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jon boy 12.21.2006 09:01 AM

whats with all the spam?
why has all the spam started to appear on some sections of the board?

it never used to happen on the old one. is it something to do with it being the d/l section and somehow things are being leaked?

porkmarras 12.21.2006 09:02 AM

It happens on a lot of forums.

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:03 AM

It's fucking ridiculous isn't it? I think there should be some sort of entrance exam, based on knowledge of Sonic Youth, to join the board.

jon boy 12.21.2006 09:05 AM

ok you start.

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:07 AM

Okay. What's the name of the track that makes up the second part of the trilogy on "Daydream Nation"?

jon boy 12.21.2006 09:12 AM


_slavo_ 12.21.2006 09:12 AM

erm.....Brother James?

aah, no, wait, ...Skip Tracer?

A Thousand Threads 12.21.2006 09:14 AM

no man
isnīt it Smells Like Teenage Riot?

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:16 AM

Which song covered by Sonic Youth was originally recorded by the band Crime, and on what album did SY release it?

jon boy 12.21.2006 09:41 AM

nefeli - was it everyone expept bob bert? but i dont know the brand.

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:45 AM

I don't think Steve's a smoker.

Tokolosh 12.21.2006 09:46 AM

There was an interview where Kim had a packet of Marlboro lying on the table next to her. Pointless info...

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:48 AM

I don't think Lee would smoke anything that you could buy in a tobacconist.

Tokolosh 12.21.2006 09:50 AM

At State-X, Lee asked the people directly in front of him to please stop smoking. No one did and I could see that he was a little pissed off. He's always got the fan on, so he gets a full frontal of carbon monoxide.

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:51 AM

I deleted this earlier because another question was ongoing, but now I'm reposting it because nefeli's gone looking for the answer:

On what label did Sonic Youth release the "official bootleg" of the John Peel session in which they recorded four Fall covers, and which song from that session was not originally written by The Fall?

jon boy 12.21.2006 09:52 AM

ian mackaye asked everyone in the audience at one gig to stop smoking and would not let anyone take pics or film him.

Tokolosh 12.21.2006 09:56 AM

In future, he should turn the fan around and give them a taste of their own medicine. :D

sonicl 12.21.2006 09:59 AM

Nefeli - it's not enough to say that you've found the answers.... You have to post them!

Women! :rolleyes:

jon boy 12.21.2006 10:04 AM

can i just clarify that bob bert said in confusion is next book that the first tour everyone smoked exept him. i should get my own section in the year book for that.

sonicl 12.21.2006 10:07 AM

Who were the four members of Sonic Youth when they played the Noise Fest festival at White Columns, New York, in 1981?

sonicl 12.21.2006 10:13 AM

Oooh... Well done!

Which track from the original vinyl version of Dirty was excluded from the original CD version?

jon boy 12.21.2006 10:17 AM

how many sy official albums have been recorded outside of new york?

sonicl 12.21.2006 10:19 AM


jon boy 12.21.2006 10:21 AM


sonicl 12.21.2006 10:25 AM

Not entirely sure, no. But I think that RR was recorded outside NY, and I think I remember reading that that was the second time they'd recorded at that particular studio...

sonicl 12.21.2006 10:40 AM

I've got that totally wrong, haven't I? Is my board membership going to be rescinded?

jon boy 12.21.2006 10:46 AM

yes yes it is and if you ever show your face around here again you will be given an extreme talking to by everyone you know.

sonicl 12.21.2006 10:49 AM

Okay. But before I go, what's the correct answer?

pokkeherrie 12.21.2006 12:30 PM

at least spammers are an easy way for spreading your reputation around.

anyway, either soncl's questions are really easy or i'm really a big sy nerd. ithe other questions are more difficult. i think the only album that may be completely recorded outside new york is washing machine (in memphis) but im not sure if they even for that one finished some stuff in new york. if i remember well then rather ripped is partly recorded in nyc and partly where kim and thurston live.

if i had to guess then i don't think any of them smoke nowadays... i think some of them used to do so though, but not steve.

porkmarras 12.21.2006 12:52 PM

But did you know that blah played with blah on blah day?I didn't blahed it up.If you take into consideration that blah was on the same blah as blah,i think that blah would make more sense.Blah?

pokkeherrie 12.21.2006 12:52 PM


porkmarras 12.21.2006 12:53 PM

blah blah!

Trasher02 12.21.2006 01:18 PM

This spam thing is out of control!
someone STOP IT!

Inhuman 12.21.2006 01:25 PM

Q: "out of all people, who does Porkmarras hate the most?"
A: "Americans"

that way we can keep it just to friends to join.

Glice 12.21.2006 01:26 PM

I would rather hope that the answer to that question would be Bono, as it should be for all people.

Inhuman 12.21.2006 01:30 PM


racehorse 12.21.2006 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
found the answer, but i cheated.


(and btw, which members are/used to be smokers and which brands do/did they smoke?)

winston light

jon boy 12.21.2006 02:16 PM

i can see lee with a cigar on his birthday. cant you?

jon boy 12.21.2006 03:22 PM

haha that would be steve or kim. yes kim smokes a pipe and thurston just gets on of those kids ones that blows bubbles.

Bastian 12.21.2006 03:25 PM

Hey, J.. how are ya?

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