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cryptowonderdruginvogue 01.03.2007 03:35 PM

Last meals on Texas' death row

death row for the win

cuetzpalin 01.03.2007 03:45 PM

can they give you some drugs too before it?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 01.03.2007 03:51 PM

doubt it

cuetzpalin 01.03.2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
doubt it


cuetzpalin 01.03.2007 03:58 PM

i still can't see the reason why is the death penalty still allowed in some american states

cryptowonderdruginvogue 01.03.2007 04:12 PM

cause its the only way to deal with certain people.

jon boy 01.03.2007 04:13 PM

no its not.

Savage Clone 01.03.2007 04:20 PM

It's one of the problems with democracy being a "majority rule" situation. The majority of people in certain states vote to keep this practice going. This kind of thing is also what makes amendments banning gay marriage in perpetuity. When the majority of people are wilfully blind and stupid, they vote for stupid laws.
It is about vengeance. Anyone who says it is about deterrence is a fool.
Statistically, it is not a deterrent at all.
It is also far more expensive to go through the legal processes involved in putting someone to death than it is to keep them in prison for life, which is arguably more "punishment" than a quick death anyway.

Outmoded thinking from a bygone age.

As for the "victims rights" crowd, I say this:
If we are going to keep the death penalty in the name of "victims rights," I say the victim should have to do the actual killing if they want it to happen at all. Some will choose to do it, some won't. Some will regret their decision afterwards and some won't. They will all have to live with their decisions, and they will all have had the chance for "vengeance."

This of course will never happen. Makes too much sense. It also calls on people to take care of their own affairs, which they don't like to do when it gets messy.

compulsive diarrhea, jico 01.03.2007 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
cause its the only way to deal with certain people.

that's what murderers think!

accepting the dead penalty is being as dumb as they are.

Prisstina 01.03.2007 04:33 PM

Stop all your bickering and tell what YOUR last meal would be, eh?

cuetzpalin 01.03.2007 04:53 PM


cuetzpalin 01.03.2007 04:55 PM

ok, it would probably be a lot of frozen strawberries, champagne + cocaine (if allowed), lucky strike cigarettes etc. but i doubt that i wouldn't be able to eat anything..

Glice 01.03.2007 05:00 PM

I'd have a cyanide burger. "Ha, in your face, legal system" I should say as I ate my last.

fishmonkey 01.03.2007 05:14 PM

XL Big King Burger from Burger King.
Large Fries with some Garlic Sauce.
Diet... nahh fuck it Normal Coke (its me last meal right? why count calories)

fishmonkey 01.03.2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I'd have a cyanide burger. "Ha, in your face, legal system" I should say as I ate my last.

good fuckin idea!
kinda like how a rat jumps off a sinking ship and kills itself before the ship goes down.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.03.2007 06:47 PM

I'd have 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, seasoned curly fries, half a dozen fried chicken wings (spicy), an IBC, a Hooegarden, a Franziskaner, a baked sweet potato with butter, nutmeg, and cinnamon- pork fried rice, wonton soup, a slice of apple pie ala mode, a slice of pumpkin pie, some Chicken tikka masala, a gyro, 2 enchiladas, one of those Wendy's burgers with 2 patties of meat with bacon, cheese and jalapenos between it, a bratwurst, some kielbasa, pierogies, and lastly some brie cheese with some lance captain wafers.

Ooh, and swedish meatballs, lingonberries, and stove top stuffing.

And I would definitely be able to eat all of it.

pokkeherrie 01.03.2007 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by fishmonkey
XL Big King Burger from Burger King.
Large Fries with some Garlic Sauce.
Diet... nahh fuck it Normal Coke (its me last meal right? why count calories)

burger king, that's risky... imagine how you'd feel if they mixed up your order (like they normally tend to do) and you ended up with a whopper instead? or with barbeque sauce? or even worse, no sauce at all?

porkmarras 01.03.2007 07:10 PM

I'd eat so slowly and chew every crumb i'd drop on the floor until they'd lose it and shoot me instead.

compulsive diarrhea, jico 01.03.2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'd have 3 slices of pepperoni pizza, chicken fried steak, gravy, mashed potatoes, seasoned curly fries, half a dozen fried chicken wings (spicy), an IBC, a Hooegarden, a Franziskaner, a baked sweet potato with butter, nutmeg, and cinnamon- pork fried rice, wonton soup, a slice of apple pie ala mode, a slice of pumpkin pie, some Chicken tikka masala, a gyro, 2 enchiladas, one of those Wendy's burgers with 2 patties of meat with bacon, cheese and jalapenos between it, a bratwurst, some kielbasa, pierogies, and lastly some brie cheese with some lance captain wafers.

Ooh, and swedish meatballs, lingonberries, and stove top stuffing.

And I would definitely be able to eat all of it.

if you eat all that, probably you will massively shit yourself while being electrocuted

....wait that's a good idea! do it!

finding nobody 01.03.2007 07:21 PM


One pot of coffee
Haha! emo

Prisstina 01.03.2007 08:43 PM

I would eat a shitload of pierogies & macaroni and cheese.

ploesj 01.04.2007 06:05 AM

i can't eat in stressy situations, so i wouldn't be able to do so anyway. i'd probably ask some water.

fishmonkey 01.04.2007 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
burger king, that's risky... imagine how you'd feel if they mixed up your order (like they normally tend to do) and you ended up with a whopper instead? or with barbeque sauce? or even worse, no sauce at all?

yeah, or you know whats worse, i have one of those faces that they think they can leave standing at the counter for fuckin ages! then after about 15 minutes they come alone and ask me if they can take my order, which i give them only to be left another fuckin 15 minutes waiting for me actual scran.

mad bastards. i love Burger King though, i have to admit.

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