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sonikold 01.04.2007 05:06 PM

2 Reasons Not to Listen to Devenra Banhart...



marc and donavan. devendra's a little twat. need i say more?

compulsive diarrhea, jico 01.04.2007 05:10 PM

i like marc bolan, and he's one of the greatest and best influences in his music so... i make that a good reason to listen him.

k-krack 01.04.2007 10:16 PM

...Who cares who he's influenced by? Devendra's rad.

schizophrenicroom 01.04.2007 10:17 PM

i like devendra.

drrrtyboots 01.04.2007 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
...Who cares who he's influenced by? Devendra's rad.

Agreed. If someone's influences make you change your perception on them then you're musically retarded.

Norma J 01.04.2007 10:24 PM

It's spelt Donovan. And I don't mind Devendra Banhart. I have one of his albums. It's a hard listen. It's like 20 odd songs recorded on his 4 track. Some weird shit on there.

Donovan is cool.

Inhuman 01.04.2007 10:35 PM

I've hearsd a ot about then,/him, bur mever heard the stuff

drrrtyboots 01.04.2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
I've hearsd a ot about then,/him, bur mever heard the stuff

If you like folk with a bit of a modern twist, check him out. (if you're talking about Devendrea Banhart that is)

Inhuman 01.04.2007 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
If you like folk with a bit of a modern twist, check him out. (if you're talking about Devendrea Banhart that is)

Sounds cool. I've been meaning to getinto more folkish type stuff as well!

drrrtyboots 01.04.2007 10:39 PM

Folk is a wonderful thing.

Inhuman 01.04.2007 11:26 PM

For sure. I jsut ogot a folk anthology not too long ago and it's 6 discs long

drrrtyboots 01.04.2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
For sure. I jsut ogot a folk anthology not too long ago and it's 6 discs long


!@#$%! 01.05.2007 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by sonikold



marc and donavan. devendra's a little twat. need i say more?

those pictures? what??

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.05.2007 01:17 AM

You know, Marc Bolan looks a lot like my Mom. A LOT like my Mom. Scarily.

Maybe if my Dad dies and David Bowie's wife dies . . .

sonicl 01.05.2007 04:19 AM

I liked Devendra when I first saw him, doing a solo support slot to Michael Gira, but the appeal wore off pretty quick. As with all things that are "quirky" it didn't take too long for his voice to become irritating.

porkmarras 01.05.2007 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
If you like folk with a bit of a modern twist, check him out. (if you're talking about Devendrea Banhart that is)

Where is the modern twist in Devendra Banhart's music?The fact that he recorded an album through a telephone line?

_slavo_ 01.05.2007 05:05 AM

I like Devendra, and I'm pretty amused by the fact that he's becoming 'not cool anymore'.

I'm pretty sure this will soon happen to all them Wolf Eyes and Hair Police and Sunburned Hands.

It's all just hype, isn't it?

atari 2600 01.05.2007 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by compulsive diarrhea, jico
i like marc bolan, and he's one of the greatest and best influences in his music so... i make that a good reason to listen him.

communication breakdown,
Its always the same,
Im having a nervous breakdown,
Drive me insane!

atari 2600 01.05.2007 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
those pictures? what??

What? What? Where am I? What's going on here? I'm lost. Please kowtow to me and explain, you cracker.:eek: My name is !@#$%!, and I can't be bothered to grasp the gist of your meaning. What?

atsonicpark 01.07.2007 04:04 AM

at least shit's better than that joanna newsom shit.

PAULYBEE2656 01.07.2007 06:59 AM

stupid thread stupid arguement. cant agree with it at all.........

Everyneurotic 01.07.2007 02:08 PM

everybody stop listening to sunn o)))!!!!! they are a copy of earth!!!!!
same with lightning bolt!!!!!! they are ripping off ruins!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isis is are just recycling neurosis' shit!!!!!

sonikold 01.07.2007 03:51 PM

devendra is the shittiest live act i have ever seen. about as exciting as a bucket of dead fish. he sucks, and so does his gimmick. i can't understand why anyone would waste their time and money on this shite when they could be listening to "my people were fair and had stars in their hair..."

luxinterior 01.07.2007 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by sonikold
devendra is the shittiest live act i have ever seen. about as exciting as a bucket of dead fish. he sucks, and so does his gimmick. i can't understand why anyone would waste their time and money on this shite when they could be listening to "my people were fair and had stars in their hair..."

Maybe because it's "sky," not "stars." That comes later, dildo.

dnorsen 01.07.2007 06:35 PM

i am a fan of devendra. first saw him a couple years back just before the transformation to the live electric band that features one of my good friends from home on drums, been into him ever since... one of the few acts my fiance lets me play in the car without hassling!

tesla69 01.08.2007 10:54 AM

He needs to take a bath and wash his hair.

cellscape 01.09.2007 12:08 PM

I like Devendra although I have to be in the mood for his voice and silliness. I saw him live and it was ok. I was just pissed he only played 1 hr 20 minutes which included only 6 songs off the new album and letting to idiots from the audience play live up on the stage half way through. I really like Vetiver a lot more(a lot more). Seen him to(Andy) and he was great. One of my favorite releases last year.

Savage Clone 01.09.2007 12:13 PM

An hour and 20 minutes is a pretty long set to me.

Vetiver were a little too coffeeshoppy sounding for me. Pleasant, but not particularly memorable.
Plus the guy was one of those "barefoot onstage" guys. For some reason that always drives me crazy. I don't know why.

!@#$%! 01.09.2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Plus the guy was one of those "barefoot onstage" guys. For some reason that always drives me crazy. I don't know why.

unacknowledged lust?? :p

Savage Clone 01.09.2007 01:44 PM


Rob Instigator 01.09.2007 02:07 PM

i'd rather hear a girl who oplays harp sing that way than a guy named davandra anyday

Rob Instigator 01.09.2007 02:08 PM

pussy shit is pussy shit, I'd just prefer it if the perpetrator of said pussy shit had a pussy

(sufjan stevens I am looking at you you dumb shit fuck)

cellscape 01.09.2007 02:18 PM

an hour and 20 minute set isn't so long when you play one Vetiver song, one song that another touring band member wrote, and two terrible songs from audience members. I get annoyed when Sonic Youth plays so much new stuff and only a few old songs but I expected Devendra to at least play more than a third of his album. Plus I drove over two hours to see the show. I wouldn't do it again.

I can't say coffee shop sounding and barefooted are very credible criticisms to me. When I've seen him play he looked like his was dressed in consignment clothes, but he had shoes on and wasn't in a coffee shop like when I saw Six Organs.

Savage Clone 01.09.2007 02:51 PM

What I meant by "coffeeshop sounding" was just that it was a very "safe" example of the genre, and not really all that distinctive. Not really offering anything new, but pleasant enough listening. I would say the same of the likes of Marissa Nadler. Well recorded and well played, but not that exciting to my ears and a little too sweet.
Barefooted onstage is a completely prejudicial and inconsequential criticism though. Definitely my own problem.

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