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EyeballGrowth 12.14.2006 12:34 AM

New Butthole Surfers record in the making
according to Gibby Haynes. If that is true, it's the best news I've heard this milennium. Imagine seeing Sonic Youth with Butthole Surfers, or perhaps Flaming Lips. I got this info from wikipedia, and they were right about Meat Puppets.


( that's the Meat Puppets in their studio in October )

but yeah there's always the chance the Butthole Surfers new record is just a rumor. I sure hope not though.

HaydenAsche 12.14.2006 12:37 AM

I can't wait to dismiss this cd as shit.

Everyneurotic 12.14.2006 01:23 AM

the butthole surfers died after hairway to steven, then reunited to record "pepper" became millionaires and broke up again to form bands with johnny depp. fact. period.

Pookie 12.14.2006 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
the butthole surfers died after hairway to steven, then reunited to record "pepper" became millionaires and broke up again to form bands with johnny depp. fact. period.

They certainly did nothing of any worth after Hairway To Steven.

Let it rest Gibby.

sun city girl 12.14.2006 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
They certainly did nothing of any worth after Hairway To Steven.

Let it rest Gibby.

yeah, that's true.

actually widowermaker ep was pretty good, but that was '89...

PAULYBEE2656 12.14.2006 11:55 AM

i cant get overly excited about this at all.
as we are not gonna get a locust abortion or even a pioughd. just an independent worm saloon or heaven forbid another larryland. piss poor since the end of the 80s.

sonicl 12.14.2006 12:02 PM

Twenty years ago I would have got excited about a BS record being in the pipeline. But twenty years ago they weren't a bloated impersonation of themselves. Who's in the BS these days, anyway?

golden child 12.14.2006 01:23 PM

dunno whether to be excited or dissapointed...

and their "sellout" stuff isnt that bad...

sonikold 12.14.2006 02:21 PM

i'm hopeful about the new meat puppets album. is bostrom playing drums? i'm never sure if he's on good terms with the kirkwood bros.

we can hope that the surfers do something that is not like "the weird revolution", which was pretty boring. i will always treasure 'hairway to steven' as the album that permanently damaged my teenage punker brain and led me into the weird shit that i listen to today.

LittlePuppetBoy 12.14.2006 03:54 PM

no, Bostrom ain't playing drums. Tim Alexander of Primus is.

k-krack 12.14.2006 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by HaydenAsche
I can't wait to dismiss this cd as shit.

hahaha. From what I have heard of the Butthole Surfers, (which isn't alot, but it's enoguh) the musics pretty cool, but I can't see them progressing musically at all. I'm glad Death From Above 1979 saw theat they couldn't really progress much, so they broke up. Honourable.

Inhuman 12.14.2006 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by k-krack
I'm glad Death From Above 1979 saw theat they couldn't really progress much, so they broke up. Honourable.

I agree. I was playing DDN on the loudspeakers in the gym and some idiot turned it off and put DFA1979 on, not knowing that they were COMPLETELY BASED OFF OF Sonic Youth

k-krack 12.14.2006 04:04 PM

Hey, let's not knock DFA, bro! (If that's what yr doing, I'm not sure). Though I would pick DDN over DFA'79 anyday, DFA are one of my favourite Canadian bands... (shit, that's a long list though.) I'm just saying that it's cool that they ackowledged that they couldn't really take it any farther then they had, I mean, there's only so far you can go with a distorted bass, drums, and the odd vocoder throw in. Kick-ass album+ep's they made, though!

against_the_grain 12.14.2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
according to Gibby Haynes. If that is true, it's the best news I've heard this milennium. Imagine seeing Sonic Youth with Butthole Surfers, or perhaps Flaming Lips.

hahaha.....I DID see them with the Flaming Lips and the Stone Temple pilots in 1992 !! :D It was at the get this, Polish-American club 'beach' on a pond near Gardner, Massachusetts. The place was packed. Great show....

Hey....I even like Independent Worm Saloon a bunch !!! I guess it the BH's 'Rather Ripped' among hardcore fans...huh ?....:cool:

EyeballGrowth 12.14.2006 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
They certainly did nothing of any worth after Hairway To Steven.

