popcorn. The metal-clashing samples are nice too.
Maybe it could get a bit more harsh and nasty, so that this more smooth and quite part that gets introduced around minute 12 is more of a contrast?
I like the bubbling sounds around 14, when i close my eyes, it's a tiny helicopter that tries to lift that dead mouse that's been lying in the corner of my room that i'm too afraid to touch.
+ it kinda reminds my Bruce Haacks Electric Luficer Book 2.
Oh no, helicopter is going away.
I like the ending, not too sure about those short scratching sounds around 16:30

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