porkmarras |
01.23.2007 10:42 AM |
Slowdive rare and b-sides
These are Slowdive's rare and b-sides in MP3 format as posted on their mailinglist by Agent Cooper. Send him a note and tell him what a great guy he is! I "stole" the discography data from Erik Söderström's site. Check it out for more detailed information!
Also, I added the Beach Song flexi disc songs that Jason Selby 'mp3'ed' here. Thanks Jason!
Some people on the mailing list made some great compilations of Rare and Live material. The first one was done by Mark Stancombe, and I am not so sure who made the other two. But Travis Salisburyput them together nicely on his site. So go there and check it out!
Since the Oslo Concert is floating around on the web as well, I decided to give it some permanent web space as well. If somebody else did it, please let me know and I'll just create a link here. I forgot who mp3'd it and from whom I got it, so I cannot credit you here - sorry! Enjoy ...