Let it rest Gibby.

Uhh actually Pioughd and Independent Worm Saloon are both excellent. Pioughd was Hairway to Steven II as far as I'm concerned, especially for the awesome epic intro jam with the telephone sound effects at the very end just like the end of track 1 on Hairway to Steven. And Barking Dogs, Blind man, and that track with Gibby playing the saxaphone, come on, you know that was a good album.

Anyways, the reason I'm excited about it is because they may perform live again. I saw one of the last shows they ever did in 2001 and there were 2 drummers, gibby shredding pillows and lighting the drums on fire, strobes, men in bras, surgery footage, the whole 9 yards. And their setlist was ALL stuff from Psychic Powerless, Hairway, Locust, Rembrandt Pussyhorse, you name it, with like 2 songs from Weird Revolution obviously thrown in because that's the record they were touring off of. True, the Butthole Surfers last 2 albums were shit but don't knock them just because of that, their live shows top even the Flaming Lips in my opinion

Someone asked who was in the Butthole Surfers now a days, From Electric Larryland tour until they stopped playing live, it was Gibby Haynes, Paul Leary, and King Coffey as the core members, with 2 random guys to fill in for the 2nd drummer and bassplayer. I wouldn't see them though if they got rid of either Paul or King.

EyeballGrowth 12.14.2006 07:57 PM

I think we're gonna definitely do one. As tired as it sounds it's maybe like a real noise album, a Metal Machine Music, if you would. I don't know, we'll probably do that and then they'll accuse us of trying to imitate a fucking Radiohead, or something. I've no idea. But I can't see the Butthole Surfers really touring any time soon. I think we're gonna get together though and make a really noisy record.

Just found that from an interview with Gibby from last year.

Pookie 12.14.2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
Uhh actually Pioughd and Independent Worm Saloon are both excellent. Pioughd was Hairway to Steven II as far as I'm concerned, especially for the awesome epic intro jam with the telephone sound effects at the very end just like the end of track 1 on Hairway to Steven. And Barking Dogs, Blind man, and that track with Gibby playing the saxaphone, come on, you know that was a good album.

Anyways, the reason I'm excited about it is because they may perform live again. I saw one of the last shows they ever did in 2001 and there were 2 drummers, gibby shredding pillows and lighting the drums on fire, strobes, men in bras, surgery footage, the whole 9 yards. And their setlist was ALL stuff from Psychic Powerless, Hairway, Locust, Rembrandt Pussyhorse, you name it, with like 2 songs from Weird Revolution obviously thrown in because that's the record they were touring off of. True, the Butthole Surfers last 2 albums were shit but don't knock them just because of that, their live shows top even the Flaming Lips in my opinion

Someone asked who was in the Butthole Surfers now a days, From Electric Larryland tour until they stopped playing live, it was Gibby Haynes, Paul Leary, and King Coffey as the core members, with 2 random guys to fill in for the 2nd drummer and bassplayer. I wouldn't see them though if they got rid of either Paul or King.

I still maintain IWS and Pioughd are shadows of the former greatness of their earlier records. And the stage shows became tired and repetitive after a while; they lost their spontaneity. They were STILL setting their drums on fire in 2001? Double fucking yawn.

EyeballGrowth 12.14.2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
They were STILL setting their drums on fire in 2001? Double fucking yawn.

Uh yeah.... that's a Butthole Surfers concert for you.

Independent Worm Saloon is a fabulous record but I'll agree that it's not totally Butthole Surfers. Pioughd is though, it's the exact same Butthole Surfers, I believe it was their last album before they started to evolve as a band, unfortunately they evolved for the worse with Larryland.

Thomas Moronic 12.15.2006 05:56 AM

The chapter about the Butthole Surfers in the Michael Azerrad book made me laugh out loud:D

Androol 12.16.2006 04:20 AM

yup meat puppets live here in town now too.

Katy 12.16.2006 09:12 AM

I still love Gibby. Nothing he puts out can take away my love for him. Bit like Flea.

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