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sonikold 04.16.2006 01:48 AM

Can, Goddammit
haven't heard anyone on here talk about this band. i think they are catching up to SY as one of my favorite bands. besides having the best drummer of any krautrock, the rest of the musicians are super tight and groove. plus damo's an awesome singer. who else loves this band?

oh, and i can put up some rare/live stuff if there's any demand for it...

krastian 04.16.2006 01:56 AM

I think there are some pretty big Can fans on here.

Onani Nic 04.16.2006 05:29 AM

I love Can although i don't have enough of their stuff, too many good bands not enough money.

Tago Mago is one of my favourite albums ever.

Monster Movie is also great but doesn't feature Damo on vocals.

johnnywinternoshow 04.16.2006 06:14 AM


I love that album, it's fucking great in a dark room with no distractions, it's also fantastic on mushrooms, me and my girlfriend were writing down all sorts of shit listening to peking-o trying to decipher what damo was saying, 'papa wouldn't eat' I think we decided on in the end.

The first time I heard that jibberish freakout on that song I knew this band was for me.

Future days is a good album too, more chilled though. I have a malcolm mooney album but it wasn't anywhere near as interesting as the damo suzuki stuff

A Thousand Threads 04.16.2006 08:43 AM

what to say,

one of the most important bands ever

it´s kind of strange, am i the only one who doesn´t like TAgo Mago that much?
I prefer Monster Movie and (damn, i cant remember the correct name) Edges Byem ?!!? Something like that
and Delay 19??
fuck, i suck in remembering names

well, CAN is one of my favourite bands ever,
also the very first sessions are pretty sweet

xpresswaytoyrskull 04.16.2006 10:05 AM

Check out their DVD for amazing live performances. Malcolm Mooney has some stuff out on Unfortunate Miracle Records. Damon Suzuki just put out a new album of live material I believe.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 04.16.2006 10:38 AM

Damo Suzuki with Cul De Sac is pretty good.

The only Damo Suzuki lyric I have ever made out is "I'm so green"

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 04.16.2006 10:44 AM

I picked up monster movie used a couple of years ago, and never followed it up with anything. I really dug it though.

sonikold 04.16.2006 11:34 AM

i always forget damo doesn't sing on monster movie because a lot of it sounds just like him. i really like future days, ege bamyasi & TM. i love acidhead krauts shouting broken english, but damo is totally sweeter than all of them.

anyone want a live '71 show? it's pretty killer.

etertiena 04.16.2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by sonikold
i always forget damo doesn't sing on monster movie because a lot of it sounds just like him. i really like future days, ege bamyasi & TM. i love acidhead krauts shouting broken english, but damo is totally sweeter than all of them.

anyone want a live '71 show? it's pretty killer.

i'd like that show. yeah, they're great. monster movie has malcolm mooney singing on it...anyone remember that band the mooney suzuki? they have to get their name from that. wierd story about malcolm mooney is that he left the band after having a mental breakdown mid performance, stuck screaming "UPSTAIRS, DOWNSTAIRS". ha.

Everyneurotic 04.16.2006 11:57 AM

yes yes!!!

i'd like a '71 show!!!

The 97th Hammer 04.16.2006 12:06 PM

Tago Mago is one of my fave albums ever. I've had a copy for nearly five years and it's yet to get old. I just wish I'd nabbed a copy of the vinyl re-issue when I could.

sonikold 04.16.2006 01:01 PM

here's some Ostara presents for you:
Mother Sky- Live 6/71
1. standing so high
2. bring me coffee or tea
3. i don't care
4. mother sky
5. spoon


1.uphill (extended mono mix)
2.father cannot yell (original demo)
3. little star of bethlehem (alt take
4. melting away ('68)
5. voice changer ('72)
6. shikakru maru ten
7. turtles have short legs
8. bring me coffee or tea (live)
9. doko e (full version)

hey alex 04.16.2006 01:48 PM

thanks sonikold

I'm easing into can... Like i have tago mago which I do agree kicks ass on shrooms (so does murray street). I love the mushroom song, "i was born, when I was dead, i was born, mushroomhead.' ace. Other than tago mago I've heard future days once and wanna hear ege bemylist (or wahtever)/ I'd like to get them on LP, but their like 25$ a pop for a single disc, tis bogus.

nomadicfollower 04.16.2006 01:53 PM

Ege Bamyasi is genius.
Father Cannot Yell is one of my favorite songs of all time.
Tago Mago is pretty good, but not my favorite.
I have Future Days but I haven't listened to it enough to really decide what I think about it.

Glice 04.17.2006 02:13 PM

Can are a fantastic band who I like a lot and are good and I like them and it is a shame that one of them died but then they haven't realy been together for a while and Halleluwah is one of my favourite drum solos and they are good and I like them and they are good. Can, that is. Yes.

Kallisti23chaos 04.17.2006 04:29 PM

i absolutely am in love with Can also.
thanx sonikold for the hits.
i have 9 CAN albums
1. CAN
2. Cannibalism i
3.Ege Bamyasi
4.Future Days
5.Monster Movie
6.Soon Over Babaluma
8.Tago Mago
9. Unlimited Edition.
Is there any other albums i should have or get ??

Kallisti23chaos 04.18.2006 04:01 AM

Can Rarities

Originally Posted by sonikold
haven't heard anyone on here talk about this band. i think they are catching up to SY as one of my favorite bands. besides having the best drummer of any krautrock, the rest of the musicians are super tight and groove. plus damo's an awesome singer. who else loves this band?

oh, and i can put up some rare/live stuff if there's any demand for it...

I just got the Live 71 show downloaded, but i keep having trouble with the rarities. I got 5 songs from the show. If you could please use yousendit maybe it would work out better for me, if there is no trouble for you.
I would LOVE to have any rare CAN stuff.
Thanx again for the live 71 show. that was a real score for me.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 04.18.2006 12:35 PM

I love Tago Mago. And Ege Bamyasi is becoming one of my favorites. It's like the perfect mix of Hendrix, Miles, and Stockhausen. Sort of.

Neongod 04.18.2006 03:12 PM

Radiohead did a great cover of The Thief on the last tour. That's about all I've heard (I checked out the original). Can they be compared to any other groups to give me an idea?

Inhuman 04.18.2006 03:21 PM

CAN is amazing, I have Tago Mago. I haven't given it a spin in a while, I'll have to dig it up sometime soon

pao-lino 04.19.2006 04:39 AM

can rocked!
they have an incredible story... like the japanese singer that they met on the streets and the same night they were playing together and then after a few years he dropped the band to join watchtower!

the song spoon is amazing, one of my fave ever. it really confirms sonic youth liked them a lot (see I don't want to push it!)

sonikold 04.19.2006 03:20 PM

i think radiohead likes can a lot too- tago mago has some moments thaat are totally RH- esp. the drumming and some of the crazy noises.

sonikold 04.20.2006 01:39 AM

Rare and Unreleased Vol 1 (Part One)
(Part Two)

Kallisti23chaos 04.20.2006 10:46 PM

Can Rarities

Originally Posted by sonikold
Rare and Unreleased Vol 1 (Part One)
(Part Two)

Thanx alot my sonikold brother * I just started the parts..
heres to you******:)

RIPfrey05 04.20.2006 11:17 PM

mark ibold has a can sticker on his bass..i cant find the picture..

Everyneurotic 04.21.2006 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by sonikold
i think radiohead likes can a lot too- tago mago has some moments thaat are totally RH- esp. the drumming and some of the crazy noises.

they've said in interviews that among their influences on their music from kid a on, a big one is can. along with remain in light-era talking heads and autechre.

they are big fans

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