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schizophrenicroom 01.05.2007 04:18 PM

the final countdown
what do you think the end of the world will be like, the one day where everything ends?

i think that it'll be a THROWDOWN between star jones and chuck norris over the last cup of pudding left after the massive nuclear holocaust started by oprah in her quest for world domination. it'll split the earth in half, destroy our gravitational fields and et cetera, blow up the earth, and that'll be the end of our existence.



compulsive diarrhea, jico 01.05.2007 04:23 PM



SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.05.2007 04:27 PM

I don't know if I believe there will be a humankind ending apocalypse. The more advanced we get the smaller the chance.

Pending apocalypse is only one translation of the book of Revelation. (no rhyme intended.)

cryptowonderdruginvogue 01.05.2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by compulsive diarrhea, jico


Exactly what i was thinking

schizophrenicroom 01.05.2007 04:40 PM

that's what i was listening to when i made this thread, hence the title.

James Blonde 01.06.2007 09:08 AM

James Blonde says there's not much to celebrate about, wrestling isn't good for body.

nomadicfollower 01.06.2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
The more advanced we get the smaller the chance.

The more we blindly advance ourselves - that is, without much concern for the Earth or others - the more ways are created in which we can destroy ourselves. But, coming at it from your way, the more we advance ourselves the more aware we become. Knowledge is recognition.
The end of mankind is something, as of now, that I can't really predict, but me being distrustful I'd like to think we will cause it.

val-holla-ing 01.06.2007 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by compulsive diarrhea, jico


words can't express how much i hate that fucking song.

SynthethicalY 01.06.2007 12:43 PM

I thought this was a thread to discuss, Keith's Olberman The final Countdown. Was I dissapointed.

Bastian 01.06.2007 01:44 PM

There will be no end of the world. Well, there will be, but only in a couple of million years, when the sun swallows earth, but mankind will not be limited to earth at that point, so it doesn't matter.

The cold war almost killed us, but nowaday, risk is much lower to have an planetwide overkill. There might be a few smaller nuclear wars in the next future, but only with "limited" casulties. Neither China, nor Russia nor the USA will go for the all-out nuclear attack that is needed to get rid of the human race once and for all.

Bastian 01.06.2007 01:54 PM

Oh, and there is of course the risk of an astroid impact. We will hopefully be able to deal with such a thing in the near future.

Grete 01.06.2007 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
Exactly what i was thinking

me too:D

Malachi_Constant 01.06.2007 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bastian
There will be no end of the world. Well, there will be, but only in a couple of million years, when the sun swallows earth, but mankind will not be limited to earth at that point, so it doesn't matter.

The cold war almost killed us, but nowaday, risk is much lower to have an planetwide overkill. There might be a few smaller nuclear wars in the next future, but only with "limited" casulties. Neither China, nor Russia nor the USA will go for the all-out nuclear attack that is needed to get rid of the human race once and for all.

Dude, you'd better fuckin' knock on wood. Right now. Do it. Don't go tempting fate.

Seriously, though, I joke about the end of the world on a near daily basis, pretty much every time I turn on the news. We could go by global warming, worldwide suicide (I know, fuck Pearl Jam, but the term just fit), meteorite, pandemic, epic stingray uprising, you name it. I wouldn't completely write off the possibility, but I also wouldn't get too obsessive over it. If it's gonna happen, fine, best we can do is whatever we can, within our individual powers, to squash the bullshit (political, social, etc...) around us and encourage the people we know and/or meet to do the same in turn and just hope for the best. Badly worded sentiment, perhaps, but I think the idea's in there somewhere.

James Blonde 01.07.2007 09:51 AM

James Blonde will say then jusqu'ici tout va bien... jusqu'ici tout va bien.

HaydenAsche 01.07.2007 11:36 AM

As the world is burning Cat Power and her band will continue playing. Titanic style bitch.

porkmarras 01.07.2007 11:40 AM

I've been told that i'll die in my sleep but i can't remember who told me that in the first place.

HaydenAsche 01.07.2007 11:43 AM

Maybe I did.

porkmarras 01.07.2007 11:48 AM

Teenage perv!

Glice 01.07.2007 12:21 PM

Glice is curious as to why James Blonde talks about himself in the third person. Glice decides, on second thoughts, that it's probably not important. Bono will bring about the decline of humans. Mark my words.

porkmarras 01.07.2007 12:23 PM

I see that on a fit of madness you decided to disagree with your signature now.James Blonde,he can fuck right off.

Inhuman 01.08.2007 01:04 AM

I often think about the end of the world. I personally think that humans will destroy it purposely. We've had 2 world wars in the past century and now we have bush getting in the way of things still. It only takes 16 nuclear bombs to blow up every corner of the planet. And global warming is making a noticable difference every year. I think the world will end within my own lifetime


Originally Posted by Glice
Glice is curious as to why James Blonde talks about himself in the third person. Glice decides, on second thoughts, that it's probably not important. Bono will bring about the decline of humans. Mark my words.

"You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, and I am a shitty reputation system"

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